
This Day in History May 15

M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!Everyone’s favorite rodent celebrates his birthday on November 18. That was when the Walt Disney Company released Steamboat Willie in 1928. However, Mickey Mouse actually made his debut in a cartoon about six months earlier on this date. That little-known silent cartoon was entitled Plane Crazy. In it, Mickey takes Minnie on a crazy ride in a plane that he built by himself. Later that year, a soundtrack was added to the film. From the very beginning, Mickey Mouse was a star!

歷史上的今天 5月15日…

米─老─鼠!這隻所有人最喜愛的鼠輩於11月18日歡度生日。那一天正是華特.迪士尼公司於1928年推出 《汽船威利號》的日子。不過,米奇其實是在那之前大約6個月的今天就已經在一部卡通裡首度登台亮相。那部鮮為人知的默劇卡通名為《飛機迷》。在這部卡通 中,米老鼠開著他親手打造的飛機,帶著米妮踏上一段瘋狂的旅程。這部影片並於當年稍晚加上了配音。打從一開始,米老鼠就是一個閃亮的巨星呢!


米老鼠是華特.迪士尼公司最具代表性卡通人物(cartoon character)之一,在他誕生的初期,他是由華特.迪士尼(圖,資料照片)本人所親自配音。米老鼠長久以來一直受到世人喜愛,在他50歲生日的那一 天,他甚至成為第一個在好萊塢星光大道(Hollywood Walk of Fame)擁有專屬星星的卡通角色。此外,迪士尼公司還會在旗下的各種影片、主題樂園及周邊商品中,隱藏加入米老鼠著名的剪影(silhouette), 並把它稱為 Hidden Mickey,各位不妨可以找找喔!


例:The government released an official report regarding the terrorist attacks.(政府發布了關於那幾起恐怖攻擊事件的正式報告。)
◎make one’s debut
例:Clint Eastwood started out as an actor and made his debut as a director in 1971.(克林伊斯威特是以演員出身,然後於1971年初執導演筒。)
vt. 給……命名/起名(多用於被動語態)
例:The author’s new book, entitled The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, was on the best-seller list for many weeks.(那位作家的新書,書名為《龍紋身的女孩》,位居暢銷排行榜達數周之久。)
◎(all) by oneself
例:Chris spent Christmas Eve in his dorm room all by himself.(克里斯在他宿舍房間裡獨自度過了聖誕夜。)
n. 電影配音;電影配樂

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