
This Day in History May 19…

On this date in 1987, people were laughing for a new reason. This was the day the first American Comedy Awards were held. The awards show, sponsored by ABC, was the first to honor performers in the field of comedy. The awards were then given out every year until 2001. Award nominees were chosen by people from all areas of the entertainment industry. During the first awards show, Bette Midler won four awards, while Woody Allen won three. A lot of other comedy superstars were also honored that night, including Lucille Ball, Mel Brooks, and Mary Tyler Moore.

歷史上的今天 5月19日…

1987年的今天,人們為了一個新理由而開懷大笑。這一天正是美國喜劇獎頒獎典禮首次舉行的日子。這個由 ABC電視台所贊助的獎項,是第一個表揚喜劇類演員的頒獎典禮。這個獎項之後每年都頒發,直到2001年為止。入圍者是由娛樂界各領域中的人所遴選出來。 在第一屆的頒獎典禮上,貝蒂.米勒獲得了4座獎,而伍迪.艾倫則獲得3座。其他許多喜劇巨星也都在當晚獲頒獎項,包括露西.鮑爾、梅爾.布魯克以及瑪麗. 泰勒.穆爾等人。


在第一屆美國喜劇獎中榮獲4項獎項的貝蒂.米勒,是演歌雙棲女星。以歌唱起家的她曾獲4座葛萊美獎,爾後以 《家有惡夫》(Ruthless People)一片轉向喜劇電影發展,不但贏得美國喜劇獎,更被譽為 「喜劇皇后」。而伍迪.艾倫更是多才多藝,曾任電影導演、編劇、演員、作家、音樂家與劇作家。1986年執導的《漢娜姊妹》(Hannah and Her Sisters)獲獎無數,除美國喜劇獎外,還獲得奧斯卡最佳原創劇本獎、紐約影評人協會最佳導演及洛杉磯影評人協會最佳劇本等。


◎comedy n.喜劇
◎tragedy n.悲劇
◎romance n.浪漫愛情片
◎sponsor vt.贊助
例:The YMCA sponsors various activities throughout the year.(基督教青年會一整年都贊助各式各樣的活動。)
◎honor vt.致敬,表揚
例:The president honored the soldier for what he did for his country.(總統表揚那位軍人對國家的貢獻。)
◎give out… 分發……,發送……
例:Sarah volunteers by giving out food to people at the homeless shelter every week.(莎拉每星期去當義工分發食物給遊民收容所的人。)
.volunteer vi.當義工
◎nominee n.入圍者,被提名人
.nominate vt.提名
◎industry n. 行業,產業
例:The director's success has set a good example for the movie industry in Taiwan.(那位導演的成功為台灣的電影業立下了一個良好的典範。)

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