
All our operators are busy at the moment, so we are unable to take your call.


Thank you for calling JP Deliveries. All our operators are busy at the moment, so we are unable to take your call. Please hold and your call will be answered as soon as an operator is available. Press one if you would like to hold or press two if you would like to leave a message.


◎All our operators are busy at the moment, so we are unable to take your call.
.Thank you for calling World Bank. Please dial the extension of the person you're trying to reach or zero for the operator.(感謝您來電世界銀行。請直撥分機號碼,或撥0由總機轉接。)
.Thank you for calling Super Trade Company. Our office is now closed. Please call back during regular business hours.


◎operator n. 總機╱接線生
◎at the moment 此刻╱現在
例:I'm very busy at the moment. I'll call you back as soon as possible.(我現在很忙。我會盡快回電給你。)
◎take the/one's call 接電話
例:I'll take the call in my office.(我到我辦公室接那通電話。)
◎available a. 有空的╱可提供的╱可獲得的
例:Will you be available this afternoon?=Will you be free this afternoon?(你今天下午有空嗎?)
例:This shirt is also available in red and black.(這件襯衫還有紅色和黑色可供選擇。)

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