
This Day in History May 28

Leonardo da Vinci painted The Last Supper for Duke Sforza in the 15th century. Less than 60 years later, the painting fell into disrepair. What's more, it had suffered through hundreds of years of bad treatment, including parts being cut out for doorways and even a bombing during World War II. Finally, from 1978 to 1999, a major restoration of the painting took place. Many scientific tests were done to make sure the process was done correctly. On this date in 1999, to the delight of many, it was put back on display. Now, The Last Supper is a must-see for travelers going to Milan, Italy.

歷史上的今天 5月28日…

李奧納多.達文西於15世紀為斯福爾札公爵畫了《最後的晚餐》。不到60年後,這幅畫便因年久失修而破損。此 外,《最後的晚餐》更歷經數百年摧殘,像是為了在牆上開幾道門,畫作因而遭到裁切,或是在二次大戰時遭炸彈毀壞。最後,在1978到1999年間,針對這 幅畫作展開大型的修復計劃。且為確保修復過程一切無誤,還進行了多次科學試驗。1999年的今天,讓很多人高興的是,《最後的晚餐》重新恢復展覽。現在到義大利米蘭一遊的旅客,這幅畫可是必看之 物。


《最後的晚餐》描繪耶穌被送上十字架前,與12門徒(the twelve apostles)坐在一張長桌上共進晚餐(圖,資料照片),席間耶穌宣布門徒中將有一人出賣祂。畫中門徒顯得困惑、哀傷與騷動,唯有坐耶穌右側的叛徒猶 大(Judas)驚慌地將身體往後傾,一手抓著出賣耶穌酬勞的錢袋,臉部顯得陰暗。西班牙超現實主義 (Surrealism)畫家達利(Salvador Dali)也曾以這幅畫為藍本,創作出自己的《最後的晚餐》(The Sacrament of the Last Supper)。


例:The road has been in disrepair because the town doesn't have enough money to fix it.(因為這城鎮沒有足夠的經費,這條路已經年久失修了。)
vi.受損害;患病 & vt.遭受,經歷
n. 修復;復原
˙restore vt.恢復;使修復
˙to the delight of sb 令某人高興的是= to one's delight
例:To my delight, John came back safe and sound from his journey.(令我高興的是,約翰安然無恙地自旅程歸來。)
◎be a must-see
例:For its natural beauty, Louise Lake is a must-see when you travel to Canada.(你到加拿大旅遊時,一定得去瞧瞧露易絲湖的自然美景。)

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