
New tusk test could help stop ivory trade 新的象牙檢測可能有助於阻止象牙交易


Forensic experts have developed an unusual way of dating elephant tusks in a bid to stop the illegal trade of ivory.


Only the sale of antique ivory from before 1947 is permitted in the EU but there is no accurate method of identifying it from modern ivory.


Now a scientist at Edinburgh Zoo has come up with the test which, it could be said, owes its success to the Cold War.


The 1950s saw widespread nuclear weapons testing which caused a rise in the levels of a certain chemical in the atmosphere. The amount of carbon 14 doubled by 1965 and can be found in the bones and tusks of animals.


If an ivory sample displays a high level of the matter then it proves it came from an animal alive after the introduction of nuclear testing in the 50s and is therefore being sold illegally.



date︰動詞,確定…年代。名詞有(口語)預約的活動之意,例句︰It’s a date.(就這麼說定、一言為定。)

in a bid to︰片語,企圖、爭取。AOL revamped its logo in a bid to revive the brand. (美國線上為了提振品牌,改換了形象標章。)

owe(to)︰動詞,應歸功於。例句︰She owes her success to hard work.(她把成功歸因於辛勤工作。)

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