
Could Hong Kong teach China to quit smoking? 香港能教中國戒菸嗎?

◎魏國金Nearly one in three smokers worldwide lights up in China, where cigarettes—commonly given as gifts—are so tightly woven into the culture, some believe it’s an impossible habit to kick. But a new report suggests the keys to quitting lie in the country’s own backyard.
全球每3位癮君子中就有1人在中國燃菸吞雲吐霧,在中國,一般當 作禮物餽贈的香菸是如此與文化緊密交織,有些人相信抽菸是不可能根除的習性。不過一份新的報告顯示,戒除的關鍵存在於這個國家的自家後院。
Hong Kong has successfully fought tobacco for two decades and seen its smoking rate drop from 23 percent in 1982 when the campaign began to 12 percent in 2008—the lowest in the world. Hong Kong hit cigarettes hard with taxes up to 300 percent, banned indoor smoking and promoted education—proving that smoking and Chinese culture aren’t necessarily married for life.
香港已成功對抗菸草20年,而其抽菸率從1982年反菸行動開始的23%掉到2008年的12%—為全 球最低。香港以達300%的課稅、室內禁菸與推廣教育嚴厲反菸—證明抽菸與中國文化不必然終生密切結合。
About 30 percent of the world’s smokers live in China, a number roughly equal to the entire U.S. population. Within the next 15 years it will kill an estimated 2 million Chinese annually, the report published in The Lancet medical journal said. The country is home to both the world’s largest tobacco grower and cigarette producer.
全球約30%的癮君子住在中國,這個數字相當於美國總人 口。這份發表在刺胳針醫學期刊的報告指出,未來15年內每年估計有200萬中國人死於菸害。這個國家是全球最大菸草栽種國與香菸生產國。
light up︰片語,開始吸菸、喜形於色。例句︰Her face lighted up when she heard the good news.(她聽到這好消息時,面露喜色。)
kick︰動詞,戒 除(惡習)。例句︰He finally kicked alcoholic.(他終於戒了酒。)
lie in︰片語,在於、待產。例句︰Normally, a woman will lie in a few hours before the birth of her child.(通常,婦女在分娩前將待產數小時。)
married︰形容詞,共有的、密切結合的。例如 ︰married responsibilities(共同擔負的責任。)

This Day in History March 31… 歷史上的今天 3月31日

When you think of Paris, France, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Is it wine? Is it bread? For many people, it is the Eiffel Tower. On this date in 1889, the Eiffel Tower was inaugurated. It was built as the entrance to the 1889 World's Fair. It took 300 workers, 18,038 pieces of iron, and two years to build the Eiffel Tower. Originally, the Tower was only supposed to stand for 20 years. However, its usefulness as a radio tower saved it from being torn down. These days, it is one of the most visited spots in all of Europe.
當您想到法國巴黎的 時候,腦中浮現的第一件事物是什麼?是美酒,還是麵包呢?對許多人來說,答案是艾菲爾鐵塔。在1889年的今天,艾菲爾鐵塔正式落成啟用。它當初興建的目 的是用來作為1889世界博覽會的入口。300名工人花了兩年時間,用了18,038塊鐵才蓋好艾菲爾鐵塔。艾菲爾鐵塔原本矗立的年限應該是20年。但它 作為電波發射塔的效用極大,因此使它躲過被拆除的命運。如今,艾菲爾鐵塔是整個歐洲最多人造訪的景點之ㄧ。


◎come to mind 浮現在腦海中,湧上心頭
例:What's the first thing that came to mind when you saw that abstract painting?(看到那幅抽象畫時,你第一個想到的是什麼?)
vt. 為……舉行落成典禮;為……舉行就職典禮(通常用於被動語態)
make an inaugural speech 發表就職演說
例:US presidents are always inaugurated on January 20.(美國總統都是在1月20日宣誓就職的。)
◎entrance n. 入口(其後常與介詞to並用)
例:The entrance to the back alley was blocked by a pile of trash.(通往後巷的入口被一堆垃圾給堵住了。)
◎Fair n.博覽會
◎originally adv.原本,起初
◎usefulness n.有用;實用性


雖然現在艾菲爾鐵塔(圖,資料照片)是巴黎最著名的地標 (landmark)之一,不過當初在剛落成時,巴黎居民對這個鐵造的龐然大物可是嫌惡至極,認為它與古色古香的巴黎市根本格格不入。據說著名的法國小說 家(novelist)莫泊桑(Guy de Maupassant )甚至選擇天天在鐵塔裡的餐廳吃午餐,因為他說這裡是整個巴黎唯一看不到這座怪物的地方。


Cat, owner reunited after a year 貓與飼主在一年後團圓

A Massachusetts woman whose cat ran away nearly a year ago said the feline turned up in a foreclosed Boston home.
Addie Mathews, 19, of Lexington, said Sparky the cat ran away at the age of 7 months while she was visiting friends in Boston, the Boston Globe reported Tuesday.
家住列星頓市、19歲的艾迪.馬修絲說,這隻名叫「史帕基」的貓在7個月大時逃跑,當時她正在波士頓拜 訪朋友,《波士頓環球報》週二報導說。
"There was no sign of him," she said. "I was just really hoping that someone had taken him in, because he’s a really friendly cat."
The Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said the coal-black cat was found in a bank-owned property a few weeks ago, apparently left behind by the former owners of the house when the property went into foreclosure. The cat was brought to the MSPCA Feb. 28 and a scan of the microchip embedded in Sparky’s skin led them to Mathews.
「麻薩諸塞防制虐待動物協會(MSPCA)」表示,這隻烏黑色的貓咪數週前在一家銀行名下的房產被人發現,顯然是因為這間 房產被法拍,才被前任屋主棄養。2月28日這隻貓被帶到MSPCA,在掃描植入「史帕基」皮膚內的晶片後,才讓他們找到馬修絲。
Mathews said Sparky is missing a portion of his tail but is otherwise healthy.
馬 修絲說,「史帕基」的尾巴有一截不見了,但其他方面還算健康。
"It’s amazing," she said. "We missed him so much. It’s just great to have him back in the house."
「真是神 奇,」她說。「我們非常想念牠。能夠讓牠回到家裡實在是太好了。」
run away︰片語,跑開、逃走。例句:The thief ran away when the policeman arrived.(警察抵達時,盜賊已逃之夭夭。)
coal-black:形容詞,烏黑、漆黑的、像煤一樣黑的。例句:She is a pretty girl with coal-black hair.(她是頭髮烏黑的美女。)
leave behind:片語,遺留、留下。例句:The rubbish left behind by the crowd beggars description.(群眾留下的垃圾非筆墨所能形容。)

This Day in History March 30… 歷史上的今天 3月30日

Today in 1853, one of history's greatest painters was born in the Netherlands. However, he did not become famous until after he died in 1890. Who was he? Vincent van Gogh. He did not start painting until he was in his late twenties. Even so, he produced over 2000 works that include paintings as well as sketches. His first art exhibition was in the late 1880s. News of his talent spread after that. Most of van Gogh's most famous works like Starry Night were created in the two years before his death. Today, he is known as an important influence on the creation of modern art.
1853年的今天, 史上最偉大的畫家之一在荷蘭出生。然而,他一直到他1890年死後才變得有名。他是誰?他正是文生.梵谷。他一直到28、29歲時才開始作畫。即便如此, 他所創作的作品仍有兩千多件,其中包括了畫作和素描。他的第一場作品展在1880年代末期舉辦。而他才華洋溢的消息也自此傳了開來。梵谷大多數的名畫,像 是「星夜」等,都是他在過世前兩年所創作的。如今,他因為對現代藝術創作有深遠影響而聞名於世。


◎in one’s late twenties/thirties…
在某人28、29歲/38、 39歲……時
例:Even though she is in her mid-thirties, Lillian doesn’t plan on having any children.(雖然莉莉安已經35、36歲了,但她並不打算生小孩。)
◎Even so, S + V 即便如此,……
例:I’m exhausted. Even so, I really want to go to the movies tonight.(我累死了。即使如此,我今晚還是想去看電影。)
◎sketch n.素描;草圖
◎as well as... 以及……
例:Mike is raising two children as well as supporting his parents.(麥克要扶養兩個小孩還要奉養雙親。)
◎exhibition n.展覽,展示
例:A large number of ancient Egyptian artifacts are on exhibition at the museum.(很多古埃及的歷史文物正在這間博物館展出中。)
◎starry a.布滿星星的,星光照耀的


一直以來,荷蘭畫家梵谷出名原因部分是來自他自殘的傳說,但最近兩位德國藝術史學者出書,驚爆梵谷是與畫家友人 高更(Paul Gauguin)爭執後,被高更割下耳朵。兩位學者在《梵谷的耳朵:保羅.高更與沉默的協定》(Van Gogh’s Ear: Paul Gauguin and the Pact of Silence)一書中主張,當年官方說法其實是據高更的片面說詞。學者表示,兩人因妓女瑞秋起爭執,梵谷或許曾對高更動手,而高更則是出於自衛才拿劍朝 梵谷揮動,結果擊中梵谷的耳朵。隔天警察找到高更,高更為自保才編出梵谷自殘的故事。


Airport device follows fliers' phones 機場設備追蹤旅人手機


Today’s smartphones and PDAs could have a new use in the nation’s airports:helping passengers avoid long lines at security checkpoints.

今日的智慧手機和個人數位助理可能在國內的機場有新用途:協助乘 客避免在通關安檢時大排長龍。

The Transportation Security Administration is looking at installing devices in airports that home in and detect personal electronic equipment. The aim is to track how long people are stuck in security lines.

運輸安全署正打算在機場安裝可鎖定並偵測個人電子設備的器材,目的是要掌握民眾排隊等候 安檢的時間。

The technology has been tested by Purdue University researchers. Thumbnail-size receivers near checkpoints detected serial numbers emitted by some electronic devices being carried by passengers. The receivers recorded the time when a passenger entered a security line and the time when the same passenger cleared the checkpoint.

這種技術 由普渡大學研究人員測試過。設於安檢站附近約拇指大小的接收器,可偵測乘客攜帶的電子設備所發出的序號,記錄乘客進入安檢隊伍和通過安檢的時間。

Information about wait times could then be posted on websites and in airports across the country.


"This technology will produce valuable data that can be used in a variety of ways," TSA spokeswoman Lauren Gaches said, noting it could help prevent snarls of checkpoints long lines.

「這項技術將產生寶貴資訊,可用於多種用途,」運輸安全署發言人賈契 斯說,並強調這可能有助於避免安檢站大排長龍的混亂。

But civil-liberties experts worry that such a system enables the government to track people’s whereabouts. "It’s serious business when the government begins to get near people’s personal-communication devices," said American Civil Liberties Union privacy expert Jay Stanley.

但是公民自由專家擔心,這類系統能讓政府追蹤民眾動向,「當政府開始要接近民眾的 個人通訊設備時,便是嚴重的事情,」美國公民自由聯盟隱私權專家史丹利說。


flier: 名詞,飛行員、飛行者,在本文中意指搭機的旅客。

home in:動詞片語,瞄準、朝向(某個目標或問題)。例句:His argument homed in on the fault of the system.(他的論點直搗這套系統的缺失。)

snarl: 動詞或名詞,咆哮、混亂。A cow wandering on the highway causes the traffic snarl-up.(一隻在公路上閒晃的牛造成交通大亂。)

This Day in History March 29歷史上的今天 3月29日…

Over the past few years, smoking has been banned from many places. These bans help protect people from the side effects of breathing in cigarette smoke. The first country to ban smoking in all workplaces was Ireland, which happened today in 2004. The ban was made to protect workers from second-hand smoke. Since there're a large number of smokers in Ireland, many people did not like this new ban and refused to follow it at first. However, Ireland's government encouraged people to become healthier. Now, bans on smoking in the workplace are common in many countries around the world. This is one giant step towards creating a healthier planet.

過去幾年來,很多地方都已經開始禁菸。這些禁令幫助保護民眾免於遭受吸進菸味的副作用。2004年的今日,愛 爾蘭是第一個在工作場所禁菸的國家(圖,資料照片)。這項禁令的實施是為了讓工作民眾免於吸入二手菸。由於愛爾蘭有大量的吸菸人口,因此起初許多人對這項 新禁令頗有微詞,並拒絕遵守。然而,愛爾蘭政府鼓勵民眾要變得更健康。現在工作場合禁菸的禁令在全世界許多國家都相當普遍。這項禁令是讓大家 居住的地球邁向更健康的一大步。


禁菸主要是出於減低抽菸對民眾的健康威脅(health risk),為大眾的健康著想,而這項規定在世界各國已普遍實施,台灣也於2009年開始擴大執行公共場所的禁菸規定。繼不丹於2004年實施全國性禁 菸,北歐國家芬蘭也打算祭出嚴厲的政策抑制人民吸煙,包括試圖讓抽菸成為非法(illegal)行為。


◎ban vt.禁止 & n.禁令
.ban sb from + V-ing禁止某人做……
例:The owner banned customers from bringing food into his restaurant.(該老闆禁止顧客攜帶外食進入餐廳。)
◎protect sb from + N/V-ing 保護某人不受/免於……
例:Parents can't protect their children from everything all the time.
◎side effect n.副作用
◎breathe in/out... 吸入/吐出……
例:That man died because he breathed in too much smoke during the fire.
◎second-hand a.二手的;用過的
例:Our second-hand car broke down three times last week.
◎encourage sb to V 鼓勵某人從事……
.discourage sb from + V-ing勸某人不要(做)……
例:My parents encouraged me to study abroad.


Culture clash over Japanese whaling日本捕鯨引發文化衝突


Culture clash over Japanese whaling


Clashes between Japanese whaling vessels and activists from the Sea Shepherd anti-whaling group have received global attention, but do not go down well in Japan, where whale meat is still considered a delicacy.

日本捕鯨船與海洋牧者反捕鯨運動人士的衝突已引起全球矚目,但日本對此事的觀 感普遍不佳,因為鯨肉在日本仍被視為是珍饈。

While the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has been confronting Japanese whalers on the high seas, Greenpeace has been taking a different approach to end whaling. It is trying to turn the take-it-or-leave-it attitude to whale meat among many young Japanese into outright opposition to whaling.

當海洋牧者保育組織在公海上與日本捕鯨船正面衝突之際,綠 色和平組織則採取了不同的方式來終止捕鯨。該組織正試圖使日本年輕人目前對鯨肉採取不吃就拉倒的冷漠態度,轉變為徹底反對捕鯨。

They have produced videos and held protests highlighting the cost to taxpayers of subsidising the annual whale hunt in the Southern Ocean, justified by Japan as scientific research.

該組織製作了影片並舉行多場示威,旨在凸顯出日 本政府每年補助漁船到南冰洋捕鯨,其實花的都是納稅人的錢,而這種捕鯨行為卻被日本政府用科學研究的名目予以合理化。

"Japanese people need to know the reality of this so-called scientific research," says Junichi Sato, a Greenpeace programme director. "Most of the people in Japan don’t know that Japan is killing close to 1,000 whales a year in the Southern Ocean."

綠色和平計畫負責人佐藤潤一表示,「日本民眾必須了解這種所謂科學研究的真相。」「多數 日本人並不知道,日本每年在南冰洋殺害將近1000頭鯨魚。」

"Most of the people, once they know about it, think this is not a science at all. That’s a start, that’s why we need to feed information."

「多數人一旦了解實情後,就會認為這根本不是科學。這是個開始,這也就是我 們必須提供資訊的理由。」


go down:片語,指被以某種方式看待或記得,如I think my speech went down rather well, don’t you?(我覺得我剛才的演說效果不錯,你覺得呢?)或如His contribution to world peace will go down in history. (他對世界和平的貢獻將留名青史。)

take it or leave it:片語,指對某人提出不會改變的最後立場,不要就拉倒,如That’s my final offer. Take it or leave it.(這是我最後的提議,要不要隨你便。)take-it-or-leave-it為形容詞用法,多置於名詞之前,如It was a firm take-it-or-leave-it proposition.(這是一項不要就拉倒的強硬提議。)

feed:動詞,指提供某事給某 人,或把某事物持續放進機器或系統內,如A member of the prince’s staff had been feeding the newspaper information/feeding information to the newspaper.(王子的一名部屬一直在提供情報給這家報紙。)

This Day in History March 28… 歷史上的今天 3月28日

P.T. Barnum and James Bailey both had successful circuses. Their shows would travel around and amaze people with interesting acts. However, it was hard to be competing against each other constantly. Therefore, instead of continuing to fight more, the two men decided to join together. Today in 1881, the Barnum and Bailey Circus was created. It was nicknamed "The Greatest Show on Earth" and has been highly successful over the years. One of its most popular acts was Jumbo the elephant, which they boasted was the largest elephant in the world.

P.T.巴納姆和詹 姆斯.貝利兩人都各自擁有很成功的馬戲團。他們的馬戲團到處巡迴表演,趣味十足的演出讓觀眾驚聲連連。但是,一直 不斷地彼此競爭是很困難的一件事。所以與其繼續相互競爭,這兩個人決定不如攜手合作。1881年的今天,「巴納姆貝利馬戲團」於焉誕生。它被暱稱為「人間 第一奇秀」,多年來一直經營得很成功。其中一項最受歡迎的戲碼是大象姜伯(Jumbo)的表演,他們誇口姜伯是世界上最大隻的大象。


◎circus n.馬戲團
◎act n.演出;節目
◎instead of... 而非……
例:I decided to have spaghetti instead of pizza.(我決定吃義大利麵而不吃披薩。)
◎nickname vt.給……取綽號& n.綽號
例:Sean is nicknamed Dolphin because he swims very fast.(尚恩因為游得很快,所以被取了「海豚」的綽號。)
◎jumbo a.巨大的& n.龐然大物
◎boast vt.誇耀;以(擁有)……而自豪


Lithium-Ion Battery Life Could Reach 20 Years 壽命可達20年的鋰電池


Japanese research and development firm Eamex claims to have found a new way to increase the typical average life of a high-capacity lithium-ion battery. Eamex’s new technology will allow the demanding batteries to sustain over 10,000 recharges over the course of 20 year.

日本研發公司Eamex聲稱已發現能增加高容量鋰離子電池一 般平均壽命的新方法。Eamex的新科技將可讓這種高需求的電池持續工作20年,並重複充電1萬次以上。

This rather dramatic increase in performance is made possible by new techniques such as a stabilization process of the battery’s electrodes, which in-turn puts less stress on the battery’s tin.

一些新技術使得大幅提升電池效能得以實現,像是透過一種 穩定電池電極的過程,能讓電池的錫承受較小壓力。

This maintains the bonding of particles for a longer period of time and reduces the overall deterioration process. The result is a battery that lasts up to 10 times as long as most current batteries.

這可能讓粒子的結合維持較久時間,並減少總體的老化過程,其結果是,電池使用壽命是大多數 現有電池的10倍。

Lithium-ion batteries are broadly popular within various consumer electronics. They tend to hold their charge when not in use, and have a high energy-to-weight ratio. Current lithium-ion batteries can hold their charge for up to 1,000 charge cycles.

鋰離子電池普遍使用在各種消 費性電子產品上,它們在非使用狀態易於保持電量,且能量—重量比例高。目前的鋰電池可以充電達1000次仍保有電量。


in turn︰輪流地、反過來。例句︰Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.(理論以實踐為基礎,反過來又為實踐服務。)

deterioration: 名詞,變壞;退化;墮落。用法如:a deterioration in superpower relations(超級大國間的關係惡化)。

tend: 動詞,傾向;易於。例句:Old people tend to get fat.


This Day in History March 27歷史上的今天 3月27日

On this date in 1973, the 45th Academy Awards ceremony was held in Los Angeles, California. The Academy Awards celebrate the best movies made in the previous year. Two of the top movies in 1973 were The Godfather and Cabaret. The Godfather was nominated for five awards. It won three, which included Best Actor and Best Picture. However, Marlon Brando turned down his award for Best Actor. He did this in protest of the way Native Americans were portrayed in Hollywood films. Brando was the second actor to turn down an award in the history of the Academy Awards.

在1973年的這天,第45屆奧斯卡金像獎(Academy Awards 直譯為「學院獎」,每年由美國電影藝術與科學學院頒發,為奧斯卡金像獎最早的名稱)頒獎典禮在加州洛杉磯舉行。奧斯卡金像獎旨在頌揚前一年中所拍攝的傑出 影片。而1973年兩部傑出的電影是《教父》和《酒店》。《教父》這部電影獲得5個獎項的提名,結果榮獲了最佳男主角及最佳影片等3項大獎。然而,馬龍. 白蘭度卻拒絕領取最佳男演員獎。他這麼做是為了要抗議好萊塢電影呈現美國原住民的方式。白蘭度是奧斯卡金像獎史上第二個拒絕領獎的演員。


電影《教父》(The Godfather)改編自馬里奧.普佐的同名暢銷小說,由法蘭西斯.柯波拉(Francis Ford Coppola )執導,馬龍.白蘭度(圖,資料照片)和艾爾.帕西諾(Al Pacino)擔綱演出。電影上映後掀起一股黑幫電影潮流,還榮獲第45屆奧斯卡最佳影片、最佳男主角及最佳改編劇本三項大獎。而馬龍.白蘭度獨特的演戲 風格使他除了《教父》外,還曾憑藉《碼頭風雲》榮獲奧斯卡最佳男主角獎。


n. 學院
n. 典禮
a. 之前的,先前的
例:Why did you quit your previous job?(你為何辭掉你之前的工作?)
n. 卡巴萊(指有歌舞表演的餐廳或夜總會)
vt. 提名
˙nominate sb for...提名某人角逐……
例:The physicist was nominated for the Nobel Prize.(這位物理學家獲得諾貝爾獎提名。)
◎turn down…/turn…down
例:I turned down Mike's invitation to dinner because I had to work overtime.(我拒絕了麥克的晚餐邀約,因為我必須加班。)
n. 抗議;抗議活動
˙in protest of…抗議……
例:Connie marched in protest of the unfair treatment of women in the workplace.(康妮參加遊行來抗議女性在工作場所遭遇到的不平等待遇。)
◎Native American
北美 原住民,印第安人
˙native a. 本地的;土生土長的


Who let the dogs pig out?誰讓狗大吃特吃?


Who let the dogs pig out?


Someone once said that if your dog is fat you’re not getting enough exercise.

曾 有人這麼說,要是你的狗太胖,那麼你的運動量顯然不足。

So it’s no surprise that as human obesity rates soar, man’s best friend is loyally packing on the pounds as well.


"Overweight people are more likely to have overweight dogs," said Victoria Stilwell, dog trainer and author of "Fat Dog Slim:How to Have a Healthy, Happy Pet."

「超重者更有可能養出超重狗,」馴狗師兼「胖狗變苗條:如何養一隻健康快樂的寵物」一書作者維多莉亞.史蒂威爾 說。

Over 34 percent of people in the United States are considered obese, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Most estimates say up to 40 percent of household pets are overweight.

根 據全美衛生統計數據中心指出,逾34%的美國人被視為肥胖。大多數估計指出,多達40%的居家寵物體重過重。

"An overweight dog shows real negligence by the owner. There’s pressure on the bones and the heart and the organs. It’s just not pleasant," she said.

「一 隻狗的體重過重顯示飼主確實疏於照料。(狗的)骨頭、心臟與器官都會承受壓力。這並不舒服,」她說。

But unlike their dog-owning counterparts, couch potato cat people can stay put. "You don’t have to rush around. Just shine a laser light or throw a ping pong ball. Cats will chase moving things."

但是跟養狗的寵物飼主不同的是,老躺在沙發上不 愛運動的貓主人,可以繼續待著不動。「你不必忙來忙去。只要閃動雷射光或丟顆乒乓球就好。貓會追逐動來動去的東西。」


pig out (on something):非正式用法,大吃特吃,狼吞虎嚥般地狂吃。例句:I love to pig out on sashimi.(我熱愛大啖狂吞生魚片。)

pack on:俚語,增加(體重)。例句:He packed on 5 kilograms over the Lunar New Year holiday.(他在農曆春節期間暴肥5公斤。)

stay put:俚語,不移動,保持原狀。

This Day in History March 26

Crystal City, Texas knows a lot about spinach because there are many spinach farmers in the area. Every year, the people of Crystal City hold a spinach festival to celebrate this special vegetable. Therefore, it might come as little surprise that the city's favorite cartoon character is Popeye, the spinach-eating sailor. On this date in Crystal City in 1937, a statue of Popeye was put up in front of its city hall. The statue is six-foot tall and brightly colored. Popeye was the perfect icon to promote spinach because he relied on it to get his strength. In fact, Popeye was one big reason spinach became popular!

歷史上的今天 3月26日

德州的克里斯托市對菠菜可是了解甚深,這是因為當地有許多種菠菜的農夫。每年克里斯托市的居民都會舉辦菠菜祭 來頌揚這種特別的蔬菜。因此,這個城市最喜歡的卡通人物就是愛吃波菜的大力水手卜派,這或許一點都不令人意外。在1937年的今天,克里斯托市的市政廳前 豎立起一座6英尺高、色彩鮮豔的卜派雕像。用卜派作為代表人物來推廣菠菜是再適合不過的了,因為他都靠菠菜來得到力量。事實上,卜派正是菠菜變得受歡迎的 主因之ㄧ呢!


身穿水手服、嘴上總是叼著菸斗(smoking pipe)的大力水手卜派(Popeye the Sailorman,圖為民眾裝扮成卜派的模樣,資料照片。)是美國著名的卡通人物。1929年,卜派誕生於美國伊利諾州一位連環漫畫家埃爾齊.西格 (Elzie Segar)的筆下,他的漫畫甫一推出,不但受到眾人的歡迎,也引發一股吃菠菜的熱潮。卜派是個獨眼且不修邊幅的水手,愛抽菸斗,愛打拳擊,他有個麻煩的 女友叫奧莉薇(Olive Oyl),經常需要卜派保護。卜派在吃完一罐菠菜後,就會變得力大無窮,因此每每得以擊敗壞人兼情敵的笨驢布魯托(Bluto),而這正是大力水手卡通中 最經典的橋段。


n. 菠菜
n. 節慶;紀念活動
◎It comes as no/little surprise + that 子句
例:It comes as no surprise that the talented actress was nominated for an Oscar.(那名才華洋溢的女演員被提名奧斯卡一點也不令人意外。)
adv. 鮮豔地;光亮地
例:The sun shone brightly yesterday.(昨天豔陽高照。)
n. 指標性的代表人或物
例:Madonna has been a fashion icon for more than 25 years.(瑪丹娜成為時尚界指標性人物已超過 25 個年頭。)
vt. 宣傳,促銷用)
例:We need a catchy slogan to promote the new product.(我們需要一個能朗朗上口的標語來促銷這項新產品。)
n. 力氣,力量


Genes behind stammering uncovered 結巴的基因找到了


Stammering has long been recognised to run in families, but scientists now say they have identified three genes which may cause the problem in some people. They believe that mutations which have already been tied to metabolic disorders may also affect the way in which parts of the brain function.

結 巴長期以來被認為是家族特徵,但科學家現在表示,他們已辨識出3種可能造成某些人有這種問題的基因,他們相信,已知與代謝疾病相關的基因突變,可能也影響 大腦部分區塊運作的方式。

Stammering affects about 1% of all adults worldwide. Those affected repeat or prolong sounds, syllables or words, disrupting the normal flow of speech. With early intervention children who stammer can overcome the problem, while for adults therapies are based on reducing anxiety and regulating breathing to improve speech. But the team from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders(NIDCD)hopes its discovery may pave the way for new treatments.

結巴影響全球約1%的成年人口,有結巴的人會重複或延長聲音、音節或字詞,影響說話的正常表達。孩童若早期接受治療,可以克服這種問題, 而成人的療法則是針對減少緊張、調節呼吸來改善說話等。但國立失聰和其他溝通障礙研究院的團隊,希望他們的研究或能為新療法鋪路。

Nearly one in ten of the sufferers examined were found to have a mutation in one of three genes.


Two of these, GNPTAB and GNPTG, have already been linked to two serious metabolic diseases in which components of cells are not effectively recycled. People with this defective gene need two copies to develop the metabolic disorder, but one copy appears to be associated with stammering.

3種基因中,GNPTAB與GNPTG兩種,已知會造成細胞元件不能有效循環的兩種嚴重代謝疾病。有兩對這種缺陷 基因的人會發展出代謝疾病,但如果只有一對,似乎就會造成口吃。

A third defective gene, which is closely related to the other two, was also found among stammerers but not among the controls.

而第三種有缺陷的基因,與另外兩種密切相關,也能在口吃患者身上發現,但是對照組身上就 沒有。


stammer:動詞,結巴。例句:He dialled 999 and stammered (out) his name and address.(他撥了999,結結巴巴地報上姓名與住址。)

run in the family:片語,家族特有的特徵。例句:Intelligence seems to run in that family.(那家人好像都很聰明。)

metabolic:形容詞,代謝的。例句:The athletes had taken pills to stimulate their metabolic rate.(運動員服用藥物刺激新陳代謝。)

This Day in History March 25… 歷史上的今天 3月25日

The Olympic Games are a source of pride for all countries who join them. On this date in 1896, the first modern Olympic Games started in Athens, Greece. The Games were inspired by the original Olympic Games held in ancient Greece. Fourteen countries joined these first modern Games, which were all held during the summer and included events like cycling, swimming, and gymnastics. All together, there were 43 events and 241 athletes. The Olympic Games have changed over time, but they still celebrate the pride of countries around the world.

奧林匹克運動會的所 有與會國都以參加這項賽事為榮。在1896年的今天,現代奧運在希臘的雅典首辦。這個賽事之所以開辦,是受到最初在古希臘舉行的奧運所啟發。第一屆現代奧 運有14個國家共襄盛舉,所有賽事全都在夏季舉行,包 括像是自行車、游泳及體操等項目。合計有43項比 賽及241位運動員參加。雖然奧運隨著時光而有所改變,但這項盛事仍頌揚著世界各國的驕傲。


◎pride n.自豪,驕傲
take pride in... 對……感到自豪,以……為傲
例:Mr. Lin takes pride in his children's achievements.(林先生以他孩子的成就為榮。)
◎inspire vt.啟發;鼓舞
be inspired by... 受到……啟發;受到……鼓舞
例:The painting was inspired by my visit to Hawaii.(這幅畫的靈感源自於我的夏威夷之旅。)
◎original a.最初的,原本的
例:The new model is far better than the original one.(新機型比起原本的要好很多。)
◎ancient a.古代的,古老的
例:People in ancient times couldn't have imagined the existence of the Internet.(古代人絕對想像不到之後會有網路的存在。)
◎include vt.包括


文章中所提現代奧運首辦的3月25日,是據當時希臘使用儒略曆法 (Julian calendar),換算成現今使用的西曆則為4月6日。奧運起源可從古希臘文化背景探索起。古希臘人會在祭壇前向神靈奉獻最精湛的技藝(圖,資料照 片),顯示軀體和精神健美,後來逐漸形成賽會活動。當時祭祀神明最主要的四大集會活動有 奧林匹克競技會(Olympic Games)、皮西安競技會(Pythian Games)、依斯米安競技會(Isthmian Games)及尼米安競技會(Nemean Games)。古希臘祭祀神明的四大集會活動,形成每年在不同地點舉行的傳統,剛好4年輪到一次,輪到奧林匹克競技會時,規模特別盛大,形成奧林匹克運動 會4年舉辦一次的由來。


Teen Needs Surgery on Both Wrists After Excessive Texting 傳簡訊過度 少女兩手腕需動手術


A schoolgirl is facing surgery on both wrists after sending more than 100 text messages a day from her mobile phone.


Annie Levitz, 16, who has lost the feeling in her hands and is unable to pick up some objects, has to wear braces on both wrists and also needs pain-killing injections.

16歲的安妮.雷維茲,兩手腕必須戴護套,也需施打止痛劑,她的手已喪失感覺,而且也 沒辦法拿起某些東西。

Doctors say she is suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, whereby nerves in the wrist become trapped. The condition is usually associated with frequent computer keyboard use.

醫生說她承受腕隧道 症候群之苦,手腕裡的神經遭到壓迫。這樣的狀況通常與頻繁使用電腦鍵盤有關。

Annie, from Chicago in the U.S., insisted she has cut down on her texting habit-but only to 50 a day. She says she now hopes to trade her mobile in for an iPhone-as its touchscreen should make it easier to type out texts.

來自美國芝加哥的安妮堅稱她 已減少發簡訊的習慣—但只減到每天50通。她說她現在希望把手機折價貼換一隻iPhone—因為它的觸控螢幕應該會比較容易打簡訊。

Doctors diagnosed Annie and fitted braces on her wrists. She has also had cortisone injections to deal with the pain. But Annie will still have to go under the knife in a bid to relieve her discomfort.

醫師診斷安妮,並在她 的手腕套上護具,她也注射可體松以處理疼痛。但安妮仍然必須接受手術以紓解她的不舒服。

新 聞辭典

cut down on︰片語,減少、縮減。例句︰He should cut down on smoking and drinking.(他應該少抽菸少喝酒。)

trade in︰片語,折價貼換。例句︰He traded an old bicycle in for a new one.(他把一台舊腳踏車折價貼換新車。)

go under the knife︰片語,接受手術。例句︰She has made up her mind to go under the knife in order to improve her appearance.(為了改善容貌,她已打定主意接受手術。)

This Day in History March 24… 歷史上的今天 3月24日

Today in 1874, one of the most famous magicians that amazed thousands of people around the world was born. He was Harry Houdini. Houdini was born in Hungary with the name Ehrich Weiss. When Houdini was four, his family moved to the US. From a young age, Houdini loved to perform tricks. He even created his own trapeze act when he was nine. Houdini changed his name so that it was close to his favorite magician's name. Houdini was known for his death-defying stunts like escaping from a water chamber while being handcuffed. Houdini's story and great abilities will surely amaze people for generations to come.

1874的今天,最 出名的一位魔術師誕生了,這名魔術師驚豔全世界許多民眾,他就是哈利.胡迪尼。胡迪尼 出生於匈牙利,本名為Ehrich Weiss。當他4歲時,全家移民美國。胡迪尼從小就喜歡表演戲法。他甚至在9歲時創造出自己的高空鞦韆表演。胡迪尼改名是爲了讓名字近似他最喜愛的魔術 師。他以挑戰死亡的特技而廣為人知,像是戴著手銬從水箱中脫逃就是其一。胡迪尼的故事和他精湛的魔術才能無疑將繼續令未來的世代驚奇不已。


◎magician n.魔術師
◎amaze vt.使驚訝,使驚奇
例:The little boy's piano-playing skills amazed everyone at the concert.(那小男孩的鋼琴彈奏技巧讓演奏會上所有人大吃一驚。)
◎trick n.戲法,把戲;惡作劇
play a trick on sb對某人惡作劇
例:If you keep playing tricks on John, he is going to get mad.(如果你繼續對約翰惡作劇,他會生氣的。)
◎trapeze n.(體操、馬戲團的)高空鞦韆
◎so that.. 如此/以便……(= in order that...)
例:Ted got up at three in the morning so that he wouldn't miss his flight.(泰德凌晨3點就起床,以免錯過他的班機。)
◎death-defying a.藐視死亡的,挑戰死亡的
◎handcuff vt.給……戴上手銬 & n.手拷(常用複數)
for generations to come 在未來的世代


胡迪尼以高超的脫逃技巧而聞名,而其中有些技巧至今仍無人能解。他能在被 鐵鍊(chain)和繩索纏身、手戴手銬,身體被限制行動的情況下脫逃(圖,資料照片),包括「中國水牢」(The Chinese Water Torture Cell)表演。在這項表演中,他會被倒吊在一座玻璃和鋼鐵製成的密閉箱子裡,而且箱子裡灌滿了水。胡迪尼於1926年因魔術表演意外而死於腹膜炎 (peritonitis)。不過也有傳言說,胡迪尼是因為曾揭發過一些假靈媒(spiritualist)而遭人報復。


Married couples happiest after 2 years 11 months 夫妻在婚後2年又11月最幸福


Married couples are at their happiest two years, 11 months and eight days after walking down the aisle, it has been claimed.


Researchers asked 4,000 husbands and wives to pinpoint their happiness in eleven different aspects of married life and calculated the typical stage when everything falls into place.

研究人員要求4000名丈夫與妻子點出在婚姻生活11個不同層面的幸福,並計算 當每一件事情都豁然開朗時的典型階段。

Just under three years emerged as the point when couples feel completely comfortable with each other’s bad habits and have a plan for their future.

夫妻對對方的壞習慣感到完全自在且對未來有所計畫的時間點,是在快滿 3年時。

At this stage they will also enjoy a full and active sex life, will have carried out enough DIY for their house to feel homely and will still find time for romantic meals together.

在此一階段,他們也將享受 一個完整且積極的性生活,將對房子進行足夠的DIY來產生有家的感覺,而且仍將找出時間來一起浪漫用餐。

The study also found that couples claim to have their best sex after two years and four months… we assume they mean with each other.

這項研究也發現,夫妻宣稱在結褵2年4月後 性生活最美滿…我們假定他們指的是和對方做。

A spokesperson for confetti.co.uk, which carried out the research, said: "Our research has revealed the exact moment into married life British couples are most content."

進行此一研究 的confetti.co.uk網站一名發言人說:「我們的研究透露英國夫妻最滿意的婚後精確時刻。」


walk down the aisle:片語,沿著教堂走道而去,比喻步入結婚禮堂。例句:I hope to see them walk down the aisle.(我希望看到他們步入禮堂。)

fall into place:片語,指情況變得清楚、明朗。例句:Things begin to fall into place.(情況開始明朗起來。)

homely:形容詞,如在家一般的、家常的,也有相貌平庸之意。例 句:A homely child often develops into an attractive girl.(相貌平庸的小孩時常長大成為美女。)

This Day in History March 23 歷史上的今天 3月23日

The Mir Space Station was the first station to have people living on it at all times. After it was built, astronauts on Mir spent 15 years doing research about space. However, Mir could not stay in space forever. It cost a lot of money to send astronauts and supplies there. It was also not easy to keep Mir in good shape. Therefore, on this date in 2001, Mir was taken apart. It was destroyed by fire as it fell towards Earth. Even so, the research done on the Mir Space Station and the way it brought countries together means that it was an important part of space exploration history.

和平號太空站是首座 有人長駐上頭的太空站。和平號太空站建造完後,太空人在上頭從事太空研究達15年之久。然而和平號太空站無法永遠停留在太空中。運送太空人和補給品到那裡 所費不貲,而且和平號太空站的維護也不容易。因此,在2001年的今天,和平號太空站解體了。它朝地球墜落時因起火而燒毀。即使如此,在和平號太空站上所 做的研究以及它讓許多國家攜手合作的事蹟,在在顯示它是人類探索 太空的歷史上重要的一頁。


●at all times 一直,經常,總是
例:You should behave yourself at all times.(你應該隨時守規矩。)
●astronaut n. 太空人
●spend+表時間的名詞 + V-ing 花……(時間)做……
例:I want to spend a day swimming at the beach before my vacation is over.(在假期結束前,我想花一天時間在海邊游泳。)
●research n. 研究(不可數)
do research about/on…… 做有關……的研究
例:Professor Chang did a lot of research on animal behavior.(張教授做了很多關於動物行為的研究。)
●in good shape 狀況良好
例:All professional athletes must be in good shape.(所有的職業運動員都必須保持良好的體能狀況。)
●destroy vt. 毀壞,破壞


和平號太空站墜落地球而燒毀,並非是受到撞擊或失靈,而 是因為維修經費不足而被人為放棄(abandon),原本該太空站的設計僅供5年的運作,最後卻在太空中撐了15年之久。蘇聯解體後,由於俄羅斯逐漸無力 支撐龐大的維修費用(maintenance cost),一些私人投資者曾答應支持和平號繼續運作,但籌得的 款項始終不夠,甚至有美國商人表示希望付費登上太空站。最後因各種方案都沒落實,所以和平號太空站便於2001年的今天墜落南太平洋的海底。


Paying to pick seats loathsome, many passengers say 花錢選機位令人討厭,許多乘客說


Paying for extras has become routine for airline passengers but it doesn’t mean they like it, with a poll showing more than half all travelers hate having to fork out to choose their seat.

對搭機乘客來說,為額外服務多花錢已是司空見慣,但這並不表示他們喜歡這種作法,一份調查顯示,超過 一半的旅客痛恨必須花錢挑座位。

The online poll of nearly 2,000 people by website Airfarwatchdog.com, asked respondents which airline fees they despised the most.


Paying for the privilege of picking their seat was the biggest bugbear for 52 percent of respondents, followed by paying to change flights--something which irked a third of passengers.

52%的人最討厭得額外付費才有權選座位,其次是更改班機的費 用,令三分之一的人厭惡。

A minority, or 14 percent, said they didn’t like paying extra for snacks while just 3 percent said they were happy to pay for any extra services.

少數人、或14%的受訪者說,他們不喜歡多花錢買零食,只有3%的人說,他們樂意為了任 何額外服務付費。

George Hobica, president of Airfarewatchdog.com, said there are certain airline services that really do involve added expense, "but assigning a seat, which can be done online for virtually no transaction cost to the airline? it’s simply a way to generate revenue and not to cover a tangible expense. I think passengers realize this and that’s why they’re so annoyed by it."

「航空費用守門人」網站總裁賀比卡說,有一些搭機服務的確 涉及額外開銷,「但是挑選機位可以在網路上完成,並不會造成航空公司任何交易成本,為何也要多花錢?這單純只是要賺錢,而非填補實質開支。我認為乘客了解 這一點,所以才會這麼反感。」


loathsome: 形容詞,令人討厭、反感的。例句:Their using dirty tricks in this election is loathsome.(他們在這次選舉中用奧步令人反感。)

fork out:動詞片語,不情願地花錢。例句:He would not fork out thousands of dollars for an expensive meal.(他是不會花好幾千元吃一頓大餐的。)

bugbear: 名詞,令人害怕或煩惱的事物。例句:Paperwork is a bugbear to me.(文書工作是令我煩惱的事。)

This Day in History March 22… 歷史上的今天 3月22日

Marcel Marceau was born on this day in 1923. He was a famous mime who acted out situations and stories without speaking. Marceau started using mime when he was part of the French army during World War II. He helped children who would have been killed by the German army. The mime entertained the children and kept them quiet while they were escaping. After leaving the army, Marceau joined a famous acting school. His talent for miming quickly made him a star. Marceau created the image that comes to mind when people think of mimes—a person with a white face, a striped shirt, and a special hat.

馬歇.馬叟於 1923年的今天誕生。他是一位知名的默劇大師,以無聲的方式演出各種情境及故事。馬叟在第二次世界大戰期間身為法軍的一份子時開始演出默劇。他幫助了那 些原本會被德軍殺害的孩童。默劇逗得這些孩童很開心,並讓他們在逃亡時保持安靜。馬叟離開軍隊後便加入了著名的戲劇學校。他表演默劇的天賦使他迅速成名。 馬叟創造了一個讓人一想到默劇腦中就會浮現的模樣——一個身穿條紋衣、頭戴特殊帽子的白臉男子。


◎mime n.默劇演員;默劇
◎act out…/act…out 將……表演出來
例:Mandy really looked like she was dying when she acted out the death scene.
◎entertain vt.娛樂;招待
.entertain sb with sth 用某物娛樂/招待某人
例:Max entertained his guests with magic tricks.(麥斯表演了好幾招魔術來娛樂他的賓客。)
◎escape vi.逃走,逃跑
.escape from… 從……逃走/脫逃
例:例:Vivian's pet bird escaped from its cage.
(薇薇安養的小鳥從鳥籠裡 逃走了。)
例:Tom cannot forget the image of the beautiful girl he met yesterday.
(湯姆無法 忘卻他昨天遇見的那位漂亮女孩的倩影。)


馬歇.馬叟於1923年出生於法國史特拉斯堡( Strasbourg),二次大戰爆發後,他與有猶太血統的家人逃至法國中部。1944年,馬歇.馬叟因他父親遭德軍俘虜死在集中營而加入地下反抗運動, 執行保護猶太兒童的任務。1947年,他創造了聞名於世的「畢普先生」(Bip),而畢普是個集現代社會苦難於一身的小丑,其經典裝扮深植於所有人的腦海 中。馬歇.馬叟曾以近代默劇之父艾田.德庫(Etienne Decroux)為師,也曾受到默片巨星卓別林(Chaplin)的影響。2007年,他在法國的家中死於心臟病,享年84歲。


British granny takes French party scene by storm 英國阿嬤橫掃法國夜店

The latest party circuit princess to wow the night clubs and festivals of France with her DJ skills is a British granny who took a shine to the decks after going to a birthday disco for her grandson.

最新一位靠著DJ技巧在法國各夜總會與節慶贏得一片讚嘆聲的派對公主,竟然是一位英國阿嬤,她是在參加孫子 的生日迪斯可派對後,就立刻愛上了播放音樂。

Clad in her leopard-skin shrug and dark sunglasses, 69-year-old Ruth Flowers has conquered French clubland from the Cannes Film Festival to the top Paris nightspots with a mix of old-school hits, electrobeat and bling-bling style.

穿著豹紋短上衣、戴著墨鏡, 今年69歲的佛洛爾絲靠著結合了懷舊名曲與電子音樂的曲風以及閃亮的打扮,已經征服了包括坎城影展到巴黎頂尖夜店在內的法國夜生活圈。

"It started really when my grandson had a birthday party," Flowers said. While Flowers, a trained singer, was more used to church songs, German lieder and classic pop, she was so taken by the party that she decided there and then to become a disc jockey.

「這一切都是從我孫子的生日派對開始,」佛洛爾絲說。雖 然佛洛爾絲曾受過歌唱訓練,比較習慣教會歌曲、德國藝術歌曲和經典流行樂,但她卻深為這場派對著迷,甚至當下就決定要當DJ。

A friend put her in touch with French producer Aurelien Simon who taught her how to spin and helped her to develop a style, sprinkling her techno sets with tunes from Abba, Queen and the Rolling Stones.

一位朋友介紹她 認識法國製作人席蒙,席蒙教會她如何操作唱片轉盤,並協助她發展出自己的風格,在電音樂曲裡點綴一些「阿巴」、「皇后」及「滾石」合唱團的名曲。

Eye-catching earrings and her sartorial style make Flowers a stand out when she works the turntables, nodding to the beat and clapping her hands above her head. "It’s a little glammy, a bit over the top, but it fits the bill I think," she said of her outfits. "If I appeared in a cardigan, a sweater and brogue shoes it wouldn’t be quite the same."

引人注目的耳環以 及她的服裝風格,讓佛洛爾絲在轉盤前工作時顯得格外突出,一邊隨著節奏點頭,一邊高舉雙手過頭拍手。

「這的確有點華麗,有點誇張,但我想應 該還可以接受,」她說到自己的打扮。「假如我穿著開襟羊毛外套、毛衣和雕花皮鞋上場,效果恐怕就完全不一樣了。」


take a shine:片語,非正式用語,指立刻喜歡上某人或某事,如I think he has taken a bit of a shine to our new member of staff.(我猜他對我們的新同事有點好感。)

old-school:形容詞,指舊式的、老派的、守舊的,如He was very old-school in his approach to management.(他的管理作風非常老派。)

fit/fill the bill:指可接受的、足堪使用的,如Does this restaurant fit the bill for the celebration?(在這間餐廳舉行慶祝會適合嗎?)

This Day in History March 21歷史上的今天 3月21日…

Where were the worst criminals in the US sent after they were arrested?The answer used to be Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay. It originally just had a lighthouse and a military base, but in 1934, it became a prison. Some of the most famous criminals in the US were sent to Alcatraz. Examples include Al Capone and Alvin Karpowicz, who was locked up in Alcatraz the longest. According to prison records, no one ever successfully escaped from Alcatraz, but a few tried. On this date in 1963, Alcatraz Island Prison closed. Today, it is a popular tourist spot.

在美國,罪大惡極的罪犯遭逮捕之後會被送往何處?從前這個問題的答案會是舊金山灣的惡魔島(圖,資料照片)。 惡魔島上原本只有燈塔和軍事基地,但它在1934年變成了一座監獄。美國有些最出名的罪犯都曾被送到惡魔島。當中的例子包括艾爾.卡彭及被關在惡魔島上最 久的艾文.卡波維茲。根據獄方的紀錄所稱,從來沒有人成功逃離惡魔島,但仍有少數人試圖越獄。惡魔島監獄於1963年的今日關閉。如今它則是一個很受歡迎 的觀光景點。


◎criminal n.罪犯
◎arrest vt. & n.逮捕
.be under arrest 被逮捕
例:The bank robber was finally arrested after being on the run for three months.(那個銀行搶匪在逃3個月之後終於被捕了。)
◎lighthouse n.燈塔
◎be locked up 被關進監獄
◎escape vi.逃跑,逃脫
例:The circus tiger escaped from its cage last night.(那隻馬戲團的老虎昨晚從籠子裡脫逃了。)


US to probe hedge fund impact on oil markets:official 官員:美國將調查對沖基金對油市的衝擊


The United States plans to investigate how hedge funds and other speculators create volatility in oil markets, US Energy Secretary Steven Chu said on Monday in Saudi Arabia.


He said speculation, blamed for oil prices that climbed to nearly 150 dollars a barrel in July 2008 before plunging to 40 dollars just six months later, damaged economies and complicated planning by both consumers and suppliers.

他表示,這種投機─被歸咎是油價在2008年7月攀升至一桶近150美元,僅6個月後就 暴跌到40美元的原因─傷害經濟,也打亂消費者與供應商兩者的規劃。

"Certainly, the volatility of the price seems to be far in excess of demand and supply," he said, pointing the finger at oil investments by speculators and hedge funds that are not end-users.

他把矛頭指向由不屬於終端使用者的投機者與對沖基金進行的石油投資,表示:「的確,這種 價格波動似乎遠超出供需」。

"We are going to be(undertaking)studies to try and find out how much has the volatility been increased by large financial institutions taking positions," he said at the International Energy Forum in Riyadh.

「我們將進行研究,嘗試並找出大型金融機構的交易部位增加多少波動,」他在利雅德舉行的國際能源論壇中 說。

Chu was on a visit to Saudi Arabia, the world’s second largest oil exporter after Russia, to discuss energy and climate change issues with partners.

朱棣文當時正在沙烏地阿拉伯訪問,與夥伴們討論能源及氣候變遷問題。沙國是僅次於俄羅斯的全球第二大石油輸 出國。


volatility:名詞,易變;反覆 無常。例句:The volatility of the market drove many investors away. (市場的波動使許多投資者望而卻步。)

in excess of︰片語,超過。例句︰Never spend in excess of your income.(花錢切勿超過你的收入。)

point a(the) finger at:用手指指向(某人、某事),意思是指責。例句:The article points a finger at the government.(這篇文章指責政府。)

This Day in History March 20… 歷史上的今天 3月20日

The first short story about Sherlock Holmes printed in The Strand Magazine took place on this date in 1888. It was called A Scandal in Bohemia and was written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. All together, Doyle wrote 56 short stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. In A Scandal in Bohemia, the king of Bohemia comes to Holmes for help. His ex-girlfriend has a photo of them and has said that she will send it to the king's new girlfriend. The king asks Holmes to get the photo so he can get married without any problems. Can Holmes help the king? Read A Scandal in Bohemia to find out!

第一篇描述福爾摩斯 的短篇故事刊登在《岸邊雜誌》中,故事就發生在 1888年的今天。這篇故事叫《波希米亞的醜聞》,是亞瑟.柯南.道爾所撰寫。道爾一共寫了56篇福爾摩斯的短篇冒險故事。在《波希米亞的醜聞》裡,波希 米亞國王有事求助於福爾摩斯。他的前女友有一張他們的合照,並揚言要把它寄給國王的新歡。國王請求福爾摩斯拿回照片,這樣他才能無後顧之憂地結婚。福爾摩 斯有辦法幫助國王嗎?請看《波希米亞的醜聞》便知分 曉!


●print vt. & n. 印刷;出版
be in print  出版
例:The publisher prints more than 100,000 copies of the magazine every month.(那家出版社每個月那本雜誌的印量超過10萬本。)
●take place 發生;舉行
例:The accident took place on the highway, causing 10 deaths.(那場意外發生在高速公路上,造成10人死亡。)
●scandal n. 醜聞
例:The manager lost his job after the boss found out about his involvement in the scandal.(當老闆發現經理涉入那件醜聞後,經理便丟了工作。)
●all together 一共(與數字並用)
例:All together, Alex owes me $20,000.(艾力克斯一共欠我兩萬元。)
●adventure n. 冒險


道爾筆下的福爾摩斯是名具有高度科學頭腦的私家偵探(private detective/private eye),他精通各種領域,諸如化學、心理學、解剖學(anatomy)、數學及數種外語。另外,他也擅於刀劍及搏擊,既可自衛亦可擒兇。小說裡另外一個 角色約翰.華生(Dr. John H. Watson)則是福爾摩斯的助手(assistant)兼好友,他專門為破案過程記錄,幾乎所有福爾摩斯故事都是由華生所敘述。這些故事的發生年代大約 集中在1875至1907年。


Famed French intellectual cites bogus ’Botulist’ philosopher 知名法國知識份子引用虛構的「波都爾」學派哲學家


French celebrity intellectual Bernard-Henri Levy has been caught red-faced quoting a "Botulist" philosopher who, it turns out, was invented as a joke by a journalist from a satirical weekly.

法國知名知識份子貝爾納.亨利.萊維被抓包 引用一名「波都爾學派」哲學家的見解,結果這名學者不過是諷刺週刊的一名記者捏造來開玩笑的虛構人物。

In his new book, "De la guerre en philosophie" (Making war in philosophy), Levy cites the insights of Jean-Baptiste Botul to show that German philosopher Immanuel Kant was not the bright light that some believe.

萊維在其新作「在 哲學中開戰」中,引述尚.巴堤.波都爾的見解,藉此顯示德國哲學家康德不如某些人所想的那般耀眼。

He has since discovered, however, that Botul is a fictional character, created as a literary satire by journalist Frederic Pages, who writes for the tongue in cheek Le Canard Enchaine.

然而,他此後發現波都爾是個虛構人物,是嘲諷性質的「鴨鳴報」記者弗雷德里克. 帕傑斯所創作的諷刺文學。

Levy admitted he had often quoted Botul’s work "The sex life of Immanuel Kant" during public appearances and now in the pages of his latest book.

萊維坦承過去常在公開場合引用波都爾的作品「康德的性生活」,如今還包括自己的最新著 作。

"As it turns out, it was a hoax," admitted the author in a statement posted on the website of his magazine, La Regle du Jeu.

萊 維在他的雜誌「遊戲規則」網站發表聲明,坦言「如同眾人所見,這是個騙局」。


bogus: 形容詞,假造的。例句:Police have warned the local public to beware of bogus callers after an incident in which a 90 year old woman was swindled out of £70.(在發生一名90歲老嫗遭詐騙70英鎊後,警方已警告當地大眾小心假的致電者。)

red-faced:形容詞,尷尬的,窘迫 的。

tongue in cheek:俚語,意指開玩笑的,不正經的,無誠意的。

This Day in History March 19…歷史上的今天 3月19日…

If you visit Sydney, Australia, there are a few places you must go. One is Sydney Harbour. There, you can see the Sydney Opera House, the beautiful harbor, and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Together they make a lovely scene, especially at night. The bridge was opened on this day in 1932. It is made of steel and has an arch shape. Locals nicknamed it "the coathanger" because of this special shape. The bridge connects Sydney's central business area to the North Shore. Trains, cars, and people use the bridge daily, and until 1967, it was Sydney's tallest structure. If you're visiting Sydney, don't miss the Harbour Bridge.

如果你造訪澳洲雪梨,有幾個地方一定得去瞧瞧。其中之ㄧ是雪梨港(圖,資料照片)。在那裡你可以看到雪梨歌劇 院、美麗的港灣和雪梨港灣大橋。這三個景點共同形成宜人的景色,尤其在晚上更是美麗。雪梨港灣大橋是在1932年的這天啟用。該橋由鋼鐵打造,造型成拱 狀。因為其特殊外貌,當地人暱稱它為「衣架」。雪梨港灣大橋連結雪梨中央商業區和北岸。每天火車、汽車和行人都在使用它,直到1967年,雪梨港灣大橋都 是雪梨最高的建築物。如果你正好在雪梨,千萬別錯過這座大橋。


雪梨港灣大橋自1998年起開放名眾攀登,自此這項登橋活動(bridge climb)成了熱門觀光行程,也被知名的旅遊書《寂寞星球》(Lonely Planet)選為世界上最刺激的活動之一。攀登活動耗時3小 時半,參加民眾須換上指定服裝和裝備,在腰間繫上與大橋鋼桿連結的安全鎖,由專業領隊帶領,從高處欣賞雪梨港 灣附近的美景,完成攀爬後會收到一張證書(certificate)及團體合照留念。


◎an opera house
n. 景色(可數)
例:The scenes from the top of the mountain were breathtaking.(從山頂向下瞭望的景色令人嘆為觀止。)
n. 衣架
◎connect A to B
例:The highway connects the suburbs to the downtown area.(這條公路連接郊區和市中心。)
adv.每日& a.日常的
例:Jill calls her mother daily.(吉兒每天都打電話給她媽媽。)


Singing ’rewires’ damaged brain 唱歌讓受傷大腦「重新通電」


Teaching stroke patients to sing "rewires" their brains, helping them recover their speech, say scientists. By singing, patients use a different area of the brain from the area involved in speech. If a person’s "speech centre" is damaged by a stroke, they can learn to use their "singing centre" instead.

科 學家說,教中風病患唱歌來讓他們的大腦「重新通電」,有助讓他們恢復說話。病患藉著唱歌,使用大腦中與語言相關區域不同的區塊,若一個人的「語言中樞」因 為中風受損,他們可以學著使用「唱歌中樞」來替代。

An ongoing clinical trial, they said, has shown how the brain responds to this "melodic intonation therapy". The therapy is already established as a medical technique.

他們說,一份 正在進行的臨床試驗顯示大腦如何回應這種「旋律聲調治療法」。這種療法已被確立為醫療技術。

Most of the connections between brain areas that control movement and those that control hearing are on the left side of the brain. But there’s a sort of corresponding hole on the right side. For some reason, it’s not as endowed with these connections, so the left side is used much more in speech. But as patients learn to put their words to melodies, the crucial connections form on the right side of their brains.

大腦控制行 動的區塊與控制聽覺的區塊,之間的聯繫多數發生在左腦,但右腦有某種回應的漏洞,因為一些原因,天生沒有這種連結,所以說話時,左腦使用的比較多,但當病 患學習將字詞放入旋律時,這種重要的連結就會在右腦形成。

During the therapy sessions, patients are taught to put their words to simple melodies. After a single session, a stroke patients who was are not able to form any intelligible words learned to say the phrase "I am thirsty" by combining each syllable with the note of a melody.

治療時,病患被指導把要說的話放進簡單的旋律中,經過一個階 段,一名沒辦法說出清晰字詞的中風病患,藉著將每個音節與一段旋律的音符連結,學會說了「我口渴」這個短句。


ongoing:形容詞,正在進行的。例句:No agreement has yet been reached and the negotiations are still ongoing.(目前談判尚未達成協議,仍在進行當中。)

be endowed with:片語,與生俱有……。例句:Some lucky people are endowed with both brains and beauty.(一些幸運的人智慧與美貌兼具。)

intelligible: 形容詞,(說話或寫字)清晰的。例句:She was so upset when she spoke that she was hardly intelligible.(她難過到說話都說不太清楚。)

This Day in History March 18… 歷史上的今天 3月18日

In India in the 1920s, Mahatma Ghandi was working to help his country become free from Great Britain. He did this by asking people to stop buying products from other countries. He also wanted people to wear traditional clothes made only in India. He even asked them to quit their government jobs. Rich or poor, male or female, Ghandi wanted everyone to help with his non-violent movement. It was working very well until March 18, 1922. On this day, Ghandi was sentenced to six years in prison. In the end, however, Ghandi only spent two years in prison.

1920年代,聖雄 甘地正在印度從事協助他的國家脫離英國統治的運動。他透過要求人民停止買舶來品的行動來 達成目標,同時也要求民眾只穿在印度製造的傳統服飾。他甚至要求他們辭去公職。不論貧富、性別,甘地要每個人支持他的非暴力運動。直到1922年3月18 日這天之前,一切都進行得很順利。在這天,甘地被判服刑6年。但最後他只坐了兩年牢。


◎become/be free from...
例:Sally was finally free from her strict parents when she moved out.(莎麗搬出去自己住後,終於脫離了嚴厲的父母。)
◎traditional a.傳統的
◎clothes n.衣服(恆用複數)
= clothing n.(集合名詞,不可數)
◎be made in + 地方 在某地製造
例:his handy umbrella is made in Taiwan.(這支輕巧好用的雨傘是台灣製的。)
◎help with... 幫忙……
.help sb with...幫某人做……
例:My brother helped me with my homework last night.(我哥昨天晚上教我寫功課。)
◎non-violent a.非暴力的
例:Martin Luther King, Jr. used non-violent methods of protest.(馬丁‧路德‧金恩使用非暴力的抗議手段。)
◎movement n.(政治、社會方面的)運動


Mahatma是甘地的頭銜,中文一般譯作「聖雄」,該詞源自梵語的敬語mahatman,原意為「偉大的 靈魂」(Great Souled),日後卻常被人誤以為是他的名字。1893年甘地被一家印度公司外派到南非工作,他在那裡看到印度移民的公民自由和政治權利被剝奪,於是開 始抗議南非對印度人的歧視(discrimination)。那段時間埋下甘地日後成為社會政治運動家的種子,其後他在印度推動的「公民不合作」與「非暴 力抵抗」運動就是在這個時期開始形成,所以甘地雖然是印度的國父,卻和南非的淵源頗深。今年1月30日是甘地逝世的62周年,他的家族便選擇南非的東部城 市德班(Durban)舉行紀念儀式,將他的骨灰(ashes)灑向印度洋。


British kissing couple awaits jail verdict in Dubai 英國接吻情侶在杜拜等候監禁裁決


A British couple accused of kissing in public in the Muslim emirate of Dubai will find out next month if an appeals court will uphold their one-month prison sentence, their lawyer said.

一對被控在穆斯林的(阿拉伯聯合大公國)杜拜邦公開接吻的英國情侶,將於下月知悉上訴法庭是否維持 他們1個月的監禁判決,他們的律師表示。

The couple is accused of "committing a sexual act(by)kissing on the lips and touching," lawyer Khalaf al-Hosani told AFP. "A final verdict will be reached on April 4," he said.

這對情侶被 控「(透過)接吻與觸摸而從事性行為」,律師侯薩尼告訴法新社。「最後裁定將在四月四日出爐,」他說。

The two, named by the British press as Ayman Najafi, 24, a British expat in Dubai, and British tourist Charlotte Lewis, 25, were arrested in November, after a local woman accused them of kissing in a restaurant in the Jumeirah Beach Residence neighbourhood.

根據英國媒體指出,這兩人的姓名是納賈菲,24歲、杜拜的英國僑民,以及 25歲的英國觀光客露薏絲。他們在去年11月被捕,因為一名當地婦女指控他們在朱美拉海灘高級住宅區的一家餐廳內親吻。

They are also accused of consuming alcohol, a charge to which they pleaded guilty, but said they only kissed on the cheek.

他們也被控喝酒,且對此罪名坦承不 諱,不過他們說,他們僅是親親臉頰。

They were convicted in January and sentenced to one month in prison. But they have been on bail since their arrest, with their passports held by the authorities, Hosani said.

他們在今年1月被判有 罪,並判處監禁1個月。他們自被捕後即獲交保,但護照則被當局扣留,侯薩尼說。

The lawyer said he told court that the only witness, a 38-year-old woman, has presented different statements. "She told the police that she saw them kissing, while she told the prosecution that her children saw them," he said.

這 名律師指出,他告訴庭上,唯一的證人,也就是38歲的婦女,說詞前後不一。「她告訴警察她看見他們親嘴,而對檢方則說是她的孩子目睹他們。」


uphold︰動詞,維持、贊同、認可。例句︰The Supreme Court is expected to uphold the death sentence.(最高法院預料將維持死刑原判。)

plead︰ 動詞,申辯、懇求,例句︰He pleaded innocence.(他申辯自己是清白的。)也有承認之意,比如,plead guilty(認罪)。

bail ︰名詞,保釋。例句︰He was freed on $10000 bail.(他以1萬美元交保獲釋。)jump bail意指棄保潛逃。

This Day in History March 17… 歷史上的今天 3月17日

Today in 1949, the 19th International Motor Show was held in Geneva, Switzerland. However, this day is not special due to the show; it is special because of a car that was put on display. It was the first car to have the Porsche family name. The car was designed by Ferry Porsche, son of the founder of the Porsche company. It was built as a sports car and named the Porsche 356. The design elements of this very first Porsche can still be seen in all Porsche models that have been made since then.

1949年的今天, 瑞士日內瓦舉辦了第19屆的國際車展。不過這一天的特別之處並不是因為 這場車展,而是由於展覽當中出現了第一輛被冠上保時捷這個家族姓氏的車子。這輛車是保時捷公司創始人的兒子費瑞所設計。這輛車被打造成一款跑車,並被命名 為保時捷356(圖,網路照片)。這第一輛保時捷當中的許多設計元素在往後製造的所有保時捷車款中,仍然可以看得到。


◎motor n.汽車
◎due to + N/V-ing 由於/因為……
= because of + N/V-ing
例:The game was postponed due to the rain.(這場比賽因下雨而順延。)
◎display n.(物品的)展示,陳列
.put sth on display 展示某物
例:The museum put the artist's paintings on display.
◎family name 姓氏
◎design vt.設計 & n.設計
例:The architect designed the building to look like a ship.
◎founder n.創始人,創辦者
◎sports car 跑車
◎element n.元素,要素
例:Hydrogen and oxygen are the two elements of water.


Stolen watch back after 51 years 失竊的手錶在51年後物歸原主


A Florida man said an heirloom watch stolen from his family 51 years ago in Michigan mysteriously turned up at a supermarket near his Florida home.

佛羅里達州一名男子表示,他的家族 51年前在密西根州失竊的一只傳家手錶,竟神秘地在他位於佛州家附近的一間超級市場出現。

Piero Ramos, 18, an employee at Publix in North Fort Myers said he saw the watch at the top of a trash can at the store Tuesday and noticed the inscription "John Iwanacki," the dates 1922-1957 and the signature of automaker Henry Ford, WINK-TV, Fort Myers, reported Monday.

18歲、北邁爾斯堡普布力克斯的員工皮洛.羅慕 斯說,他週二在店內的一個垃圾桶上面看見這只手錶,並注意到錶上面刻著「約翰.伊瓦納基」,日期為1922-1957年,以及汽車大亨亨利.福特的簽名, 據邁爾斯堡WINK電視台週一報導。

Ramos said he checked a phone book and was able to find Bill Iwanacki of Fort Myers, grandson of the watch’s original owner.


Iwanacki said the watch, a retirement gift from the Ford Motor Co., was stolen from his family’s Michigan home in 1959.

伊瓦納基說,這只手錶是福特汽車公司給的退休禮物,1959年在 其家族位於密西根州的屋內遭竊。

"I’m just feeling goosebumps. I’m beside myself," Iwanacki said after becoming the first member of his family to see the watch in 51 years.


Iwanacki said he is stumped as to how the watch wound up so close to his own Fort Myers home.



turn up︰片語,出現、來到。例句︰The boss turned up unexpectedly.(老闆出人意料地現身。)

goosebumps︰名詞,雞皮疙瘩,也可寫作goose bumps。例句︰I get goosebumps when I see a snake.(我見到蛇時會嚇得起雞皮疙瘩。)

wind up︰ 片語,結束、告終。例句︰He wound up as a teacher.(他最後當了老師。)

This Day in History March 16 歷史上的今天 3月16日

You might not know what the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is, but you probably have heard of the things they have done. In the USACE, regular people along with military personnel work together to help build things. It was created over 100 years ago on this date. Some of the USACE's projects help the public, some help the military, and some even help the environment. The USACE is most famous for building dams and making better waterways. It also builds military bases and helps restore ecosystems. All over the world, you can find examples of the USACE's work.

您或許不清楚美國陸 軍工程部隊(USACE)是什麼單位,但您很可能聽過他們的一些事蹟。在USACE中,平民百姓與軍方人員共同合作進行工事。這個單位是距今一百多年前的 今日所成立的。USACE的建案有些是用來造福大眾,有些是協助軍方,還有一些甚至是有助於自然環境。USACE最有名的是建造水壩及改善水道。該單位還 會建造軍事基地並協助恢復生態系統。在世界各地,您都能找到USACE的工程案例。


◎corps n.軍團;特殊部隊
◎probably adv.很可能;大概
例:Polar bears will probably be extinct if global warming becomes worse.(如果全球暖化的狀況加劇,北極熊很可能會絕種。)
◎along with... 與……一起;以及……
例:Dieting along with regular exercise keeps me in shape.(節食和規律運動使我保持好身材。)
◎military a.軍隊的;軍事的 & n.軍方,軍隊
a military base 軍事基地
◎personnel n.(軍隊、公司、組織等中的) 全體人員(集合名詞,不可數)
例:The new manager is going to make some changes in personnel.(新上任的經理將會進行一些人員上的異動。)
◎environment n.自然環境;環境


美國陸軍工程部隊(USACE)之所以成立,是因為當時的美國第三任總統湯瑪斯.傑弗遜(Thomas Jefferson)下令要組織一個工程部隊,而這個部隊必須駐紮在紐約州的西點(West Point)這個地方。此外,這個部隊也須負責設立一座軍事學校。因此,美國著名的西點軍校(The United States Military Academy at West Point),其設立的始末也與USACE息息相關。


Knut Should be Castrated, Animal Rights Group Says 克努特應被去勢,動物權益團體說


As if Germany’s polar bear star Knut hasn’t had enough upheaval in his life, animal rights group PETA demanded that he should be castrated to avoid him inbreeding with his girlfriend Giovanna.

德國明星北極熊克努特這一生波折似乎還不夠多,動物權益團體「人道對待動物」要求克努特 應被去勢,避免牠與女友「喬凡娜」近親交配。

Knut has been through a lot in his life. First he was abandoned by his mother, and animal rights campaigners called for him to be put down rather than being hand-reared. Then he shot to stardom and faced the stresses of being a superstar. As he grew and became steadily less cute came the loss of fame.

克努特這一生已歷經許多波 折。牠先是被媽媽遺棄,動物權益運動人士要求將牠安樂死,而非被人工飼養。然後牠一夕爆紅,也面臨身為超級巨星的壓力。隨著牠日漸長大、越來越不可愛,名 氣也跟著流失。

Things finally started looking up again last year for Knut, when he was introduced to a female companion, Giovanna from the Munich Zoo. Knut seemed to have found an equilibrium, a bit of peace.

去 年對克努特來說,情況終於又開始好轉。牠有了來自慕尼黑動物園的女伴喬凡娜,克努特似乎找到了平靜。

And now this. PETA said that Giovanna and Knut had the same grandfather and that they would be inbreeding if they produced offspring, and "it reduces the genetic diversity."

現在來了這件事。PETA說,喬凡娜和克努特有共同的祖父,若生下後代,是近親繁殖,「會減少基 因多樣性。」

But Berlin Zoo said "Giovanna will only stay here until her enclosure is ready in Munich." She is due to return home in the summer. That would leave Knut alone once again.

但是柏林動物園說,「喬凡娜只會在這裡待到牠慕尼黑的 圈養區準備就緒為止。」牠預定今年夏天回家。這將讓克努特再次孤單。


inbreeding: 名詞,近親交配。原形為inbreed(動詞)。例句:Inbreeding was quite common in European royal families earlier years to preserve the purity of bloodlines.(近親結婚在早年歐洲王室相當普遍,以保持血統純正。)

hand-rear:動詞,人工飼養。例句:The zoo decided to hand-rear the panda cub abandoned by his mother.(動物園決定人工飼養這隻被媽媽拋棄的貓熊寶寶。)

equilibrium:名詞,(情感或心理上的)平靜。例句:She tried to maintain her equilibrium through consulting.(她試圖透過諮商保持心理平靜。)

This Day in History March 15歷史上的今天 3月15日

The Internet is a huge part of people's lives today. Most of us use it at least once a day, and some people are even on it all day long. The Internet is divided into domains. These are different parts of the Internet that are used by companies, people, and others to create their websites. On this date in 1985, symbolics.com became the first registered domain name. It was for a company that used to make computers. Symbolics.com is the oldest active domain name in the world.

網際網路在人們現今生活中佔了很大一部分。我們 多數人一天至少會使用一次,而有些人甚至整天都掛在上面(圖,資料照片)。網際網路被劃分為網域。網域就是網路中不同的群組,這些群組被公司、個人及其他 使用者用來創造出他們的網站。在1985年的今天,symbolics.com成為第一個註冊的網域名稱。此域名是屬於一家以前專門製造電腦的公司。 symbolics.com是至今仍在使用、歷史最久的域名。


在網路上辨別一台電腦的方式是利用網路位址(IP address),但是一組數字很不容易記,且沒有什麼聯想的意義,因此,我們會為網路上的伺服器(server)取一個有意義又容易記的名字,這個名字 就叫作「域名」(domain name)。舉例來說,在瀏覽器網址欄上輸入網路位址210.242.234.140,或是輸入http://tw.nextmedia.com, 都一樣會連到蘋果日報的首頁,相對之下,有意義字串的域名,是不是比數字好記多了呢?


◎all day long
˙all night long 一整晚
例:Thomas reads all day long, so he is considered a bookworm.
vt. 劃分,區分
例:I'm afraid that I can't tell you the answer because that area of knowledge is out of my domain.
◎used to V
˙be used to + N/V-ing
例:Emily used to live on this street, but she moved to Taipei in July.
例:The law prohibiting women from voting is no longer active.
˙prohibit sb from + V-ing


Still a sticky issue:Singapore keeps gum ban 依舊是棘手議題:新加坡維持口香糖禁令


Singapore said it will maintain a ban on chewing gum sales, a policy that has helped shape the city-state’s international image as a tightly controlled, squeaky-clean island.


The ban, first imposed in 1992, is necessary to reduce gum-related litter and vandalism, Mohamad Maliki Bin Osman, parliamentary secretary of the national development ministry, told lawmakers recently.

據新加坡國家發展部 政務次長孟理齊最近向國會議員們表示,維持這項於1992年首度實施的禁令有其必要,如此才能減少與口香糖相關的垃圾與故意破壞公物等問題。

Singapore has sought in recent years to cultivate a more cosmopolitan, more hip image in a bid to attract foreign investment and tourists. The nation of 5 million residents opened its first casino last month and began hosting Formula One races in 2008.

新加坡近年來努力打造一個更國際性、更時髦的形象,以利吸引外資 與觀光客。這個人口500萬的國家上月有第一家賭場開張,並從2008年起開始主辦一級方程式賽車比賽。

But the country maintains strict laws against public demonstrations and speech about religion and race. Punishment for minor crimes such as vandalism can include canings, and drug smugglers are often hanged.

但新加坡仍然對有關宗教 與種族議題的公開示威與演說維持嚴格禁令。至於如破壞公物等輕罪的懲罰可能包括鞭刑,走私毒品者則經常被吊死。

Denise Phua Lay Peng, a member of parliament from the ruling People’s Action Party, called on the government to allow citizens more freedom. "Let Singaporeans be accountable for the consequences, and not let our behavior be shaped by so many sticks," Phua said.

執政的人民行動黨國會議員潘麗萍 則呼籲政府給予人民更多自由。「讓新加坡人為自己的行為負責,不要讓我們的行為被這麼多懲罰所限制,」她說。


sticky:形容詞,非正式用語,原指黏手的,引申為棘手的、困難的、麻煩 的,如There were a few sticky moments during the meeting, but everything turned out all right in the end.(會議中曾出現幾次棘手時刻,但最後一切仍順利解決。)

squeaky- clean:形容詞,指純潔的、無瑕疵的,用來形容人時則指品格良善、誠實等,如Journalists have been trying to discover if the senator really is as squeaky-clean as he claims to be.(記者們一直試圖調查這位參議員是否真的如他自稱的那麼誠實可靠。)

stick:名詞,棍、棒,引申為懲罰或有敵意的言行,如He used both a carrot and a stick to keep allies in line.(他軟硬兼施,讓盟友們乖乖合作。)

This Day in History March 14… 歷史上的今天 3月14日

Today is the anniversary of the birthday of Albert Einstein. He is said to be one of the most important scientists in history. Einstein was born in Ulm, German in 1879. Thought of as a genius at a young age, Einstein created many new theories in physics. During his life, Einstein wrote hundreds of books and articles. He worked alone and with other scientists on projects. He is most famous for the Theory of Relativity, which is E=MC2. In 1921, Einstein was given the Nobel Prize for Physics. He was also chosen as Time Magazine’s Person of the Century.

今天是亞伯特.愛因 斯坦的冥誕。他可說是史上最重要的科學家之一。愛因斯坦於1879年出生於德國的烏姆。他年紀輕輕時就被認為是天才,發表了許多新穎的物理學理論。愛因斯 坦一生中寫過數百本著作和文章。他會獨立工作,也會與其他科學家進行研究。關於愛因斯坦,最有名的就屬相對論,即E=MC2這個方程式。1921年愛因斯 坦獲頒諾貝爾物理學獎。他也曾被《時代雜誌》評選為世紀風雲人物。


●genius n. 天才
●theory n. 理論╱學說
in theory  理論上
例:In theory, your idea sounds good, but I doubt if it really works in practice.(理論上,你的點子聽起來不錯,但我懷疑它實際上是否可行。)
●physics n. 物理學
●hundreds of... 數以百計的……
例:Hundreds of spectators were unable to get tickets to the sold-out football game.(那場橄欖球賽的票全數售出,所以有數以百計的觀眾買不到票。)
●alone adv. 單獨地╱獨自地
例:The little girl is afraid to stay home alone.(那個小女孩害怕一個人獨自在家。)


Gum Claims to Increase Male Libido/號稱能提振男人性慾的口香糖


A gum by a Florida company called Sexlets is claimed to increase the libido of men. It will become available in New York in a couple of weeks.

佛羅里達州一家公司推出一款名為 「Sexlets」、據稱能提振男人性慾的口香糖,未來數週內將可在紐約市買到。

The gum comes in a single packet that contains 15 pieces. It is peppermint-flavored and costs $11.97. It is not a drug and can therefore be purchased without a prescription. It is not claiming to cure anything but just boosts men’s libido.

這款口香糖採單盒包裝,內含15片,薄荷口味,要價11.97美元,它並非藥品,因此無需醫生處方即可購買。它並未聲稱能治 療任何疾病,只強調能提振男人性慾。

"We don’t claim to cure anything. It’s more like a chewable vitamin. I chew my multi-vitamins every day and chew my Sexlets every day," said Tommy Babil, the man who came up with this gum idea.

「我們不宣稱能治療任何疾病,它比較像是嚼食的維他命。我每天嚼綜合維他命,也每天嚼我的 Sexlets」,想出這種口香糖構想的湯米.巴比爾說。

It comes in a form that looks like multi-vitamins that breaks down into powder before becoming a gum.

這 種口香糖化成膠前,形式就像分解成粉末的綜合維他命。

It is produced using all-natural ingredients. It contains ginseng, vitamin E, orchic powder(ground-up bull testicles)and yohimbe bark-an aphrodisiac used in Africa for centuries. Yohimbe bark improves erections as it increases blood flow to the penis according to urologists. Too much however can lead to kidney failure, seizure and even death.

它是由全天然的原料製造,含有人參、維他命E、睪丸粉(磨碎的牛睪丸) 以及育亨賓樹皮,這是一種在非洲使用了數世紀的春藥。據泌尿科醫生的說法,育亨賓樹皮可以增加通往陰莖的血流量,從而改善勃起狀況,然而,服用過量可導致 腎衰竭、癲癇發作,甚至死亡。

新聞辭典 Dictionary

libido: 性慾、性驅力。libido 是心理學大師佛洛依德的用語,中文翻成「原慾」、「慾力」或「性驅力」。佛洛依德認為,人類所有行為的原始動力都來自libido。

break down into:片語,分解成。例句:During digestion, the protein foods we eat are broken down into amino acids.(消化的時候,我們吃的蛋白質食物會分解成胺基酸。)

aphrodisiac: 名詞,春藥、催情劑。例句:Are oysters really an aphrodisiac?(牡蠣真有催情效果嗎?)

This Day in History March 13歷史上的今天 3月13日

Uncle Sam is a cartoon character that was created to represent the US. The first time people heard of Uncle Sam was during the War of 1812. Uncle Sam was first shown to the public in the March 13, 1852, issue of the New York Lantern. However, the famous image we now know as Uncle Sam wasn't created until later by Thomas Nast. His design showed a serious-looking elderly man with a beard similar to Abraham Lincoln and clothes that looked like they were made out of the US flag. These days, Uncle Sam is commonly seen on posters that encourage Americans to join the military.

「山姆大叔」是創造來作為美國象徵的漫畫角色。人們第一次聽到「山姆大叔」這個名字是在 1812 年的美英戰爭期間。「山姆大叔」於 1852 年 3 月 13 日那一期的《紐約之燈》中,第一次出現在世人面前。但是,我們今日所熟悉的「山姆大叔」卻是後來由湯瑪斯.納斯特所創造出來的人物造型:一個貌似林肯總 統,蓄著鬍子、神情嚴肅的老先生,身上穿的衣服看起來則像是用美國國旗裁製而成。現在,山姆大叔常常出現在鼓勵美國人從軍的海報上。


Ohio State janitor's gunfire kills co-worker, self 俄亥俄州立大學工友槍殺同事,舉槍自盡


An Ohio State University janitor who was about to lose his job walked into a maintenance building for his early morning shift Tuesday and shot two supervisors, killing one of them and fatally shooting himself. No students were hurt.

俄亥俄州立大學的一名即將丟差的工友,週二清晨準備上早班時,走進一棟維修大樓槍殺了兩名主管,導 致其中一人死亡,槍手本人也自戕身亡。(事件中)並無學生受傷。

Nathaniel Brown, 51, arrived for work at the nation’s largest university dressed in dark clothing, a hooded sweat shirt and a backpack. He then opened fire in an office suite using two handguns, campus Police Chief Paul Denton said.

51 歲的納森尼爾.布朗抵達這所全美最大的大學上班時,穿著深色衣服、有兜帽的圓領厚棉運動衫並背著背包。他接著以兩把手槍朝一間辦公室開火,校警警長保羅. 丹頓說。

The shooting was reported at 3:30 a.m. Tuesday. Police tactical units surrounded the building and found Brown with a self-inflicted gunshot wound in a garage bay, Denton said. He was pronounced dead at a campus hospital several hours later.

(警方在)週二凌 晨3時30分接獲報案,警方霹靂小組包圍該建築,並在一處停車隔間發現被自己開槍打傷的布朗。丹頓說,布朗在數小時後於校園醫院被宣告死亡。

Classes went on as scheduled Tuesday. More than 55,000 students attend the main campus in Columbus. The maintenance building is next to a power plant and across the street from Ohio Stadium, home to the university’s football team.

週二的課程一如表定如期進行。位於哥倫布市的主校區有超過5萬5000名學生。維修大樓的隔壁是一座發電廠, 並與該校的美式足球隊的主場「俄亥俄體育場」隔街對望。


maintenance: 名詞,維修;保持。動詞,maintain。例句:Maintaining good relationships with your colleagues will also help to keep your job.(跟同事們搞好關係也有助於保住飯碗。)

sweatshirt: 名詞,一種長袖、無領、剪裁寬大的套頭厚棉運動衫,通常有毛襯裡,切忌根據字面意義將sweatshirt翻譯成「汗衫」。

inflict: 動詞,予以…;使遭受…。

This Day in History 歷史上的今天

In 1886, the first recipe for Coca-Cola was created in a drugstore. However, it was not made into soft drink. Instead, it was called wine and also used as medicine. On this date in 1894, Coca-Cola was sold in bottles for the first time. It was bottled at the Biedenharn Candy Company in Vicksburg, Mississippi. The bottles were very different from the bottles we know today. They had shorter necks and straight wide bodies. Later, in 1899, the first company to bottle only Coca-Cola was opened in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

在1886年,一家 藥局創造出第一份可口可樂的配方。然而,它卻不是做成飲料。相反地,它被稱作酒,而且被拿來當藥物使用。在1894年的今天,可口可樂首次以瓶裝的形式販 售。它是在密西西比州維克斯堡一家名叫Biedenharn的糖果公司中裝瓶。這些可樂瓶跟我們如今所熟知的瓶子可是大不相同。它們的瓶頸較短,而瓶身則 又直又寬。之後在1899年,第一家只為可口可樂裝瓶的公司在田納西州的Chattanooga成立。


◎recipe n. 配方╱食譜
例:Do you know any good recipes for beef stew?(你知不知道有什麼好吃的燉牛肉食譜?)
◎drugstore n.(兼售日用雜貨的)藥局
◎soft drink
.alcoholn. 酒類;酒精
◎instead adv.(反)而╱卻
例:We didn’t go to a fancy restaurant to eat. Instead, we went to the night market.(我們沒有去高級餐廳用餐。我們反而去了夜市。)
instead of... 而不是╱代替……
例:Instead of working for a company, Rex chose to start his own business.(雷克斯選擇了自己創業而非就業。)
◎medicine n. 藥物
.take medicine
吃藥╱服藥(非 eat medicine)
例:The patient didn’t take the medicine, so his condition got worse.(這名病人沒有乖乖吃藥,所以病情越來越嚴重。)
n. 瓶子 & vt. 把……裝進瓶中


風行全球的可口可樂是在1886年,由美國喬治 亞州一位名叫約翰.潘伯頓(John Pemberton)的藥劑師(pharmacist)所發明的。潘伯頓原本期望製作出一種能提神解勞、有鎮靜作用和減輕頭痛的飲料,但在一次偶然的意外中,他 把碳酸水、糖及其它原料混合在一起後,成了一種清涼、舒暢的飲 料,於是有史以來最成功的飲料「可口可樂」就此誕生。


This Day in History March 11…歷史上的今天 3月11日…

According to Shakespeare, today is an important date in history. In his famous play Romeo and Juliet, the two lovers run away to get married on March 11. This was kept secret because their families were enemies and would never allow them to be together. Unfortunately, this wedding was not the start of a beautiful love story. It was near the end of one. Not long after they were married, Romeo and Juliet died tragically. Even so, they are still talked about today as an example of true love.

根 據莎士比亞,今天是歷史上很重要的一天。在他著名的戲劇《羅密歐與茱麗葉》中,這對愛侶在3月11日這天私奔結為連理。這件事是個秘密,因為他們雙方的家 族是世仇,所以絕對不會允許兩人在一起。但不幸的是,這場婚禮並不是一段美麗愛情故事的開始。反而是接近故事的尾聲。羅密歐與茱麗葉在婚後不久就悲劇性地 離開人世。即便如此,他們倆的故事仍被當作是真愛的典範,至今依然為人傳頌。


但 羅密歐為報好友被殺之仇,竟將茱麗葉的堂哥殺死,結果被判驅逐出境。羅倫斯神父便要茱麗葉服下假死的毒藥(poison),等到羅密歐回來,就可以帶她遠 走高飛。不過事與願違,羅密歐沒有得知這個消息,以為茱麗葉已死而服毒自盡,結果茱麗葉醒來後看到心愛的羅密歐死去,也跟著自殺(commit suicide),兩家的仇恨卻也因兩人之死而化解。


◎according to…
例:According to Mark, the general manager is going to retire next month.(根據馬克所說,總經理將於下個月退休。)
◎get/be married
˙get/be married to sb = marry sb  與某人結婚
例:Steve got married to his first girlfriend when he was only 18.(史提夫年僅18歲時就和初戀女友結了婚。)
◎be kept secret
˙keep ...secret 將……保密
例:The army planned to keep this new weapon secret.(軍方打算把這種新武器列為機密。)
n. 仇敵,敵人
◎Even so, S + V

Happiness wards off heart disease 快樂對抗心臟病


Being happy and staying positive may help ward off heart disease, a study suggests. US researchers monitored the health of 1,700 people over 10 years, finding the most anxious and depressed were at the highest risk of the disease.


They could not categorically prove happiness was protective, but said people should try to enjoy themselves.


But experts suggested the findings may be of limited use as an individual’s approach to life was often ingrained.


At the start of the study, which was published in the European Heart Journal, participants were assessed for emotions ranging from hostility and anxiousness to joy, enthusiasm and contentment.


They were given a rating on a five-point scale to score their level of positive emotions. By the end of the analysis, some 145 had developed heart disease-fewer than one in 10.


But for each rise in the happiness scale there was a 22% lower risk of developing heart disease.



ward off:片語,對抗。例句:In the winter I take vitamin C to ward off colds.(冬天裡,我吃維他命C來預防感冒。)

categorically:副詞,明確地。例句:He categorically refused to take part in the project.(他明確地拒絕參與這項計畫。)

ingrained:形容詞,根深柢固的。例句:Such ingrained prejudices cannot be corrected easily.(這樣根深柢固的偏見沒辦法輕易匡正。)


Women and men travelers tend to get different illnesses 男女旅人傾向感染不同的疾病


World travel can make anyone sick but men and women tend to suffer different illnesses with women more prone to stomach problems and men at higher risk of fevers and sexually transmitted diseases, Swiss researchers found.


A study of almost 59,000 international travelers by the University of Zurich found women were more likely than men to come down with bouts of diarrhea or other gastrointestinal problems, colds, urinary tract infections and adverse reactions to, such as those taken to prevent malaria.


Men had higher risks of fever, including from infections transmitted by mosquitoes, ticks or other such "vectors", such as malaria, dengue.


Men were also more likely than women to be treated for mountain sickness, frostbite or sexually transmitted diseases.


Researcher Dr.Patricia Schlagenhauf said the findings offer travelers and travel-medicine specialists a clearer idea of how to prepare for international trips.


The exact reasons for the sex difference are not clear. One possibility, according to the researchers, is that men make "more attractive hosts" to mosquitoes because the insects are lured by sweat and excessive sweating also washes off insect repellent.


As for gastrointestinal ills, women may either be more susceptible to them, or they may be more likely than men to seek treatment for them.



prone to︰有…傾向,易於…,例句︰I feel rather prone to agree with you.(我很同意你的看法。)

come down with︰出錢、染患…病。例句︰She came down with a bad cold.(她得了重感冒。)

susceptible︰易受影響的、過敏的。例句︰You are susceptible to colds.(你很容易感冒。)

This Day in History March 10

It is hard to imagine life without a telephone. The first telephone call was made in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell. Bell had been working on his telephone for a long time. He used ideas from other inventors to make his telephone better than anyone else's. The secret was using vibrations in sound waves. The message Bell sent was to his assistant, Thomas Watson. Watson was sitting in a different room when he heard through the machine, "Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you."

歷史上的今天 3月10日…

我們很難想像沒有電話的生活。 第一通電話是在1876年由亞歷山大・格雷翰・貝爾(圖中,網路照片)所撥出去的。貝爾有很長一段時間致力於發明電話。他採用了其他發明家的點子,讓他的 電話比其他任何人所發明的電話都還要好。其中的秘密就是使用聲波的振動。當時貝爾傳送的訊息是給他的助理湯瑪斯・華生。華生那時正坐在不同的房間內,便聽 到機器傳來「華生先生請過來,我想見你。」


2002 年6月15日,美國國會決議電話的發明人為移民到美國的義大利人安東尼奧・穆齊(Antonio Meucci),而非世人所認為的貝爾。據說因為穆齊是一位窮困的發明家,他的妻子臥病在床,所以他發明了這台機器,好讓他在工作時可以和妻子保持聯絡, 但他在1871年欲申請專利(patent)時,卻因為未繳交專利費而遭到退回,而讓貝爾搶先取得了專利權。


例:Little Billy often imagines there are monsters hiding under his bed.(小比利經常幻想有怪物躲在他的床下。)
◎make a telephone/phone call
例:I have to make a phone call to tell James where we are now.(我得打個電話告訴詹姆士我們現在人在哪兒。)
◎work on...
例:Eddie is working on improving his English and hopes he can study abroad next year.(艾迪正致力加強英文,希望明年能出國念書。)
例:When the earthquake hit, I hardly felt any vibrations on the bus.(地震發生時,我在公車上幾乎感受不到震動。)
n. 助理(常與介詞 to並用)
例:Molly is the assistant to the CEO of this company.(茉莉是這家公司執行長的助理。)
˙be different from...和……不同
例:Kelly's personality is different from her sister's. She is shy, while her sister is quite outgoing.(凱莉的個性和她姊姊不同。她很害羞,而她姊姊則相當外向。)


Strip club raises money for Haiti 脫衣舞夜店為海地募款


US strip club has raised almost $1,000 for earthquake victims by staging a charity "Lap dances for Haiti" event.


Marilyn’s on Monroe, in Toledo, Ohio, donated all of its $10 cover charges for one day to the International Services of Hope charity.


The name of the event was misleading-strip clubs are legal in Ohio but lap-dances are not, reports the Toledo Blade.


Club manager Kenny Soprano said he had been considering a charity event to improve the club’s reputation even before the Haiti earthquake.


"We’d been racking our brains for about a month or so, thinking about what we could do," he said. "You don’t hear much about strip clubs giving back to the community."


"It was pretty hard to find an organisation that wants to deal with an adult entertainment establishment."



rack one’s brains︰片語,絞盡腦汁。例句︰I racked my brain to think of ways to make more money.(我絞盡腦汁想辦法賺更多錢。)

lap dance︰片語,膝上艷舞,指舞者坐在對方腿上磨蹭跳舞。例句︰They watched a lap dance in the night club. 他們在夜店看了一場膝上艷舞。

deal with︰片語,應付、打交道。例句︰That man is difficult to deal with.(那人很難打交道。)