
This Day in History 歷史上的今天 5月17日

North and South Korea have disagreed on many things for years. After three years of war in the 1950s, both sides decided to stop fighting. However, no peace treaty was signed. Instead, North and South Korea agreed to stay on their own side of the 38th parallel. From then until recently, no trains were allowed to cross this boundary. It all changed on this date in 2007. On that historic day, two trains, each carrying 150 passengers, were allowed to cross from one side to the other. This was a big step forward in relations between North and South Korea.
南北韓多年來對許多 事都意見不合。50年代歷經了3年韓戰後,雙方決定停火。然而,他們並沒有簽訂任何和平協議。南北韓同意劃北緯38度為雙方的分界線。從那時起一直到近 代,沒有任何火車可以獲准通過這道邊界。2007年的今天,一切都改變了。在這有重大歷史意義的一天,兩輛各自搭載150名乘客的火車獲准越過邊境。這象 徵了南北韓之間的關係往前邁進了一大步。


.vi.意見不同 & vt. 不同意
.例:With regard to his proposal, we all disagree with it.(關於他的提案,我們一致不贊同。)
.n. 協定;條約
.例:A peace treaty signifies the end of fighting between two groups of people.(和平條約表示兩造紛爭的終止。)
.meridian n.經線
@be allowed to V
.例:You are not allowed to leave the office during working hours.(上班時間你不准離開辦公室。)
.n.邊界;界 線
.例:The Rio Grande forms part of the boundary between the US and Mexico.(里歐葛蘭河形成美墨間的部分邊界。)


第二次世界大戰結束時,美國、蘇聯在朝鮮半島商定以北緯38度線作 為接受日軍投降範圍的界限。北部為蘇軍受降區,南部為美軍受降區。1948年大韓民國和朝鮮民主主義人民共和國成立後,38度線成為北韓和南韓的國界。 1953年韓戰結束後,停戰界線大致上仍沿38度線由東至西橫貫朝鮮半島。直到2007年5月17日,兩輛各自搭載150名乘客的火車獲准越過邊境(圖為 南韓列車準備駛往北韓,資料照片),象徵南北韓之間的關係往前邁進了一大步。

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