
Mafia boss wins right to pee in private/黑手黨大老贏得私下撇尿的權利

A Mafia boss has reportedly won the right to go to the toilet in private while behind bars.
據報 導,一名黑手黨大哥爭取到服刑期間可以私下上廁所的權利。
Judge Giovanna Di Rosa accepted Salvatore Lo Piccolo’s argument that he should be able to use the bathroom without being filmed as he was "entitled to his privacy", reports The Daily Telegraph.
法官喬凡娜.蒂羅莎接受了薩爾瓦多.羅皮珂羅的論點。他認為自己上洗手間時應有 不被錄影的權利,那是他「應享有的隱私權」,據每日電訊報報導。
Italian law dictates that Mafia prisoners are kept under conditions defined by rule 41, ordering constant surveillance and solitary confinement and restricting privileges such as open-air time and family visits.
義大利法律第41條對於黑手 黨囚犯有特別規定,像是受到不間斷監視、單獨監禁,並限制諸如放風時間和家屬探訪等權利。
Lo Piccolo, 58, is currently awaiting trial in Milan’s Opera jail and is alleged to have been behind the killing of several rival mobsters and lucrative drug and extortion rackets. Known as Il Barone (’The Baron’), he is believed to have taken over the helm as the Mafia’s ’boss of bosses’ following the 2005 arrest of Bernardo ’The Tractor’ Provenzano.
58歲的羅皮珂羅目前在米蘭的歌劇 監獄候審,他被控幕後主使殺害數名敵對黑幫份子以及有利可圖的毒品及敲詐勒索案。羅皮珂羅人稱「男爵」,據說2005年義大利黑手黨大哥大、外號「托拉 機」的伯納多.普洛文沙諾被捕後,他已接下「大哥大」的位子。
Judge Di Rosa said that guards could still keep an eye on Lo Piccolo through a spy hole in the toilet’s door.
behind bars::片語,坐牢,指被關在牢房的鐵條欄杆後面。
entitled to:形容詞片語,有資格的、應該得到的。例句:Prisoners are entitled to apply for parole. (囚犯有權申請假釋。)
racket:名詞,敲詐;騙局;非法勾當(常作複數形)。例句:He is involved in gambling and prostitution rackets.(他涉入賭博和賣淫的非法生意。)

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