
This Day in History May 31…歷史上的今天5月31日…

There’s nothing more exciting than a good spy story. In the 1970s, US President Richard Nixon was involved in a scandal called Watergate. Certain information was given to The Washington Post by a secret informant known as Deep Throat. For years, people believed that someone inside Washington was Deep Throat. However, it wasn’t until 30 years later that everyone found out who the informant really was. On this date in 2005, W. Mark Felt, the former associate director of the FBI, announced that he was the real Deep Throat.

沒有什麼比精彩的間諜故事更刺激的了。在1970年代,美國總統理察.尼克森捲入了一場稱為水門事件的醜聞中。一名稱為「深喉嚨」的秘密線人向《華盛頓郵報》透露了某些情報。好幾年來,人們深信某個藏身在華盛頓圈內的人就是深喉嚨。然而直到30年過後,大家才知道深喉嚨的真實身分。2005年的今天,聯邦調查局(FBI,Federal Bureau of Investigation 的縮寫)的前副局長馬克.費爾特宣布自己就是真正的深喉嚨。


水門事件是美國歷史上最不光彩的政治醜聞(political scandal)之一。為了在1972 年的總統大選中獲勝,美國共和黨(Republican Party)尼克森的競選團隊於當年6月17日晚上闖入了位於華盛頓水門大廈(Watergate complex)的民主黨(Democratic Party)全國委員會辦公室,安裝竊聽器並偷拍相關文件以竊取民主黨內部競選策略的情報。事件曝光後,尼克森(圖,資料照片)曾一度竭力粉飾開脫,並濫用行政權力來維護自己。然而在1974年6月,司法委員會決定公布此事件的相關證據,在7月底,更陸續通過了3項彈劾尼克森的提案。8月9日,尼克森辭職下台,成為美國歷史上首位辭職的總統。自此之後,每當國家領導人遭遇執政醜聞,便通常會被國際新聞界冠之以「門」(gate)的名稱,如「伊朗門」(Irangate)等。


n. 間諜
◎be involved in...
例:Many countries were involved in World War II.
n. 醜聞
n. 情報,消息;資訊(不可數)
例:I got this information from a reliable source.
n. 線人,提供消息者
vt. 宣布,公告
例:The judge is going to announce the winner of the contest.

Khaki is so last year...卡其制服太落伍了…

An Indian police force has drafted in one of the country’s top fashion designers to overhaul its distinctive khaki uniforms.
The police in the western state of Maharashtra have invited fashion designer Manish Malhotra, who made his name dressing leading Bollywood actresses, to give their officers a smart new look, the reports said.
Malhotra had shown four to five new designs in blue and dark blue to senior police officers in the state capital, Mumbai, and a final choice was being considered.
"Manish has been working on this project for four months. The Mumbai police is looking for a chic uniform and they feel Malhotra is the right man for them," an unnamed "industry insider" was quoted as saying.
Khaki uniforms were first introduced in the 19th century under British rule.
The change, if approved, comes as part of an overhaul of police in Mumbai in the wake of the deadly 2008 Islamist militant attacks on the city when the force was found to be lacking training, equipment and manpower.
Security experts have said that urgent investment was needed to boost police numbers across India, with many areas understaffed, particularly of experienced senior officers.

last year:俚語,落伍的、過時的。
例句:Try to get some chic outfits! The way you dress is so last year. (去找些時髦的衣服吧!你的穿著打扮太落伍了。)
understaffed:形容詞,人力不足的。例句:Our department is hugely understaffed.(我們的部門人力嚴重不足。)


Annoyed by cellphones? Scientists explain why 被手機惹毛了嗎?科學家解釋原因


Ever wonder why overhearing a cellphone conversation is so annoying? American researchers think they have found the answer.


Whether it is the office, on a train or in a car, only half of the conversation is overheard which drains more attention and concentration than when overhearing two people talking, according to scientists at Cornell University.

不論是在辦公室、在火車上或在汽車裡,只旁聽到一半的對話,要比旁聽到兩個人談話耗損更多的注意力與專注力,康乃 爾大學科學家表示。

"We have less control to move away our attention from half a conversation (or halfalogue) than when listening to a dialogue," said Lauren Emberson, a co-author of the study. "Since halfalogues really are more distracting and you can’t tune them out, this could explain why people are irritated," she said.

「比起聽到完整對話,只聽到一半的對話 (halfalogue)時,我們會更難轉移注意力,」這項研究的作者之一安伯森表示。「由於一半的對話反而更令人分心,你又不能聽而不聞,這就可以解釋 為什麼聽話者會感到惱火,」她說。

Worldwide, there are about 4.6 billion cellphone subscribers, according to the International Telecommunications Union, a U.N. agency. The number is equal to about two-thirds of the world’s population, leaving few corners of the globe where public spaces are free of mobile-tethered babblers.

全球目前共有46億名手機用戶,據聯合國旗下機構國際電訊 聯盟統計。這個數字相當於全球3分之2的人口,也表示全球幾乎沒有任何地方的公共空間裡看不到拿著手機開講的人。

Emberson said people try to make sense of snippets of conversation and predict what speakers will say next. "When you hear half of a conversation, you get less information and you can’t predict as well," she said. "It requires more attention."

安伯森指出,人們會試圖從片段對話中理解上下文,並預測說話者接下來會說些什麼。 「當你只聽到一半的對話,你只能得到較少的資訊,也無法有效預測,」她說。「這需要更多注意力。」


overhear:動詞,指偶然聽到、無意中聽到或偷聽,如He overheard his daughter telling her teddy not to be so naughty.(他無意間聽到女兒叫玩具熊不要淘氣。)或We overheard them say that they didn’t really like the meal.(我們偶然聽到他們說,這頓飯其實不太合他們的胃口。)

tune out:動詞片語,非正式用法,指對某人或某事沒有反應、忽視、不再感到興趣,如She tried to tune out the children’s screaming.(她試圖不理會小孩的尖叫。)或He talks such garbage that I just tune him out.(他胡言亂語,我只好當作沒聽見。)

babbler:名詞,指說話模糊不清的人、嘮叨的人或胡言亂語的人,動詞 為babble,指模糊不清地說、隨口洩漏秘密等,如She was babbling something about her ring being stolen.(她喋喋不休地說著什麼戒指被偷的事。)作名詞時則指持續低語或模糊不清的聲音,尤指好幾個人同時說話,如I could hear the babble of voices in the next room.(我可以聽到隔壁房間隱約傳來數人說話的聲音。)

This Day in History May 30… 歷史上的今天 5月30日…

During the Hundred Years War between France and England, France had a secret weapon, and her name was Joan of Arc. She was merely a poor teenager from the countryside, but she helped the French army gain an advantage over the British forces. She said that her inspirations came from three saints who talked to her. However, Joan was captured during a battle and put on trial. The Christian Church ruled that she was out of her mind. On this date in 1431, Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. However, the Church changed their opinion of her in 1456. Eventually, Joan of Arc was made a saint in 1920.

在英法百年戰爭期 間,法國擁有一項秘密武器,她的名字就叫聖女貞德(圖為電影劇照,資料照片)。她只是一名來自農村的貧窮少女,但她卻協助法軍在與英軍的戰爭中取得上風。 她聲稱自己是因為3位聖徒對她密語而得到啟示。然而聖女貞德卻在一場戰役中被俘虜而遭到審判。基督教會判定她的精神有問題,並於1431年的今天將她綁在 火刑柱上活活燒死。然而教會卻在1456年改變對她的看法。貞德最後於1920年被冊封為聖人。


●merely adv. 僅僅,只不過(強調語氣用)
例:Instead of answering questions about the scandal, the mayor merely said a few polite words.(市長沒回答有關該醜聞的問題,而只是說了幾句客套話。)
●countryside n.農村,鄉間
●gain an advantage over... 取得比……更有力的地位
例:Jason gained an unfair advantage over his opponent by cheating.(傑森藉由作弊而比對手多了不公平的優勢。)
●saint n.(教會所承認或冊封的)聖徒,聖人
●be (put) on trial (for...) (因……)受到審判


Britain’s oldest father has a child at 74 英國最老父親74歲為人父

 ◎ 陳成良
Gerry Burks, who will be 75 on Tuesday, has a newborn son, Ryan, with his wife Dawn, 41.
週二將年 屆75歲的傑瑞.伯克斯與41歲妻子唐恩,有了一名新生兒子萊恩。
The couple, from Louth in Lincs, also have another son, Daniel, age six. Mr Burks, whose wife is nearly 35 years his junior, has credited his love of bananas for his virility.
來 自林肯郡勞斯的這對夫妻,還育有6歲大的兒子丹尼爾。妻子比自己年輕近35歲的伯克斯先生,將其生殖力歸功於愛吃香蕉。
He told The Sun: "I packed all the bad things up in the mid-1980s when my first marriage broke down. I eat lots of bananas and always have done, sometimes a couple a day. I don’t eat much salt and have home-cooked food. "
他告訴太陽報說:「1980年代中期第一段婚姻觸礁時,我將所有不愉快事情收藏在心中。我吃很多香蕉,而且一直如此,有時一 天吃好幾回。我不攝取太多鹽份,吃自家料理的食物。」
Mr Burks, a former HGV driver, has three other children from his first marriage which ended in 1985.
曾擔任重 型貨車司機的伯克斯先生,他在1985年結束的第一段婚姻中有另外3名小孩。
Ryan was born on Friday March 12 weighing 5lb 7oz. He initially suffered from breathing difficulties but has since been able to return home with his parents.
萊恩於3月12日 週五出世,重5磅又7盎司。他起初有呼吸困難的問題,但後來就可與父母親一同返家了。
His parents married in 2002 after living next door to each other for a decade.
他的父母毗鄰而居 10年後,於2002年締結連理。
The wold’s oldest father is Nanu Ram Jogi, from India, who had a child at 90.
新聞辭典 Dictionary
virility:名詞,(男性的)性功能,生殖 力;活力;陽剛氣概。例句: Maasai men are known to demonstrate their virility by spearing elephants.(馬賽族人以刺戳大象展現男性氣概聞名。)

HGV:名詞,為 Heavy Goods Vehicle(重型貨車;重裝載車輛)的縮寫。
break down:片語,(使人與人關係)發生破裂;關係破裂(或中斷);(夫婦)離異。例句:Their marriage broke down last month.(他們的婚姻關係上月破裂了。)

This Day in History May 29歷史上的今天 5月29日…

This Day in History One was a mountaineer from New Zealand. The other was a Sherpa from Nepal. Both of these men loved adventure, and they worked hard to achieve a single goal together. On this date in 1953, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay became the first people to reach the top of Mount Everest. Their expedition started in March, with over 350 people cooperating to make it happen. Hillary and Norgay were not the only ones trying to reach the top. But on this trip, they were the only ones that did. Therefore, they will always be known as the first men to conquer the tallest mountain in the world.

歷史上的今天 5月29日…

一位是來自紐西蘭的登山家,另一位是來自尼泊爾的雪巴人。這兩位都愛好冒險,並且共同努力達成了一個目標。 在1953年的今天,艾德蒙.希拉里與丹增.諾蓋兩人成為第一個登上聖母峰峰頂的人。他們的遠征始於3月,超過350人的通力合作才促成這次攻頂成功。希 拉里與諾蓋並非唯一試圖攻頂的人,但在這趟旅程中,他們是唯一成功的兩位。因此,他們將永遠為人所知,是第一個征服世界最高峰的兩人。


聖母峰(Mount Everest)又稱珠穆朗瑪峰,位於喜馬拉雅山脈(the Himalayas)之上,海拔8848米,為世界最高峰。近百年來,許多人都想一圓登上聖母峰頂的夢想,然而如此高海拔且險峻的山勢,往往讓許多登山者 不是命喪黃泉就是拜興而歸。因此首位登上山頂的探險家(explorer)艾德蒙.希拉里(圖左,圖右為丹增.諾蓋,資料照片)相當受人尊崇,希拉里的肖 像(portrait)甚至還被印在紐西蘭5元鈔票的正面,以鼓勵國人要有冒險犯難的精神。


◎mountaineer n.登山家
n. 雪巴人(一支散居在尼泊爾、中國、印度和不丹等國邊境、喜瑪拉雅山脈兩側的民族)
◎achieve vt.完成,實現
.achieve a/one’s goal 達成一個/某人的目標
例:Have you achieved your goal of losing 10 kilograms yet?(你達到減重10公斤的目標了嗎?)
◎expedition n.遠征,探險;探險隊
例:The team went on an expedition to photograph wild animals in Africa.(那個團隊遠征非洲去拍攝野生動物。)
◎cooperate vi.合作
.cooperate with... 與……合作
例:The two charities will cooperate with one another to raise funds for the new orphanage.(那兩個慈善機構將攜手合作為新成立的孤兒院募款。)
◎be known as + 身分/稱號
◎conquer n.攻克;征服
例:The Romans conquered most of Europe thousands of years ago.(數千年前,羅馬人征服了歐洲大多數的地區。)


Ohio St. gets livestock lesson from roaming cows 漫遊牛為俄亥俄州立大學上了一堂家畜課

Two cows got loose on the Ohio State University campus, leading some students to skip classes to watch a roundup that lasted more than 90 minutes.
Police say the pair of Belted Galloway cows got away Wednesday afternoon as their owner was trying to take them into the university’s veterinary medical center to have their hooves trimmed.
警方表示,這兩頭白帶格羅威牛是在週三午後被 其飼主帶至俄亥俄州立大學的獸醫醫學中心修剪牛蹄時脫逃。
They made their way onto a soccer field, where one of them was lassoed as students cheered "Ole!"
這兩 頭牛跑到了一座橄欖球場上,其中一頭牛在此被套索套住時,圍觀學生樂得齊呼「好耶!」
The other ran across traffic on a bridge and settled in under a grove of trees. It was caught after a Columbus Zoo veterinarian hit it with a tranquilizer dart.
另 一頭牛則越過車陣跑上一座橋,然後窩在一片樹林下。牠在被哥倫布動物園的一名獸醫所發射的麻醉槍擊中後就逮。
The owner took the cows back home. A police officer was treated for a shoulder injury.
牛 主人(最後)把牛帶回家。一名員警(在捕牛過程中)因肩膀受傷接受治療。
roam: 動詞,名詞,漫步,流浪。例句:You’ll be able to watch your favorite TV shows wherever you roam thanks to the internal digital TV tuner.(拜數位電視調頻器之賜,無論你晃蕩到何處,都能觀看你最喜歡看的電視節目。)
roundup:名詞,把牲畜趕在一起;圍捕。 相關俚語,head for the last roundup,字面意義,前去做最後一次的把牲畜趕在一起的活,引申為快死了,快用完了,行將就木(原出自垂死牛仔)。例句:This ballpoint pen is headed for the last roundup.(這支原子筆快寫不出來了。)
make one’s way:俚語,朝特定方向或目的前進;努力獲致人生進展成就。例句:His family hasn’t much money so he’ll just have to make his own way in the world.(他的家境並不富裕,所以他在世上得自食其力。)

This Day in History May 28

Leonardo da Vinci painted The Last Supper for Duke Sforza in the 15th century. Less than 60 years later, the painting fell into disrepair. What's more, it had suffered through hundreds of years of bad treatment, including parts being cut out for doorways and even a bombing during World War II. Finally, from 1978 to 1999, a major restoration of the painting took place. Many scientific tests were done to make sure the process was done correctly. On this date in 1999, to the delight of many, it was put back on display. Now, The Last Supper is a must-see for travelers going to Milan, Italy.

歷史上的今天 5月28日…

李奧納多.達文西於15世紀為斯福爾札公爵畫了《最後的晚餐》。不到60年後,這幅畫便因年久失修而破損。此 外,《最後的晚餐》更歷經數百年摧殘,像是為了在牆上開幾道門,畫作因而遭到裁切,或是在二次大戰時遭炸彈毀壞。最後,在1978到1999年間,針對這 幅畫作展開大型的修復計劃。且為確保修復過程一切無誤,還進行了多次科學試驗。1999年的今天,讓很多人高興的是,《最後的晚餐》重新恢復展覽。現在到義大利米蘭一遊的旅客,這幅畫可是必看之 物。


《最後的晚餐》描繪耶穌被送上十字架前,與12門徒(the twelve apostles)坐在一張長桌上共進晚餐(圖,資料照片),席間耶穌宣布門徒中將有一人出賣祂。畫中門徒顯得困惑、哀傷與騷動,唯有坐耶穌右側的叛徒猶 大(Judas)驚慌地將身體往後傾,一手抓著出賣耶穌酬勞的錢袋,臉部顯得陰暗。西班牙超現實主義 (Surrealism)畫家達利(Salvador Dali)也曾以這幅畫為藍本,創作出自己的《最後的晚餐》(The Sacrament of the Last Supper)。


例:The road has been in disrepair because the town doesn't have enough money to fix it.(因為這城鎮沒有足夠的經費,這條路已經年久失修了。)
vi.受損害;患病 & vt.遭受,經歷
n. 修復;復原
˙restore vt.恢復;使修復
˙to the delight of sb 令某人高興的是= to one's delight
例:To my delight, John came back safe and sound from his journey.(令我高興的是,約翰安然無恙地自旅程歸來。)
◎be a must-see
例:For its natural beauty, Louise Lake is a must-see when you travel to Canada.(你到加拿大旅遊時,一定得去瞧瞧露易絲湖的自然美景。)


Pregnancy exercise slims babies 懷孕期運動讓寶寶苗條


Light exercise during pregnancy may improve the future health of a child by controlling weight in the womb, New Zealand and US researchers say.

紐西蘭與美國研究人員說,懷孕期 間做溫和的運動,或許能藉著控制子宮裡胎兒的體重,讓小孩子未來更健康。

Overweight or obese mums are more likely to have larger babies which could be at higher risk of health problems later in life. A study of 84 first-time mothers found exercise was associated with slightly lighter babies.

過重或過胖的母親,比較 可能生出較胖的嬰兒,這些嬰兒在長大後,出現健康問題的風險可能較高。針對第一次當媽媽的84人所做的研究發現,運動與寶寶體重較輕一些有關聯。

There is increasing evidence that the future metabolism of a child may be influenced by its environment in the womb, and that babies who are relatively heavy for their length may be more likely to be obese in future years.

越來越多證據顯示,小孩未來的新陳代謝,或許受到他們在子宮時的環境影響,從身高來看相對較重的寶寶,未來幾 年或許比較可能會肥胖。

The joint study between the University of Auckland and Northern Arizona University recruited pregnant women, half of whom were asked to use exercise bikes for five 40 minute sessions each week. They were asked to maintain the programme until at least the 36th week of pregnancy.

這份奧克蘭大學與北亞利桑納大學的聯合研究,找來了懷孕婦女,其中一半被要求每週踩健身腳踏車5次、每次40分鐘, 直到懷孕至少36週。

On average, the exercising women had babies who were no shorter than their non-exercising counterparts, but who were 143 grams lighter on average. This suggested that the regimen did not stunt growth in the womb, but reduced the amount of extra fat laid down by the babies.

平均而言,運動的女性其寶寶身高並不會比不運動的女性所生的寶寶矮,但平均體重輕143公克。這顯示這樣的作法並未阻礙寶 寶在子宮裡的發育,反而減少了增胖的程度。


slim: 動詞,使苗條。例句:You haven’t got much lunch - are you slimming?(你午餐吃不多,是在減肥嗎?)

regime(同 regimen):名詞,飲食起居制度,食物療法,養生法。例句:After his heart attack the doctor put him on a strict regimen.(他心臟病發之後,醫師要他嚴格注意飲食。)

stunt:動詞,阻礙發育。例 句:Drought has stunted the growth of this year’s cereal crop.(旱災阻礙了今年的穀物成長。)

This Day in History May 27

Christopher Reeve became a well-known hero when he took the role of Superman in the late 1970s. Unfortunately, he wasn't actually a man of steel like his character. On this date in 1995, Reeve became quadriplegic in a horse riding accident. He was thrown from his horse and injured his spine. However, this did not stop Reeve from living. He used his fame as Superman in a wheelchair to bring attention to the needs of people with spinal injuries. He also started the Christopher Reeve Foundation to search for new treatments and methods to help others with disabilities.

歷史上的今天 5月27日…

克里斯多福.李維在1970年代後期接下超人一角時,成為家喻戶曉的英雄人物。不幸地,他其實並不像超人那樣 鋼鐵般刀槍不入。1995年的今天,李維在騎馬時發生意外,導致他四肢癱瘓。他從馬背上摔下來,傷到脊椎。但是,這場意外並不能阻止李維繼續過他的人生。 他利用自己身為「輪椅上的超人」名聲,引起世人關注脊椎損傷傷患所需要的幫助。他也成立了「克里斯多福.李維基金會」來尋找新的療法,幫助那些殘疾人士。


克里斯多福.李維(圖右,資料照片)在脊椎受傷、全身癱瘓後仍投身社會公益事業,他尤其致力於推動幹細胞的研究事 務,但在小布希總統當政的時期,限制人類胚胎幹細胞 (embryonic stem cells)的研究。2004年10月9日,李維因為褥瘡感染,導致心臟衰竭,於隔日去世。所幸,歐巴馬總統上任後,於2009年3月9日簽 署行政命令,推翻小布希的限制,美國的科學家終於盼到聯邦經費對於胚胎幹細胞的補助,來對抗疾病和傷殘。


◎quadriplegic n.四肢癱瘓患者
.quadriplegia n.四肢癱瘓
◎injure vt.傷害
.injury n.傷害,受傷
例:The driver was seriously injured after he crashed his car into a tree.(這名駕駛開車撞上一棵樹而受重傷。)
◎spine n.脊椎
◎fame n.聲譽,名望
例:Peter's expertise in pottery has won him great fame.(彼得對陶藝的專業使他聲名大噪。)
◎bring attention to... 引起對……的注意
例:The protesters hope to bring attention to their cause.(抗議者希望能夠引起人們注意他們的訴求。)
◎search for... 尋找……
例:Teddy is searching for his lost puppy.(泰迪正在尋找他走失的小狗。)
◎disability n.殘疾,殘障


This Day in History May 26… 歷史上的今天 5月26日

Today is a historic day for some movie fans. On this date in 1977, Star Wars came out in movie theaters. It is a story about a battle between good and evil in the universe. Star Wars became a hit all over the world and is one of the highest grossing movies ever. George Lucas created the idea for Star Wars, and its characters have been seen on everything from lunchboxes to hair clips. Star Wars still has a large number of fans. They hold conferences, parties, and other events every year just because they love the movie.
今天對某些電影迷來 說是歷史性的一天,因為1977年的今天,電影《星際大戰》在戲院上映了。這部電影是描述宇宙間善惡對立 的故事。《星際大戰》成了全球的熱門影片,並且也是史上最賣座的電影之一。喬 治.盧卡斯構思了《星際大戰》這部電影,而當中的角色人物從餐盒到髮夾等各種物品上都看得到。《星際大戰》至今仍有廣大的影迷。他們每年都會舉辦會議、派 對及其他活動,只因他們喜愛這部電影。


●historic a.歷史性的,有重大歷史意義的
例:The fall of the Berlin Wall was a historic moment.(柏林圍牆倒塌是歷史性的一刻。)
●come out (電影、書籍、唱片等)上映;出版;發行
例:When will that authors new novel come out?(那位作家的新小說何時會出版?)
●universe n.宇宙
●hit n.成功並風行一時的事物
●all over the world 全世界,世界各地(= around the world)
●gross vt.獲得……的總利潤╱毛利 & a.總共的
●character n.(小說、戲劇等的)角色,人物
●hair clip n.髮夾
●conference n.會議


《星際大戰》(圖,資料照片)是美國導演及製作人喬治.盧卡斯所製作拍攝 的一系列科幻電影。從1970到1980年代,他推出了《星際大戰》三部曲。並曾公開承認首部星際大戰的人物及故事是參照日本導演黑澤明的《戰國英 豪》(The Hidden Fortress)所創作而成。1990年末,他開始拍攝電影情 節設定中最初的三部曲,又叫《星戰前傳》,同時,他也把最初拍攝的三部曲正名為六部系列中的第四、五、六集。而電影中最著名的台詞「願原力與你同 在。」(May the force be with you.),更是星戰迷朗朗上口的名言。

Ninja students foil Aussie mugging 忍者學生阻退澳洲搶案

Three Australian muggers who struck near a martial arts school got the fright of their lives when five black-clad ninjas foiled their attack.
3名在一家武術學校附近犯案的搶匪,在5位黑 衣忍者阻止他們的攻擊時,嚇得魂飛魄散。
The trio, who were beating and kicking a trainee medic from Germany, fled in panic when the student ninjas aged 18 to 47 raced out of the hall where they had been training.
這3名搶 匪正對一名來自德國的醫學生拳打腳踢時,學生忍者衝出受訓武術館,他們年紀在18至47歲間,搶匪馬上落荒而逃。
"They all just froze," said Kaylan Soto who was training the students. "Then they just took off. I’ve never seen guys running that fast. They should have been in the Olympics -- they would have won gold."
「搶匪全都呆掉了,」當時在訓 練這些學生的凱藍. 索托說,「然後他們拔腿就跑,我未曾見過跑那麼快的傢伙,他們應該參加奧運─他們會奪得金牌。」
Soto said the ninjitsu class was wrapping up late on Tuesday when one of his students went outside and saw the men attacking the 27-year-old German. "He’s called out to me, ’Sensei (teacher), someone’s getting mugged on the road outside!’" Soto said.
索托指出,當週二晚間其中一名學生走到教室外,看見一些男子攻擊這位27 歲的德國人時,忍術課正結束。「他對我高喊,『老師,有人在外頭的路上被搶!』」索托說。
"We just ran outside and started running at them, yelling and everything. These guys have turned around and seen five ninjas in black ninja uniforms running towards them. They just bolted."
「我們衝到外面,並開始向他們邊跑邊吼等等。這些傢伙轉過身,看到5 名穿著黑色忍術制服的忍者衝向他們,而他們只是僵住。」

Police said two men aged 16 and 20 had been arrested over the attack and released a picture of a third aged between 15 and 17.
警方說,兩名16歲與 20歲的男子因該起攻擊而被捕,同時公布第三名年約15至17歲的搶匪照片。

get(have) a fright ︰片語,吃驚,例句︰She got such a fright when she saw a mouse. (她看到一隻老鼠時,嚇了一大跳。)get a fright of one’s life指嚇得要命、嚇破膽。
take off︰片語,此處指走掉、匆匆離開。例句︰Take yourself off!(滾開!)
wrap up︰片語,完成、結束。例句︰Let’s wrap up the job and go home.(讓我們結束工作回家去。)
and everything︰口語,指以及其他等等。例句︰I thought I’d just drop in and see how you were and everything.(我想我就順道來看看你身體可好,以及其他情況。)


This Day in History May 25… 歷史上的今天 5月25日

Not all days are famous for something good. On this date in 2002, a sad event took place. China Airlines Flight 611 crashed into the Taiwan Strait. The plane was on its way to Hong Kong from Taiwan. About 25 minutes after taking off, the plane fell apart in midair. The aircraft's metal had been weakened because the plane was not fixed properly 22 years before the crash. Unfortunately, what was supposed to be a routine flight ended up in history books.
不是所有的日子都因 發生好事而著名。2002年的今天就發生了一起令人難過的事件。華航611班機墜毀在台灣海峽。這架班機當時正從台灣飛往香港。就在起飛後25分鐘,飛機 於空中解體了。由於事故發生的22年前,這架飛機並沒有被完善地修復,因而導致飛機金屬疲勞。令人遺憾的是,這個原本應屬例行性飛行的航班,最後卻駛進了 史書中。


.crash vi. 墜毀;撞擊 & n. 墜毀;撞毀
例:The driver lost control of the car and crashed into a tree.(那名駕駛人無法控制住車子,最後撞上了一棵樹。)
.strait n. 海峽
.take off 起飛
例:Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts. The plane is about to take off.(請回到您的座位並繫上您的安全帶。飛機即將起飛。)
.fall apart 瓦解;破碎
例:Jack's old car looked like it was going to fall apart.(傑克的老爺車看起來似乎快解體了。)
.properly adv. 適當地,正確地
例:Clothes should be washed properly, or they will be ruined.(衣服應該用正確的方式洗滌,否則會被洗壞。)


華航611班機空難(plane crash)為發生在台灣境內死傷最慘重的空難,造成225人罹難(圖為機身殘骸還原,資料照片)。由於611班機的墜毀非常突然,而且在事故發生前,飛 行員與塔台(control tower)間的聯絡也一切正常,因此關於失事的原因一度眾說紛紜。幾經調查後發現,真相是因為在22年前,該飛機曾因機尾擦撞到地面(tail strike)而使機尾受到損傷,但修復人員並沒有依照波音公司所訂定的結構維修手冊(structural repair manual)更換整塊受損部分,進而造成該處累積金屬疲勞(metal fatigue)的現象,最後導致了這起事故。

Minister: ’Have sex to stay healthy’ 部長稱「做愛能保持健康」

Brazil’s health minister Jose Gomes Temporao has urged citizens to have regular safe sex to stay fit.
巴 西衛生部長荷西.戈米斯.坦波拉奧已呼籲民眾規律地進行安全的性愛,以保持身體健康。
The official made the comments at an event launched on Monday to prevent high blood pressure, AFP reports.
Temporao said: "People need to be active. A weekend football game must not be the only physical activity for a Brazilian. Adults need to do exercise: walk, dance and have safe sex."
坦波拉奧說:「大家必須積極主動。週末一場足球賽不必然是巴西人唯一的身 體活動。成年人有必要做運動:走路、跳舞與安全的性愛。」
He later added: "It’s not a joke. It’s serious. Having regular physical exercises also means sex, always with protection of course."
"Dancing, having sex, keeping weight under control, changing dietary habits, doing physical exercise [all help]."
「跳舞、做愛、控制體重、改變飲食習慣,做體操(全都有幫 助)。」
Temporao warned of a health "time bomb" in the South American country which could result in millions of people suffering problems within two decades.
坦波拉奧警告,巴西這個南美洲國家有健康方面的「定時炸彈」,可能導致數以百萬計的人們在20年內 出狀況。
stay fit:片語,保持健康。例句:He keeps himself fit by running everyday.(他透過每天跑步來讓自己保持健康。)
keep something under control:片語,控制住~。例句:Keep your temper under control.(控制你的脾氣。)
result in:片語,導致。例句:My parents’ support results in my success.(我父母的支持造就我的成功。)


Making cold calls? People would rather give up sex 打行銷電話?人們寧可放棄性愛

The prospect of making cold calls for a week as a salesperson is more unappealing than giving up sex for a month, a survey showed.
以銷售人員的身分打行銷電話一週,這樣的情況比起放棄性愛一個月還令人不 快,本週的一份調查顯示。
Only getting a root canal was deemed worse than making sales calls to strangers, said the survey of 1,226 respondents about public attitudes in the United States towards salespeople.
只 有接受根管治療被認定為比打銷售電話給陌生人還糟糕,這份詢問1226人以了解美國民眾對銷售人員看法的調查說。
From five options presented, one-third of the people said a root canal was worst, followed by cold calls at 23 percent and giving up sex for a month at 18 percent.
在調查提出的5種選項中,3分之1的人說做根管治療感覺最糟糕,其次是打行銷電話,佔23%,放棄性愛1個月的比例是 18%。
Of the other worsts, 15 percent picked being a surprise guest on a reality television show and 13 percent chose speaking in front of an audience.
Asked to choose among types of salespeople, respondents said they trusted those who sell cars the least, followed by financial services salespeople. Retail salespeople were ranked the most trustworthy.
被 要求在各種類型的銷售人員中做出選擇時,受訪者說,他們最不信任賣車的人,其次是金融服務業務員。零售銷售人員則被認為最值得信賴。
Being contacted by door-to-door salespeople ranked as most annoying, while being contacted by e-mail or social media was the least aggravating.
挨 家挨戶拜訪的業務員被評為最令人厭煩,而透過電子郵件或社交媒體接觸,則最不令人討厭。
◎ 新聞辭典:
cold call:名詞,為了開發業務而打給潛在客戶或陌生人的電話。例句:Don’t be too pushy is the rule no.1 for salesperson when making a cold call.(不要太咄咄逼人是業務員打行銷電話時的最高守則。)
unappealing:形容詞,不吸引人的。例句:Your proposal is unappealing.(你的提案並不吸引人。)
aggravating:形容詞,令人煩擾的。例句:Your pushing me all the time is very aggravating.(你老是在逼我很令人討厭。)

This Day in History May 24… 歷史上的今天 5月24日

The Brooklyn Bridge took 13 years to build. It was open to traffic on this date in 1883. At that time, it was the world's longest suspension bridge, which meant it was held up by steel wires. Its original name was the New York and Brooklyn Bridge because it connected Manhattan to Brooklyn. Today, the Brooklyn Bridge is an easily recognizable feature in New York City's skyline. It is shown in many pictures and postcards and has a special place in the history of the Big Apple.
布魯克林大橋花了 13年才建造完成。這座橋於1883年的今日開放通行。在當時,布魯克林大橋是全世界最長的懸索橋,所謂的懸索橋也就是由鋼索支撐的橋。這座橋的原名為紐 約與布魯克林大橋,因為它連接了(紐約的)曼哈頓與布魯克林。如今它已成為紐約市天際線中極易辨識的特徵。在許多相片和明信片中都能見到布魯克林大橋的蹤 影,而它在紐約這顆大蘋果的歷史中亦有其重要地位。


.be open to + N/V-ing 對……開放;樂於接受……
例:The library on our campus is open to the public.(我們校園的圖書館是對外開放的。)
例:We are open to criticism and anything constructive.(我們樂於接受批評及任何有建設性的意見。)
.suspension  n.懸吊,懸掛
例:A new suspension bridge will be built across the river.(這條河上將建造一座的新吊橋。)
.hold up...支撐……;舉起……
.connect A to B 連接A和B
be connected to...與……連接
例:Jim connected the blue wire to the red one to get the phone working again.(吉姆將藍線接上紅線,好讓電話能再次使用。)
.recognizable a.可 辨識的
.feature n.特色,特徵


布魯克林大橋(圖,資料照片)於1870年開始建造,其工程浩大且艱困, 共耗資1550萬美元。建造期間動用多達600名工人,也造成數十人因公殉職。布魯克林大橋特色之一是兩座哥德式雙拱門(twin Gothic arches)的橋塔,橋面分上下兩層,下層是車道,上層是行人步道和自行車道。由於布魯克林大橋是紐約市重要地標之一,許多美國電影場景常出現它的身影,讓人印象較深刻的包括《金剛》(King Kong)、《我是傳奇》(I Am Legend),以及《穿越時空愛上你》(Kate & Leopold)等等。


"Star Trek"'s Spock finally beams into Vulcan 「星際爭霸戰」的史巴克終於被傳送至瓦肯

This Canadian small town has been obsessed about all things "Star Trek" for as long as anyone here can remember, but denizens always felt something -- or someone -- was missing. Until recently.
這座加拿大小鎮多年來一直沈迷於和電視影集「星際爭霸戰」所有相關的事物,但鎮民總覺 得少了某件事─或某人。直到最近。
Leonard Nimoy, who will forever be Mr. Spock from the 1960s TV series, finally fulfilled the dreams of the farming community that shares the name of the character’s home planet by paying a visit.
在影迷心中永遠代表著這部1960年代電視影集裡史巴克先生的影星李奧納.尼莫依最近造訪瓦肯鎮,總算圓了這座務農社區居 民的夢想,因為瓦肯鎮與史巴克在影集中的故鄉瓦肯星同名。
His remarks to Vulcanites, many decked out in their homemade "Star Trek" uniforms, were, well, logical.
他 對許多穿著自製「星際爭霸戰」艦隊制服的瓦肯鎮民所發表的演說也完全符合邏輯。
"I have been a Vulcan for 44 years -- I figured it was time I came home," the 79-year-old actor said to wild cheers at a ceremony at the center of the town.
「44年來我一直 都是瓦肯人,我想現在該是回家的時候了,」這位79歲的演員在鎮中心舉辦的歡迎儀式上向全場歡呼的群眾表示。
Vulcan, a community of 2,000 people about 100 km southeast of Calgary, has for years identified with the legendary sci-fi TV show. It has become a tourist draw, especially for hard-core Trekkies.
人口2000人、位於卡加立東南方 100公里的瓦肯鎮,多年來一直被與這部傳奇科幻電視影集畫上等號。瓦肯鎮因此吸引了大量觀光客前來,尤其是死忠的星際迷。
The town council had tried for years to attract Nimoy, who played the half-Vulcan, half-human first officer known for his logical solutions to crises facing Capt. James Kirk, played by William Shatner, and his crew.
瓦肯鎮議會多年來也一直試圖邀請飾演瓦肯人與人類混血的星艦大副史巴克的尼莫依造訪,在片中每當由威廉.薛特納所飾演的寇克艦 長及隊員們面臨危機時,史巴克都能提出合邏輯的解決之道。
"It’s an opportunity to welcome Spock home, to welcome Leonard Nimoy back to Vulcan -- his home community, his home planet," Mayor Tom Grant, Vulcan ears affixed, said.
「這是歡迎史巴 克回家、歡迎尼莫依回到瓦肯的好機會,這裡是他的故鄉、他的母星,」戴著瓦肯人耳套的鎮長葛蘭特說。
beam:動詞,指朝某處播放、發送光波或無線電訊號等,如The concert was beamed by satellite all over the world.(這場演奏會透過衛星傳送到世界各地。)
deck: 動詞,指裝飾、打扮,如The wedding guests were decked out in their finery.(婚禮的賓客們個個都穿著最體面的服裝。)
draw:名詞,指吸引人的事物(或人)、精彩的節目,如We need someone at the event who’ll be a big draw and attract the paying public.(我們得找一個熱門人物與會,好吸引民眾付費參加。)

This Day in History May 23… 歷史上的今天 5月23日

They made being bad look good. The story of Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow is one of young love, crime, and death. During the Great Depression in the US, Bonnie and Clyde, along with their gang, robbed banks, murdered people, and committed other illegal acts. Photos and stories of the couple's crimes made them famous across the US. However, they knew they couldn't escape the police forever. After being on the run for a long time, Bonnie and Clyde were ambushed and killed in Texas on this date in 1934.

他們讓做壞事也看起 來瀟灑。邦妮.派克和克萊.巴洛這對年輕鴛鴦大盜的故事充滿犯罪和死亡的情節。 在美國經濟大蕭條時,邦妮和克萊夥同一群人馬不僅搶劫銀行,還殺人犯罪。這對大盜的照片和故事讓他們成為全美最知名的人物。然而,他們知道自己不可能永遠 逃過警方的追捕。在逃亡多時後,邦妮和克萊於1934年的今日在德州遭警方埋伏被射殺身亡。


◎depression n.蕭條,不景氣
the Great Depression美國1930年代的經濟大蕭條
◎along with... 連同……,和……
例:Along with a refrigerator, Beth bought a microwave and a stove during the big sale.(貝絲在大減價時買了電冰箱,以及微波爐和烤箱。)
◎gang n.(歹徒等的)一幫,一群
◎rob vt.搶劫;盜取
The police chased the two suspects that robbed the jewelry store.(警方追捕搶劫珠寶店的兩名嫌犯。)
◎murder vt. & n.謀殺
◎commit vt.(犯)罪;做(錯事)
例:Dave committed a crime when he was 18, and he's still in prison.(戴夫18歲時犯了罪,現在還在坐牢。)


Fear of ageing drives men’s cosmetic sales 怕老讓男性美妝品銷售快速成長

Male cosmetics sales in Britain are growing at twice the rate of the female market, according to a survey, with the need to look good for job interviews and the fear of looking old playing key roles.
據一項調查指出,英國男性美妝品的銷量增加速度是女性市場的兩倍,主要原 因是男性需要在求職面試上表現出好氣色,以及害怕面露老態。
One in five men use hair dye to cover up signs of grey, the survey of 1,013 males for L’Oreal UK found.
據 一份訪問1,013名男性、為英國萊雅公司所做的調查發現,5分之1的男人使用染髮劑來掩飾白髮。
Taking care of their appearance is now a status of manhood, the poll concluded, with almost two thirds of men (56 percent) using cosmetic products daily and 82 percent saying there are no cosmetics products that they would be embarrassed to buy.
該調查結論指出,打理外表如今成了男子氣概的展現,近3分之2的男人(56%)每天使用美妝產品, 而82%的人稱,購買任何美妝品都不會難為情。
A quarter of men regularly use face moisturiser and two in every five (39 percent) use facial cleansers every day to take care of their skin and combat the effect of work stress and ageing.
4分之1男人定期使用保濕面霜,5分之2(39%)的人每天使用潔顏產品來護理保養皮膚,並抵抗工作 壓力與老化的威脅。
"We know from the report’s findings that ageing is not just a female concern and that a growing number of men are looking to cosmetics to help present a more professional image in times of economic uncertainty," said Pierre-Yves Arzel, Managing Director for L’Oreal UK & Ireland.
英國與愛爾蘭萊雅的總經理阿澤爾說,「從報告中我們了解到,衰老不僅是女性擔憂的事情,在經濟不確定的時局 下,越來越多男性尋求美妝品的幫助,以呈現更專業形象。」
ageing: 名詞, 老化,變老或變舊的過程。
manhood:名詞,男子氣概。例句:Their leader told them to prove their manhood by fighting well.(他們的首領要他們奮勇作戰,以此顯示男子漢氣概。)
moisturizer: 名詞,保濕霜;潤膚乳液。例句:I can’t even tell a moisturizer from whitening serum.(我連保濕霜跟美白精華是什麼都分不清。)

This Day in History May 22… 歷史上的今天 5月22日

The Wars of the Roses was fighting between the supporters of the Houses of Lancaster and York in England, and it lasted over 30 years. York supporters said that the reigning monarch at the time, King Henry VI, was not fit to rule. Henry VI was from the House of Lancaster, and of course his supporters felt very differently. The Wars of the Roses officially started with the First Battle of St. Albans on this date in 1455. Richard, Duke of York, defeated the Lancaster forces and captured Henry VI. Richard then made himself the ruler of England. The War of the Roses continued until a Lancaster king took a York bride.
玫瑰戰爭是英國蘭開 斯特家族和約克家族支持者之間的爭戰,持續了30年多年之久。約克家族的支持者表示當時的國王亨利六世不適合治國。亨利六世來自蘭開斯特家族,他的支持者 當然不這麼認為。玫瑰戰爭於1455年的今天正式開戰,史稱「第一次聖亞班士城之役」。約克公爵理查擊敗藍開斯特的軍隊,並俘虜了亨利六世。之後,理查自 己登上英國攝政王的位子。後來直到一位蘭開斯特家族的國王娶了約克家族的女性為皇后,玫瑰戰爭才結束。


supporter n.支持者,擁護者
reigning a.(君主)在位的
monarch n.君主,帝王
monarchy n.君主政體
democracy n.民主政體;民主
fit a.適合的
例:Mr. Anderson is fit for the job of salesman.(安得森先生很適合做推銷員的工作。)
officially adv.正式地
battle n.戰役
duke n.公爵
defeat vt.擊敗,戰勝
例:The New York Yankees defeated their opponents in the baseball game.(紐約洋基隊在這次的棒球比賽中擊敗了對手。)


Overtime ’is bad for the heart’ 加班對心臟不好


People who regularly put in overtime and work 10 or 11-hour days increase their heart disease risk by nearly two-thirds, research suggests.

研究顯示,常常加班、每天工作10或11小時的人, 心臟病風險提高將近3分之2。

After accounting for known heart risk factors such as smoking, doctors found those who worked three to four hours of overtime a day ran a 60% higher risk.Experts said the findings highlighted the importance of work-life balance.

考慮已知的心臟風險因素,比方說抽 菸後,醫師發現,每天超時工作3到4小時的人,風險高了6成,專家表示,這項發現凸顯了工作與生活平衡的重要性。

Overall, there were 369 cases where people suffered heart disease that caused death, had a heart attack or developed angina. And the number of hours spent working overtime appeared to be strongly linked in many cases. The researchers said there could be a number of explanations for this. People who spend more time at work have less time to exercise, relax and unwind. They may also be more stressed, anxious, or have depression.

整 體來說,有369件心臟病致死、心臟病發或心絞痛案例。而在許多案例中,似乎都與超時工作的時數有密切關聯。研究人員說,這樣的情況可能有很多解釋。 花比較多時間工作的人,比較少時間運動與放鬆,他們壓力也可能比較大、容易緊張或有憂鬱症。

"Employees who work overtime may also be likely to work while ill - that is, be reluctant to be absent from work despite illness," they add.

他們還說:「加班的職員,也比 較可能抱病工作,即使是生病,也不太願意不上班。」


overtime: 副詞/名詞,超時,加班,加班費。例句:You can earn some overtime by working after 6.00 p.m.(晚上6點以後工作,你可以賺一些加班費。)

highlight:動詞,凸顯。例句:The report highlights the need for improved safety.(這份報告凸顯了改善安全的必要性。)

unwind:動詞,放鬆。例句:A glass of wine in the evening helps me to unwind after work.(下班後,晚上喝杯酒讓我放鬆。)

This Day in History May 20 歷史上的今天 5月20日…

They are one of television's most favorite dysfunctional families—a clueless father, a caring mother, a troublesome son, a genius daughter, and a baby that never grows up. Who could they be? Only the Simpsons! On this date in 2007, the 400th episode of The Simpsons was aired. Just two years earlier, The Simpsons became the longest-running sitcom ever. However, The Simpsons wasn't even its own show at first. Instead, it was a short cartoon that was shown during The Tracey Ullman Show. Even so, in 1989, the Simpsons became the first cartoon family since the Flintstones to get a prime time TV slot and have been going strong ever since.

歷史上的今天 5月20日…

他們是電視上最受歡迎的問題家族之一,當中有什麼都不懂的老爸、很有愛心的媽媽、到處惹麻煩的兒子、天才般的 女兒,還有個永遠長不大的小寶寶。他們是何許人也?只可能是辛普森家庭!第400集的《辛普森家庭》在2007年的今天播放。而僅僅在兩年前,《辛普森家 庭》才成為史上最長壽的情境喜劇。不過《辛普森家庭》在一開始甚至不是 獨立的節目。而是崔西.鄔嫚秀中所穿插的一個卡通短片。即便如此,辛普森家庭還是在1989年成為繼摩登原始人之後,第一個登上電視黃金時段的卡通家庭, 而且自那時起就一直保持著居高不下的人氣。


《辛普森家庭》(圖,資料照片)自1989年12月17日首次播出,該劇 通過對爸爸荷馬、媽媽美枝、哥哥霸子、姊姊點子及小妹妹奶嘴一家五口生活的描繪,諷刺性地刻劃美國中產階級的生活方式,並嘲諷美國的文化及諸多社會現況。 《辛普森家庭》目前已播到第21季,總集數已超過440 集。


◎dysfunctional a.行為不正常的;無法正常運作的
例:The citizens had had enough of their dysfunctional government, so they launched a protest.(老百姓已經受夠了他們的無能政府,所以便發動了示威。)
◎clueless a.一無所知的,愚蠢的;無線索的
例:Terry is clueless about where the fire exits are in this building.(泰瑞完全不知道這棟大樓的火災逃生門在哪兒。)
◎caring a.關心照顧人的,有愛心的
◎troublesome a.惹麻煩的;令人討厭的
例:The troublesome kid jammed a banana into the exhaust pipe of his neighbor’s car.(那個調皮搗蛋的小鬼把一根香蕉塞進他鄰居車子的排氣管裡。)
◎air vt.(電視或廣播)播放,播送


S.Korean millionaire finds perfect son-in-law 南韓百萬富豪找到完美女婿

A South Korean millionaire who advertised for a son-in-law has found the perfect man after sifting through 400 responses, a matchmaking agency said.
一名登廣告徵女婿的南韓百萬富豪, 在仔細審查400名回應者後已找到完美男子,一家婚姻介紹所指出。
The 78-year-old identified only as Kim began looking for a husband for his 38-year-old only daughter last July, a spokesman for the Sunoo agency said.
這位僅確定為金姓的78歲長者,去年7月開始 為他38歲的獨生女尋覓良人,Sunoo婚姻介紹所的一名發言人指出。
Kim, who is worth 40 billion won, had specified someone aged 37-42 who grew up in a harmonious family, with a good character and a stable job. Ten of the applicants were selected for interview.
身價達400億韓元的金某開列的具體條件是年齡在37至42歲,成長於和諧家 庭、有好品行與穩定工作的男士。當中的10名申請者被選出面談。
The right man, a 41-year-old surnamed Lee, met the daughter for the first time last October and they will tie the knot this Saturday, the spokesman told AFP.
這位雀屏中選的41 歲李姓男子,去年10月與其愛女首度相見,兩人將於本週六締結連理,該發言人告訴法新社說。
"Lee showed little interest in my assets. I also like his being cheerful and magnanimous," Kim was quoted as saying by the Hankook Ilbo daily.
「李某顯露出對我的資產不感興 趣,我也喜歡他的活潑與雅量,」韓國日報引述金的說詞報導。
However, a wealthy 49-year-old woman who advertised for a soulmate last May through the same agency has not yet found one despite 390 responses, the spokesman said.
不過,一位去年5月 間,也透過相同婚姻介紹所廣告徵求靈魂伴侶的49歲女富豪,卻尚未覓得意中人,儘管有390名應徵者,該發言人說。
sift through︰動詞片語,細查、探究。例句︰She sifted through her purse.(她仔細翻查了自己的錢包。)
magnanimous︰心地高尚的、寬宏大量的。例句 ︰Even his enemies considered him magnanimous.(甚至他的敵人都認為他寬宏大量。)
soulmate︰ 名詞,心心相印的夥伴(尤指異性),soul有人、傢伙之意,例句︰Not a single soul in sight.(一個人影也看不到);a simple soul(頭腦單純的人)。

This Day in History May 19…

On this date in 1987, people were laughing for a new reason. This was the day the first American Comedy Awards were held. The awards show, sponsored by ABC, was the first to honor performers in the field of comedy. The awards were then given out every year until 2001. Award nominees were chosen by people from all areas of the entertainment industry. During the first awards show, Bette Midler won four awards, while Woody Allen won three. A lot of other comedy superstars were also honored that night, including Lucille Ball, Mel Brooks, and Mary Tyler Moore.

歷史上的今天 5月19日…

1987年的今天,人們為了一個新理由而開懷大笑。這一天正是美國喜劇獎頒獎典禮首次舉行的日子。這個由 ABC電視台所贊助的獎項,是第一個表揚喜劇類演員的頒獎典禮。這個獎項之後每年都頒發,直到2001年為止。入圍者是由娛樂界各領域中的人所遴選出來。 在第一屆的頒獎典禮上,貝蒂.米勒獲得了4座獎,而伍迪.艾倫則獲得3座。其他許多喜劇巨星也都在當晚獲頒獎項,包括露西.鮑爾、梅爾.布魯克以及瑪麗. 泰勒.穆爾等人。


在第一屆美國喜劇獎中榮獲4項獎項的貝蒂.米勒,是演歌雙棲女星。以歌唱起家的她曾獲4座葛萊美獎,爾後以 《家有惡夫》(Ruthless People)一片轉向喜劇電影發展,不但贏得美國喜劇獎,更被譽為 「喜劇皇后」。而伍迪.艾倫更是多才多藝,曾任電影導演、編劇、演員、作家、音樂家與劇作家。1986年執導的《漢娜姊妹》(Hannah and Her Sisters)獲獎無數,除美國喜劇獎外,還獲得奧斯卡最佳原創劇本獎、紐約影評人協會最佳導演及洛杉磯影評人協會最佳劇本等。


◎comedy n.喜劇
◎tragedy n.悲劇
◎romance n.浪漫愛情片
◎sponsor vt.贊助
例:The YMCA sponsors various activities throughout the year.(基督教青年會一整年都贊助各式各樣的活動。)
◎honor vt.致敬,表揚
例:The president honored the soldier for what he did for his country.(總統表揚那位軍人對國家的貢獻。)
◎give out… 分發……,發送……
例:Sarah volunteers by giving out food to people at the homeless shelter every week.(莎拉每星期去當義工分發食物給遊民收容所的人。)
.volunteer vi.當義工
◎nominee n.入圍者,被提名人
.nominate vt.提名
◎industry n. 行業,產業
例:The director's success has set a good example for the movie industry in Taiwan.(那位導演的成功為台灣的電影業立下了一個良好的典範。)


Man threw away $153,000 lottery ticket 男子搞丟價值15.3萬美元的彩券

A British postal worker said his marriage ended and he has become a laughing stock at work because he threw away a $153,000 scratch-off lottery ticket.
一名英國郵局員工表示自己的婚姻 結束,而且在辦公室變成笑柄,因為他把價值15萬3千美元的刮刮樂彩券搞丟了。
Cemal Celikkanat, 38, a driver for the Royal Mail, said he thought the dollar amounts on the scratch-off card he purchased at the convenience store in Sheffield had to be in a row to win, but the card pays out for any three-of-a-kind dollar amounts, the Sheffield Telegraph reported Friday.
38歲的「皇家郵 政」司機塞莫.卡利卡納特說,他認為自己在雪菲爾便利商店買的刮刮樂卡片上的數額必須全都相同才算中獎,但其實只要其中任何3個數額相同就給錢,《雪菲爾 電訊報》週五報導說。
"When I found out I felt dizzy and dropped to my knees -- it was like being hit over the head. I threw away 100,000 pounds ($153,000)," he said. "I feel so terrible, I think about it every day, it’s had a massive impact on my life."
「當我得知真相時,我覺得頭暈,雙膝無力─就像是當頭棒 喝。我平白丟掉10萬英鎊(15萬3千美元),」他說。「我感覺很糟糕,我每天都想起這件事,這對我的人生造成重大打擊。」
He said he tried to retrieve the ticket from the trash at the convenience store but was told it had already been sent to an incinerator.
他說,他試圖從這 家便利商店的垃圾中找回這張彩券,但別人告訴他,垃圾早已送去焚化爐。
laughing stock:名詞,笑柄。例句: His mistakes have made him a laughing stock.(他的錯誤使他成為笑柄。)
in a row:片語,成一長排,連續地。例句:Two days in a row he has not been here.(連續兩天他都不在這裡。)
three-of-a-kind:片語,三張同一個數字(三張同號)的 牌。

This Day in History 5月18日 莉史上的今天 5月18日

These days, stories about vampires are very popular. One example is the Twilight saga by Stephenie Meyer. However, nothing can compare to the original vampire story about Count Dracula. On this date in 1897, Bram Stoker's novel Dracula was published for the first time. Although the Irish author Bram Stoker is famed for writing this novel, he didn't actually create the infamous Dracula character. An interesting fact about the novel is that it wasn't written in the normal storytelling style. Instead, the story is told through letters, diary entries, news headlines, and the like.
這陣子有關吸血鬼的 故事非常受歡迎。其中一個例子就是史蒂芬妮.梅爾所寫的《暮光之城》。不過沒有一部吸血鬼小說比得上最早的吸血鬼伯爵德古拉的故事。1897年的今日,布 萊姆.史托克的《德古拉》首次出版。雖然這位愛爾蘭作家因為這部小說而出名,但其實他並非是創造德古拉這個惡名昭彰角色的人。這本書有意思的地方在於它並 不是以一般的小說敘述方式所寫成,而是透過信件、日記、新聞頭條等來呈現故事內容。


.sagan. 冒險故事;傳說
.nothing can compare to N/V-ing
沒 有事情/東西比得上……
.original a.最早的,最初的;獨創的
例:This movie is based on the original novel.(這部電影是根據原著小說拍攝的。)
.count n.伯爵
.for the first time 第一次,頭一次
例:Kevin has had a crush on Britney ever since he saw her for the first time.(打從第一次見到布蘭妮,凱文就迷戀上她。)
.be famed for... 因……而聞名
= be famous for...
例:The restaurant we went to yesterday is famed for its spicy hotpot.(我們昨天去的那家餐廳以其麻辣鍋聞名。)
.infamous a.聲名狼藉的,惡名昭彰的
例:Adolf Hitler was one of the most infamous people of the 20th century.(希特勒是20世紀最惡名昭彰的人物之一。)
...., and the like ……等等
例:Pollution is caused by cars, factories, and the like.(汽車和工廠等製造了污染。)


布萊姆.史托克的《德古拉》中的德古拉伯爵(圖,資料照片)是個嗜血、專 挑年輕女性下手的吸血鬼,然而這個角色的原型其實 是來自羅馬尼亞的弗拉德三世大公(Vlad III)。當時弗拉德挺身對抗鄂圖曼帝國的侵略,因而成為當地的英雄人物。至於為何會以弗拉德為吸血鬼的藍本,或許是因為他生性殘暴且執法嚴峻之故。他慣 用穿刺之刑,將活人釘在木樁上,因此得到「穿刺王弗拉德」的名號。


Model, allegedly drug queen, on the lam 傳聞中的毒后女模跑路中

She pouts her collagen-filled lips and totters on golden stilettos as she parades down the catwalk. Colombian model Angie Sanclemente Valencia is an object of desire.
她 噘起打了膠原蛋白的豐唇,足蹬金色高跟鞋在伸展台上走著台步。哥倫比亞模特兒安琪.桑克雷門特.瓦倫希雅是人們渴望的尤物。
But that was 10 years ago. Now Valencia is one of South America’s "most wanted." The fallen beauty is on the run; Interpol has issued an international arrest warrant for her.
但那是10年前的事。現在瓦倫希雅是南美洲「頭號通緝犯」之 一。這名墮落美女正在逃亡,國際刑警組織已經發佈國際通緝令要逮捕她。
The woman is thought to be lying low in Argentina. Authorities there suspect she may be the "queen pin" of an international operation that uses models as drug mules to smuggle cocaine.
Valencia was an only child of a poor family from Barranquilla. Her mother -- a single mom - scraped a living selling shoes and clothes. But she saved enough to enroll Valencia in Barranquilla’s top modeling school. While some who have known her doubt she is capable of run a drug smuggling ring, others describe Valencia as ambitious and determined from an early age.
瓦倫希雅是巴蘭基亞市貧窮人家的獨生女,她的媽媽,單親媽媽,靠賣鞋子衣服勉強為生,但她存了足夠的錢讓瓦倫希雅去上巴蘭基亞市 最好的模特兒學校。儘管有些認識她的人懷疑她有能力維持一個毒品走私集團,但也有其他人形容,瓦倫希雅很年輕時就展露野心和決心。
In the past Valencia has dyed her hair and used to use contact lenses to avoid being recognized. But friends say Valencia is unlikely to pass completely unnoticed, "Angie kicked up dust wherever she went. Men and women would stop and stare whenever she passed"
過去瓦倫希雅曾染髮、戴隱形眼鏡避免 被認出來。但朋友說,瓦倫希雅很難完全不被注意到,「安琪走到哪都會引起騷動,男人、女人都會停下來盯著她瞧」。
on the lam:俚語,(因被警察追捕)逃亡中。
queen pin:俚語,一個群體中的女首領。例句:The mafia queenpin was arrested after 10 years on the lam.(這名黑幫女老大逃亡十年後落網。)
kick up dust:動詞片語,引起騷動。例句:The highly controversial film is going to kick up dust in Cannes.(這部備受爭議的電影將在坎城引起騷動。)

This Day in History 歷史上的今天 5月17日

North and South Korea have disagreed on many things for years. After three years of war in the 1950s, both sides decided to stop fighting. However, no peace treaty was signed. Instead, North and South Korea agreed to stay on their own side of the 38th parallel. From then until recently, no trains were allowed to cross this boundary. It all changed on this date in 2007. On that historic day, two trains, each carrying 150 passengers, were allowed to cross from one side to the other. This was a big step forward in relations between North and South Korea.
南北韓多年來對許多 事都意見不合。50年代歷經了3年韓戰後,雙方決定停火。然而,他們並沒有簽訂任何和平協議。南北韓同意劃北緯38度為雙方的分界線。從那時起一直到近 代,沒有任何火車可以獲准通過這道邊界。2007年的今天,一切都改變了。在這有重大歷史意義的一天,兩輛各自搭載150名乘客的火車獲准越過邊境。這象 徵了南北韓之間的關係往前邁進了一大步。


.vi.意見不同 & vt. 不同意
.例:With regard to his proposal, we all disagree with it.(關於他的提案,我們一致不贊同。)
.n. 協定;條約
.例:A peace treaty signifies the end of fighting between two groups of people.(和平條約表示兩造紛爭的終止。)
.meridian n.經線
@be allowed to V
.例:You are not allowed to leave the office during working hours.(上班時間你不准離開辦公室。)
.n.邊界;界 線
.例:The Rio Grande forms part of the boundary between the US and Mexico.(里歐葛蘭河形成美墨間的部分邊界。)


第二次世界大戰結束時,美國、蘇聯在朝鮮半島商定以北緯38度線作 為接受日軍投降範圍的界限。北部為蘇軍受降區,南部為美軍受降區。1948年大韓民國和朝鮮民主主義人民共和國成立後,38度線成為北韓和南韓的國界。 1953年韓戰結束後,停戰界線大致上仍沿38度線由東至西橫貫朝鮮半島。直到2007年5月17日,兩輛各自搭載150名乘客的火車獲准越過邊境(圖為 南韓列車準備駛往北韓,資料照片),象徵南北韓之間的關係往前邁進了一大步。


Hitler "Downfall" parodies removed from YouTube 希特勒的「帝國毀滅」諷刺影片被YouTube移除

Hitler "Downfall" parodies removed from YouTube
Adolf Hitler, for years a vessel of frustration in a popular Internet parody, has been quieted.
"Downfall," a German film about Hitler’s last days, has been adopted for wildly popular YouTube clips that have spanned mock rants about topics as varied as playing Xbox video games to Kanye West to Apple’s new iPad.
德 國片「帝國毀滅」是一部有關希特勒末日的影片,卻經常被改編為YouTube 網站上一吐怨氣的超熱門搞笑短片,主題從玩Xbox電玩、流行歌手肯伊威斯特到蘋果公司的新iPad電腦等無所不包。
Every spoof is from the same scene in the film: A furious, defeated Hitler, played by Bruno Ganz, unleashes an impassioned, angry speech to his remaining staff, huddled with him in his bunker.
這些嘲諷短片都是取自電影中的同一 段場景:由影星甘茲所飾演的希特勒火冒三丈、面臨挫敗,對著陪他一起藏身地下碉堡的殘餘部屬發表一段慷慨激昂的憤怒演說。
The scene takes on a widely different meaning when paired with English subtitles. Most any subject could be _ and was _ substituted, made even funnier by the scene’s intense melodrama, artful staging and timely cutaways.
這段影片在配上英文字幕後意思就完全不同。幾乎任何主題都可以、也已經被人配上不同的字幕,加上這段場景原本的緊張氣 氛、生動演出及適時剪接,笑果更是驚人。
But recently, the clips on YouTube, many of which had been watched by hundreds of thousands, even millions, began disappearing from the site. Many Hitler clips were still online, and new parodies were popping up featuring Hitler ranting about his removal from YouTube.
但最近YouTube上的這些曾被數萬人、甚至數百萬人觀賞過的影片已開始消失。許多希特勒短片目前在網路上 還看得到,新的諷刺短片也不斷出現,希特勒現在痛罵的對象變成了他要被YouTube移除一事。
For years, the Hitler mockery has held an unusually steadfast position in Internet culture. While most online parodies come and go overnight, new "Downfall" spoofs have been continually created for years. They have served as a kind of soapbox for real and mock anguish, a way to comically vent about anything and everything.
多年來,希特勒諷刺影片已在網路文化中佔 有罕見的穩固地位。大部份網路諷刺短片有如曇花一現,但新的「帝國毀滅」諷刺影片卻持續被製造出來。它們已變成一種發表真實及假想痛苦的肥皂箱,用搞笑的 方式發洩對任何事物的不滿。
vessel:名詞, 原指船艦、飛船或容器,亦可指具有某種特質、或有特定用途的人,如As a young and spirited politician, he seems a worthy vessel for the nation’s hopes.(身為一位年輕有朝氣的政治人物,他似乎值得被視為國家希望的化身。)

unleash:動詞,指解除…束縛、 宣洩情感,如He unleashed his pent-up rage in front of everybody.(他在所有人面前發洩出累積已久的怨氣。)
soapbox:名詞,指肥皂箱、臨時表演台,常用於片語(非正式用 語)get on one’s soapbox,指以強烈的方式表達對某事的看法,如She never misses the chance to get on her soapbox about government reform.(她從不錯過對政府改革表達意見的機會。)

This Day in History May 16… 歷史上的今天 5月16日

Michael Jordans first year in the NBA was more than exciting. After only one month with the Chicago Bulls, he made the cover of Sports Illustrated and was already considered a star. Fans loved Jordan from the start, and not just Bulls fans, either. Those at opposing arenas cheered him on. The fans also voted Jordan as a starter in the seasons All-Star game, which makes for one impressive season. Whats more, on this date in 1985, Jordan was named Rookie of the Year. As for the rest of Michael Jordans career, he is thought of by many as the best basketball player ever.
麥可.喬丹(圖,資 料照片)進入NBA的第一年就大放異彩。他進入芝加哥公牛隊才打 了短短一個月,就登上《運動畫刊》的封面,而且被視為巨星。打從一開始,球迷就很喜歡喬丹,而且 還不僅是公牛隊的球迷而已,連他作客其它球場時的對手球迷也會為他加油打氣。球迷還票選他為該季全明星賽的先發球員,使得那一季著實令人印象 深刻。此外,在1985年的今天,喬丹被封為年度最佳新秀。至於在麥可.喬丹接下來的職業生涯中,他更被眾多人公認為籃球史上最偉大的球員。


◎cover n.封面
例:Steve Jobs made the cover of this weeks Time magazine.(史提夫.賈伯斯登上了本週《時代》雜誌的封面。)
◎illustrated n.有很多圖片的報紙/雜誌 & a.有插圖的
◎opposing a.敵對的,對立的
◎arena n.(周圍有觀眾席的)比賽場所
◎cheer sb on/cheer on sb 為某人加油/打氣
例:The crowd cheered the runners on as they approached the finish line.(當跑者接近終點線時,觀眾紛紛為他們加油。)
◎starter n.先發球員


Ten minute loo limit for civil servants 公務員上廁所限時10分鐘


Timers have been installed to prevent civil servants from spending any longer than ten minutes in the toilet. Dozens of workers have reportedly been caught out by the new efficiency drive at the Government Office for the West Midlands.

為防止公務員上廁所時間超過10分鐘,連計時器都裝上了。據報導,(英國)西密德蘭政府辦公室(GOWM)推行的這項新 效率運動,已有數十名員工被抓到違規。

A hidden sensor switches off the toilet light after ten minutes of use, reports the Daily Telegraph.

使用廁所10分鐘後,一 具隱藏式感應器便會關閉廁所燈光,據每日電訊報報導。

Staff have condemned the GOWM for the move, which was introduced in a bid to help save millions of pounds. One worker at the offices in Birmingham said: "This was brought in without any staff consultation and is both humiliating and degrading."

GOWM 推行這項行動是希望有助節省數百萬英鎊,但引來員工怨聲載道。在伯明罕辦公室的一名職員說:「有關措施未經徵詢任何員工的意見就實施,既羞辱又下流。」

"Can you imagine the indignity of being in a cubicle, letting nature take its course, when suddenly the lights go out, and you have to fumble in the dark to make yourself decent, before struggling to make your way out towards the main door to the toilets where the switch is?"

「在一個密閉 的小室中,正等待自然(生理)完成流程之際,突然間燈光熄滅,你一面得在黑暗中胡亂摸索整裝好讓自己不失體面,然後設法離開,走向電源開關所在的廁所大 門,這種屈辱的情景你能想像嗎?」

Similar changes are expected to be rolled out around the country to meet Treasury targets for Whitehall departments to make "efficiency savings" worth £11bn a year.

預期英國全國將陸續推出類似變革,以達 「白廳」(Whitehall,英國中央政府所在地)部會所設定,每年以「效率節省」手段省下110億英鎊的財政目標。


in a bid to:指企圖、努力爭取…。例句:The two sides have been locked in discussion in a bid to find a compromise.(雙方持續談判,希望找到妥協之道。)

let nature take its course:片語,順其自然。本文中是指順應生理需要(指上廁所)。answer(obey) the call of nature,是指(滿足)生理需要(指大小便等)。

fumble:動詞,笨手笨腳或胡亂地用手摸索、拿某物;漏接(球);支支吾吾地說 話。例句:He tried to explain but fumbled for words.(他試圖解釋,但是支支吾吾地說不清楚。)

This Day in History May 15

M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!Everyone’s favorite rodent celebrates his birthday on November 18. That was when the Walt Disney Company released Steamboat Willie in 1928. However, Mickey Mouse actually made his debut in a cartoon about six months earlier on this date. That little-known silent cartoon was entitled Plane Crazy. In it, Mickey takes Minnie on a crazy ride in a plane that he built by himself. Later that year, a soundtrack was added to the film. From the very beginning, Mickey Mouse was a star!

歷史上的今天 5月15日…

米─老─鼠!這隻所有人最喜愛的鼠輩於11月18日歡度生日。那一天正是華特.迪士尼公司於1928年推出 《汽船威利號》的日子。不過,米奇其實是在那之前大約6個月的今天就已經在一部卡通裡首度登台亮相。那部鮮為人知的默劇卡通名為《飛機迷》。在這部卡通 中,米老鼠開著他親手打造的飛機,帶著米妮踏上一段瘋狂的旅程。這部影片並於當年稍晚加上了配音。打從一開始,米老鼠就是一個閃亮的巨星呢!


米老鼠是華特.迪士尼公司最具代表性卡通人物(cartoon character)之一,在他誕生的初期,他是由華特.迪士尼(圖,資料照片)本人所親自配音。米老鼠長久以來一直受到世人喜愛,在他50歲生日的那一 天,他甚至成為第一個在好萊塢星光大道(Hollywood Walk of Fame)擁有專屬星星的卡通角色。此外,迪士尼公司還會在旗下的各種影片、主題樂園及周邊商品中,隱藏加入米老鼠著名的剪影(silhouette), 並把它稱為 Hidden Mickey,各位不妨可以找找喔!


例:The government released an official report regarding the terrorist attacks.(政府發布了關於那幾起恐怖攻擊事件的正式報告。)
◎make one’s debut
例:Clint Eastwood started out as an actor and made his debut as a director in 1971.(克林伊斯威特是以演員出身,然後於1971年初執導演筒。)
vt. 給……命名/起名(多用於被動語態)
例:The author’s new book, entitled The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, was on the best-seller list for many weeks.(那位作家的新書,書名為《龍紋身的女孩》,位居暢銷排行榜達數周之久。)
◎(all) by oneself
例:Chris spent Christmas Eve in his dorm room all by himself.(克里斯在他宿舍房間裡獨自度過了聖誕夜。)
n. 電影配音;電影配樂


Ohioans say they’re pursued for paid-off fines 俄亥俄州民說他們被追討已付清的罰金

Some motorists are complaining that old traffic fines they already paid to one Ohio county are coming back to haunt them.
About 1,000 people have contacted officials in southeast Ohio’s Hocking County this week to say they’ve heard from a collection agency about tickets already resolved, in some cases as far back as 20 years ago.
大 約1000人本週已與俄亥俄州東南部哈金郡的官員聯繫,表示他們已從一個收款單位得知,有關罰單的問題已經解決。這些罰單中有些甚至是20年前的舊帳。
Court Clerk Michele Bell said that a glitch that occurred in 1999, when the court changed data systems. The problem surfaced amid the county’s ongoing efforts to recover outstanding debts and bolster its budget.
法 院書記蜜雪兒.貝爾表示,1999年法庭更改資料系統時,發生了差錯。此一問題浮現的時機,正值該郡持續努力催討未付帳款與支撐其預算。
About 10,000 debt-collection letters went out last week. Bell says she’s not sure how many were sent by mistake and how many went to people who still owe money.
Ohioan:名詞,俄亥俄州民。形容詞,俄亥俄州的,俄亥俄州民的。 New York(紐約)加er即為New Yorker(紐約人),或Japan(日本)加ese 即為Japanese(日本人),但並不是所有的地名直接加上er或ese就等於該地之人,仍需視該地名拼法而定。例如,Californian,加州 人;Hawaiian,夏威夷人;Bostonian,波士頓人。
haunted:形容詞,鬧鬼的;煩惱的。haunt,動詞,鬼魂出沒; 縈繞心頭。例句:The newly-wed couple were desperate to leave their new house that they believe is haunted by a lot of ghosts.(那對新婚夫妻趕忙離開那棟被他們認為鬧鬼的新居。)
as far as:片語,(1)遠到…;(2)到…程度。例句:As far as I know, The boss isn’t attending the meeting.(就我所知,老闆不會出席這場會議。)

This Day in History May 14…歷史上的今天 5月 14 日…

Louis XIV is known for many things. This is no surprise because he was the king of France for 72 years! In fact, he had the longest documented reign in Europe. On this date in 1643, Louis XIV became the king at the young age of five. Because he was so young, he was not allowed to rule France alone. Cardinal Mazarin was chosen by Louis XIV’s mother to help him. It wasn’t until 1661, when Louis XIV was 23, that he took full control and left his mark on history.

路易十四有許多知名的事蹟。這一點都不令人意外,因為他擔 任法國國王長達72年的時間!事實上,自有紀錄以來,他是歐洲執政最久的一位君主。在1643年的今天,年僅5歲的路易十四當上了國王。因為他當時年紀太 小,所以並未被允許獨自統治法國,而是由路易十四的母親所遴選的馬薩林樞機主教來幫他治國。一直到了1661年,路易十四年滿23歲時,才全權親政,並在 歷史上留名。


傳說路易十四是母親安妮王后與人私通生下的孩子,他另有一名雙胞胎兄弟(twin brother)被關在監獄,終身帶著鐵面具,以避免引發王位繼承人的更多紛爭,此人就是「鐵面人」(the man in the iron mask)。「鐵面人」在歷史上是真有其人,但其真實身分從未被證實過。這個傳說被法國作家大仲馬(Alexandre Dumas)採用,放在其經典小說《三劍客》(The Three Musketeers)三部曲中的第三部,日後更被改編為電影。


◎surprise n.驚奇,意外
.It comes as no surprise + that 子句……不令人意外
例:It comes as no surprise that many people want to strike it rich by winning the lottery.(很多人都想中樂透,這不令人意外。)
◎documented a.被記錄下來的
例:The filmmaker documented everything the singer said for his documentary.(該製片人為了他的記錄片記錄下那位歌手所說的每句話。)
◎reign n.在位期間;統治
◎at the age of... 在……的年紀
例:Lance started running his own business at the age of 20.(蘭斯在20歲時就開始經營自己的事業。)
◎allow sb to V 允許某人(做)……
◎rule vt.統治
例:The dictator ruled the country for almost 40 years before he was overthrown.(這位獨裁者統治那個國家將近40年後才被推翻。)
n.(羅馬天主教的)樞機主教,紅 衣主教
◎leave one’s mark on history 在歷史上留名


Nose spray makes men sensitive 鼻噴劑讓男性更敏感

A nasal spray can make men more in tune with other people’s feelings, say a team of German and UK researchers. They found that inhaling the "cuddle hormone" oxytocin made men just as empathetic as women.
德國與英國研究團隊說,一種鼻噴劑可讓男性對他人的感覺更能感同身 受,他們發現,吸入這種「擁抱荷爾蒙」催情素,能讓男性與女性一樣有同理心。
The study in 48 volunteers also showed that the spray boosted the ability to learn from positive feedback.
Oxytocin is a naturally produced hormone, most well-known for triggering labour pains and promoting bonding between mother and baby. But it has also been shown to play a role in social relations, sex and trust. Study leader Professor Keith Kendrick, a neuroscientist at Cambridge University, said by giving the hormone nasally, it quickly reaches the brain.
催情素 是一種自然產生的荷爾蒙,最有名的作用是引發分娩陣痛、讓母親與寶寶的關係更緊密;但催情素也被發現對社交關係、性與信賴有影響力。劍橋大學神經科學家肯 德列克教授領導的這份研究指出,對鼻子施以催情素,能讓它迅速抵達大腦。
In the first part of the study, half the men received a nose spray containing oxytocin and half were given a dummy spray. They were then shown photos of emotionally charged situations including a crying child, a girl hugging her cat, and a grieving man, and were asked questions about the depth of feeling they had towards the subjects.
在這份研究的第一部分,一半的男性吸入含催情素的鼻噴劑,另一半的人則是吸入假的噴 劑。接著拿孩童哭泣、女孩擁抱著貓、哀痛的男子等充滿情緒張力的照片給他們看,再問他們對這些主題有甚麼深層的感覺。
Those who had the hormone spray had markedly higher levels of empathy.
吸入荷爾 蒙噴劑的人,同理心顯著提高。
nasal:形容 詞,鼻子的。例句:She spoke in nasal tones.(她用鼻音說話。)
in tune with sb/sth:片語,了解,同意。 例句:Much of his success comes from being in tune with what his customers want.(他會成功,很大成分是來自了解客戶需求。)
cuddle:動詞,擁抱。 例句:She cuddled the baby and eventually it stopped crying.(她抱著這個小寶寶,小寶寶終於不哭了。)

This Day in History May 13… 歷史上的今天 5月13日

He's put out successful albums. He's written some of the most famous songs ever. He's known for raising money for charity. He's loved by fans and fellow musicians. He's Stevie Wonder! Today in 1950, Stevie Wonder was born in Michigan. His mother delivered him six weeks early, and because of this, he ended up blind. However, this didn't stop Wonder from having big dreams and high hopes. He put out his first album when he was just 13 years old. Since then, Wonder has received countless awards and has been an inspiration to generations of musicians.
他發行過多張暢銷專 輯,並寫過一些最膾炙人口的歌曲。大家也熟知他常為慈善募款。他受到樂迷和音樂人的喜愛。他就是史帝夫.汪達。1950年的今日,史帝夫.汪達出生於密西 根。他的母親早產6個星期,結果造成史帝夫雙眼全盲。然而,這並沒有阻止他擁有宏大的夢想和希望。史帝夫僅13歲時就發行了第一張專輯。自那時起,他就領過無數的獎 項,也激發了好幾代的音樂家。


●put out... 發行……,出版……
= release vt.
例:That actress decided to put out a book about her way of losing weight.(那位女演員決定出版一本關於自己如何減肥的書。)
●album n.唱片專輯
●be known for... 因……(某事物)出名
be known as + 身分/稱號以……(身分、稱號)為人所知
例:Cliff is known for his soulful voice.(克里夫以其富有靈魂的唱腔著名。)
●raise money 募款
例:The band put on a concert to raise money for earthquake victims.(那個樂團舉行演唱會為地震災民募款。)
●fellow a.同伴的,同類的
●deliver vt.產下(嬰兒);給……接生
例:We are going to visit Penny at the hospital. She delivered twins yesterday.(我們要去醫院探望潘妮。她昨天產下一對雙胞胎。)
●end up... 結果/最後/到頭來……


史帝夫.汪達(圖,資料照片)是摩城唱片(Motown Records)旗下的藝人,發行過許多廣受歡迎的專輯和歌曲,也 是名多才多藝的音樂家,會彈奏鋼琴、貝斯和打鼓及吹口琴(harmonica)。除了對音樂的熱忱,史帝夫.汪達也致力於慈善及和平事業,2009年12 月,他更成為聯合國的和平大使(United Nations Messenger of Peace)。


Mercury high in Japanese town that hunts dolphins 捕殺海豚的日本小鎮居民含汞量高

Residents of the dolphin-hunting village depicted in Oscar documentary "The Cove" have dangerously high mercury levels, likely because of their fondness for dolphin and whale meat, a government lab said.
奧斯卡獲獎紀錄片「血色海灣」刻畫的捕殺 海豚村落的居民,可能因對鯨豚肉的偏愛,致使體內有危險的高含汞濃度,一個政府實驗室表示。
The levels of mercury detected in Taiji residents were above the national average, but follow-up tests have found no ill effects, according to the National Institute for Minamata Disease. The tests were done on hair samples from 1,137 volunteers of the town’s roughly 3,500 residents.
國立水■(保去木為 天)症綜合研究中心指出,在太地町居民體內檢查出的含汞濃度超過國家平均標準,但後續的檢測發現沒有不良影響。該檢測是取得該市共約3500名居民中的 1137位志願者毛髮樣本而進行完成。
"The results suggest there is a connection between hair mercury levels and eating cetaceans," Director Koji Okamoto said.
Mercury accumulates up the food chain, so large predators such as dolphins, tuna and swordfish tend to have the highest levels. The latest studies published by the Japanese government show that meat from bottlenose dolphins had about 1,000 times the mercury content of that from sardines.
汞隨食物鏈累積,所以諸如海豚、鮪魚與箭魚等大型掠食生物傾向有最高濃度的汞含量,日本政府最新公布的研究顯示,瓶鼻海 豚肉的汞含量約千倍於沙丁魚肉。
Fetuses and small children are particularly vulnerable to mercury, which affects the development of the nervous system — The Health Ministry recommends that pregnant women eat at most 80 grams of bottlenose dolphin per two months.
胎兒與小孩特別容易受到汞的傷害,汞會影 響神經系統的發展─衛生部建議孕婦每兩個月攝食的瓶鼻海豚肉不要超過80公克。
Environmentalists have long protested Taiji’s dolphin slaughter and Japan’s whaling activities, and have adopted the mercury issue as part of their cause.
環保人士長久來抗議太地 町的海豚屠殺與日本的捕鯨活動,並把汞議題納為其抗議的部分理據。
follow- up︰形容詞,後續的,名詞指後續行動、後續報導。例句︰It was a follow-up on something I had written before.(這是我寫過題材的續篇。)
ill effects︰不良後果、惡果。例句︰Three months after the accident she could walk without any ill effects.(那場意外發生後3個月,她又能步行而無任何不適之感。)
at (the) most︰片語,至多、不超過。例句︰There is only at most room for one person.(最多只有可容納一人的空間。)

This Day in History 歷史上的今天…5月12日

It was an ordinary afternoon in Wenchuan County, China on this date in 2008. Then, the shaking began. For around two minutes, an 8.0-magnitude earthquake caused great destruction in the area. Over 68,000 people were killed and millions more were injured and left homeless. The Wenchuan earthquake became the deadliest earthquake ever in 21st century. One reason is the strong aftershocks that hit the area for months after the initial big quake. It will still take years for Wenchuan and China to get over the disaster.
2008年的今天原 本普通的下午,突然間中國的汶川縣開始地動天驚。一場持續約兩分鐘、規模8.0的地震在該區造成巨大的破壞。有6萬8千多人喪生,數百萬人受傷及無家可 歸。汶川大地震成為21世紀以來最致命的地震。原因之一是在先前的大地震後,又有許多強烈的餘震襲擊該區達數個月之久。汶川縣和中國將花上數年的時間來走 出這場災難。


ordinary a.普通的
The book you lent me had a very ordinary storyline.(你借我的那本書故事情節很普通。)
n. (地震的)強度,震級
a. 無家可歸的
The hiker fell victim to a deadly snake bite.(那名健行者成為致命蛇吻的犧牲者。)
fall victim to...
n. 餘震
Construction of this building is still in its initial stages.(這棟大樓的建造仍在初步階段。)
n. 災難,不幸


1933年8月25日,汶川地區曾發生過一次規模7.5的地震,強震持續 約1分鐘。2008年5月12日,汶川又發生規模8.0的大地震(圖,資料照片)。根據地質調查所測量,震源深度約在地表下10公里處,承受了相當於 251顆廣島原子彈的威力。這次地震屬於淺層的「板塊內地震」,與喜馬拉雅山造山運動有間接關係,地震所釋放出的能量超過台 灣921大地震的5倍。