
This Day in History May 6 歷史上的今天 5月6日…

Happy Birthday today to Sigmund Freud. He was born on this date in 1856 in an area that was once part of the Austrian Empire. Freud studied minds and became known for his interesting and sometimes strange ideas. He started a new kind of psychiatry called psychoanalysis. His method was to have his patients work out their problems by talking about them. Freud believed that holding emotions back would cause physical and mental problems for the patient. Freud's most famous theories, however, are about the unconscious mind.

祝西格蒙德.弗洛伊德今天生日快樂。1856年的今天,他出生在以前隸屬於奧地利帝國的一個地區。弗洛伊德研 究人類的心智,並且因為他那有趣且時而奇特的想法出名。他開創了一項新的精神病學學類,稱為精神分析學。他的方式是要他的病人藉由談論自身的問題來將問題 解決弗洛伊德相信壓抑情緒會導致病人出現身體或精神上的問題。不過他最著名的理論則是關於潛意識。


弗洛伊德(圖,資料照片)在探究人的精神領域時運用了決定論 (determinism)的原則,認為事出必有因,看似微不足道的事情,例如口誤,都是由大腦中潛在的原因決定的。由此,他提出了關於潛意識精神狀態的 假設,將意識劃分為3個層次:意識(the conscious mind)、前意識(the preconscious)和潛意識(the unconscious mind)。意識指的是能為人所知覺的情感、思想和記,是心理的表面部分。前意識,指的是無法立即想、但藉著周遭環境的提醒,就能使某些記憶進入意識層次 的部分。潛意識則是指那些在正常情況下無法變為意識的部分,比如人內心深處被壓抑而無從意識到的欲望只有在特殊的情況才能進入意識層。弗洛伊德認為潛意識 有能動作用,譬如潛意識中的欲望會使一個人做出他自己也無法合理解釋的事情來。


◎empire n.帝國
◎psychiatry n.精神病學
◎psychoanalysis n.精神分析學;心理分析
◎work out…  解決/化解……
例:It took Barry a long time to work out the problems in his marriage.(貝瑞花了很長一段時間來解決他的婚姻問題。)
◎hold…back/hold back… 抑制/控制……(情感等)
例:Cindy couldn't hold back her tears when her husband asked for a divorce.(當辛蒂的丈夫要跟她離婚時,她無法抑制自己的淚水。)
◎emotion n.情緒,情感
◎theory n.理論
例:It wasn't until the age of 50 that Darwin finally published his theory of evolution.(達爾文直到50歲那年才終於發表了他的進化論。)
◎unconscious a.無意識的

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