
This Day in History May 24… 歷史上的今天 5月24日

The Brooklyn Bridge took 13 years to build. It was open to traffic on this date in 1883. At that time, it was the world's longest suspension bridge, which meant it was held up by steel wires. Its original name was the New York and Brooklyn Bridge because it connected Manhattan to Brooklyn. Today, the Brooklyn Bridge is an easily recognizable feature in New York City's skyline. It is shown in many pictures and postcards and has a special place in the history of the Big Apple.
布魯克林大橋花了 13年才建造完成。這座橋於1883年的今日開放通行。在當時,布魯克林大橋是全世界最長的懸索橋,所謂的懸索橋也就是由鋼索支撐的橋。這座橋的原名為紐 約與布魯克林大橋,因為它連接了(紐約的)曼哈頓與布魯克林。如今它已成為紐約市天際線中極易辨識的特徵。在許多相片和明信片中都能見到布魯克林大橋的蹤 影,而它在紐約這顆大蘋果的歷史中亦有其重要地位。


.be open to + N/V-ing 對……開放;樂於接受……
例:The library on our campus is open to the public.(我們校園的圖書館是對外開放的。)
例:We are open to criticism and anything constructive.(我們樂於接受批評及任何有建設性的意見。)
.suspension  n.懸吊,懸掛
例:A new suspension bridge will be built across the river.(這條河上將建造一座的新吊橋。)
.hold up...支撐……;舉起……
.connect A to B 連接A和B
be connected to...與……連接
例:Jim connected the blue wire to the red one to get the phone working again.(吉姆將藍線接上紅線,好讓電話能再次使用。)
.recognizable a.可 辨識的
.feature n.特色,特徵


布魯克林大橋(圖,資料照片)於1870年開始建造,其工程浩大且艱困, 共耗資1550萬美元。建造期間動用多達600名工人,也造成數十人因公殉職。布魯克林大橋特色之一是兩座哥德式雙拱門(twin Gothic arches)的橋塔,橋面分上下兩層,下層是車道,上層是行人步道和自行車道。由於布魯克林大橋是紐約市重要地標之一,許多美國電影場景常出現它的身影,讓人印象較深刻的包括《金剛》(King Kong)、《我是傳奇》(I Am Legend),以及《穿越時空愛上你》(Kate & Leopold)等等。

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