
Cowboy motorist helps Mass. troopers lasso 2 cows牛仔駕駛人協助麻州州警用套索捕捉2頭乳牛

Two cows have escaped from a trailer onto a busy Massachusetts highway, but a cowboy stuck in the traffic jam has come to the rescue.


State police say a man wearing a Western hat and boots lassoed the 500-pound heifers Tuesday morning as they wandered on Interstate 91 South in Springfield, one of the state’s biggest cities.


Troopers shut down the highway for about 30 minutes as the man helped load the animals back into a trailer that was carrying them to nearby Enfield, Conn.


The cows had escaped into slow-moving traffic after a latch on the trailer opened.


Police say the cowboy doesn’t want to be publicly identified.



stuck in traffic:片語,被困在塞車車陣中。例句:Sorry I’m late. I was stuck in traffic.(抱歉我遲到了。我剛才被塞在車陣中。)

come to (someone’s or something’s) rescue:片語,拯救或幫助某人或某事。例句:The police officer came to our rescue at once.(那名員警馬上過來幫我們的忙。)

shut down:片 語,停工,停止運作。例句:Yahoo Inc. confirmed Tuesday that it would shut down most operations during Christmas week to save money, but experts said the holiday lull was par for the course in the Silicon Valley.(雅虎公司週二證實,該公司將在耶誕節這週停止大部分營運以撙節開支,但專家表示,在矽谷,此一假期停工之舉是稀鬆平常之事。)

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