
Humans "hear" through their skin 人類透過皮膚來聽


A study found that inaudible puffs of air delivered alongside certain sounds influenced what participants thought they were listening to.


Writing in the journal Nature, the team said the findings showed that audio and visual clues were not the only important factors in how people hear. The findings may lead to better aids for the hard of hearing, experts said.


It is already well known that visual cues from a speaker’s face can enhance or interfere with how a person hears what is being said.


In the latest study, researchers at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver wanted to look at whether tactile sensations also affected how sounds are heard.


They compared sounds which when spoken are accompanied by a small inaudible breath of air, such as "pa" and "ta" with sounds which do not such as "ba" and "da". At the same time, participants were given-or not-a small puff of air to the back of the hand or the neck.

他們比較說話時,伴隨聽不見的一小股空氣的「pa」、 「ta」等聲音,以及伴隨聽起來不像「ba」、 「da」的聲音;在此同時,又對參與者的手背或頸部吹或不吹一小股空氣。

They found that "ba" and "da", known as unaspirated sounds, were heard as the aspirated equivalents, "pa" and "ta", when presented alongside the puff of air.

他們發現,「ba」、 「da」等不送氣音,與空氣一起出現時,會被視為與「pa」、 「ta」一樣的氣音。

It suggests people also use tactile sensory information alongside other cues to decipher what is being said.



inaudible:形容詞,聽不見的。例句:The noise of the machinery made her voice inaudible.(機器的噪音讓她的聲音聽不到。)

alongside:副詞,在旁邊,沿著。例句:Britain fought alongside France, Turkey and Sardinia during the Crimean War.(英國在克里米亞戰爭與法國、土耳其與薩丁尼亞並肩作戰。)

decipher:動詞,破解(密碼等);辨認(潦草的字跡等)。例句:Can you decipher the writing on this envelope?(你可以解讀信封上的字嗎?)

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