
Ship comes in for solo travelers 單人行旅客終於出運了


If you’re fancy free and love to wander, the price might finally be right to travel solo.


Instead of punishing travelers who prefer to go alone with hefty surcharges, the travel industry is starting to woo them with deals that tickle their wanderlust without ravaging their wallets.


"The tour industry is making way for the single traveler," said Margie Jordan, spokesperson for the American Society of Travel Agents. "This is nothing that’s going to go away. The single traveler is going to have as many opportunities as anyone else."


For years most travel deals were based on two people traveling together. "Single travelers would see a price on line and we’ve had to break the news that if you’re going by yourself, it’s 150 to 200 percent more," said Jordan. "They were left high and dry."


But times are changing and Jordan said cruise lines in particular are stepping up. MSC Cruises is currently offering trips that waive the dreaded single supplement, which accounts for the price hike.



when one’s ship comes in:片語,指某人發財、功成名就,如When my ship comes in, I’ll build you a huge house in the country.(等我成功以後,就會替你在鄉下蓋一間大房子。)

solo:形容詞,指單獨的、無人陪伴的,如She flew solo from Anchorage to Miami.(她獨自一人從安克拉治飛到邁阿密。)

high and dry:片語,原指船隻擱淺,引申指處境艱難、孤立無援,如They pulled out of the deal at the last minute leaving us high and dry.(他們在最後關頭退出協議,讓我們進退不得。)

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