
This Day in History May 7歷史上的今天 5月7日

Important events in history don't have to be that far in the past. Just a few years ago, a great archaeological mystery was solved. On this date in 2007, the tomb of Herod the Great was discovered. Herod was a king of Israel with a reputation for good and evil. He was known for his grand building projects and murdering many people. Archaeologist Ehud Netzer spent 35 years searching for Herod's tomb. He followed the information from Josephus, a 1st-century historian. The tomb was discovered in Herodium, the fortress palace Herod built on a hill near Jerusalem. Although Netzer successfully found the tomb, Herod's body was no longer inside.

歷史上的今天 5月7日…

重要的歷史事件不見得年代都非常久遠。就在幾年前,一項考古界謎團終於解開。2007年的今天,大希律王墓穴 被發現。大希律王是以色列的國王,其名聲毀譽參半。他的名聲來自偉大建築工程和殺害許多人命。考古學家伊哈德.尼則花35年尋找大希律王墓穴。他根據西元 一世紀歷史學家約瑟夫的史料記載,在希律堡發現墓穴,這是大希律王在耶路撒冷附近山丘上所建的一座碉堡型皇宮。雖然成功找到墓穴,但大希律王遺體早已不在 裡頭。


因大希律王(圖為其墓穴,資料照片)曾救過凱撒大帝(Julius Caesar)性命,所以獲凱撒大帝特准統治以色列,成為羅馬帝國(Roman Empire)在猶太行省的代理王。據《新約聖經》記載,當他知道伯利恆(Bethlehem)有個君王誕生預言時,就派東方3智者先行,假意跟隨朝拜。 3智者離開後,他便下令殺死伯利恆和其周圍境內兩歲以下嬰兒,所幸當時耶穌的母親瑪麗亞與養父約瑟夫已帶耶穌逃往埃及。


n. 神秘;謎
例:The identity of the thief is still a mystery.(這名竊賊的身分仍是個謎。)
n. 墳墓、墓穴
n. 名聲
˙have a reputation for...
例:This judge has a reputation for fairness.(這名法官以大公無私著稱。)
vt. & n.謀殺
例:Evidence shows that the man was murdered.(證據顯示那名男子是被謀殺的。)
n. 皇宮

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