
No smoking prison sparks drop in crime/禁煙監獄降低犯罪率


A noticeable drop in recorded crimes on the Isle of Man is being attributed to the opening of Europe’s only completely no smoking prison.


The island which is one of the safest places to live in the British Isles, has seen a massive reduction in total crimes since the new £42m jail opened in August 2008.


In the nine month period from April 2008 to December 15 2008 the total recorded crimes stood at 2,508. But in the same period this year crimes dropped off 14 per cent, with a total of 2,157 crimes committed.


At present there are just under 100 prisoners at the jail. It means at least 40 cells empty, as wannabe crooks turn their back on a life of crime - many because they don’t want to give up cigarettes if they get caught.


The prison is Europe’s one and only completely non-smoking prison - with smoking not even allowed in the prison exercise yard. Even prison guards are banned from smoking anywhere on the premises and have to go into a nearby car park to light up.


Prisoners are told they have no choice but to give up and are given free nicotine patches and counselling sessions to help them beat their cravings.


新聞辭典 Dictionary

wannabe: 非正式用語,指想要達到某種目標的人,或模仿某些受人尊敬者的舉止、習慣或打扮的人。如︰The bar is frequented by wannabe actresses and film directors.(想成為女演員的人和電影導演經常出入這間酒吧。)

turn one’s back on:片語, 轉過身不理;背棄;不理睬。例句:The city has promised not to turn their backs on the poor. (該城許諾不會不理睬窮人。)

on the premises:片語,屋內;建築物內;店內。複數型premises是指房產、房屋。

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