
Beware, iPod zombie cyclists are on the rise 小心,「iPod殭屍」單車族越來越多


Watch out for the iPod zombies. Cyclists distracted by music blaring in their ears have become the latest menace on Britain’s roads.


The fashion for cyclists to wear earphones on crowded city streets is being held partly responsible for the recent upsurge in cycling injuries and deaths, as well as collisions with pedestrians.


Road safety groups are alarmed at the practice and this weekend Edmund King, the president of the AA, called on the Department for Transport (DfT) to launch a campaign warning cyclists of the risk.


The latest DfT figures show that 820 cyclists were killed or seriously injured in the three months to June, a 19% rise on the same period in 2008. It is not known how many of these cases were caused by people listening to music because the DfT and the police do not record the information.


There is currently no legislation in place to govern either the use of music players or the wearing of helmets on the road, but cyclists can be prosecuted for dangerous riding — an offence that attracts a maximum penalty of £2,500.


新聞辭典 Dictionary

watch out for:片語,密切注意、留神。例句:Watch out for the dog! (小心那條狗!)

upsurge:名詞, 急劇上升;飆升;猛增。例句:The upsurge of the oil price is incredible. (油價的高漲讓人咋舌。)

pedestrian:名詞,指行人。pedestrian也可當形容詞用,指平淡無奇或乏味的。例句:Twice I took pedestrian jobs to keep us going.(我有兩次找了份乏味的差事來維持我們的生計。)

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