
Student sells virginity for $45k 學生以4.5萬紐幣出賣貞操


A cash-strapped New Zealand student who auctioned off her virginity to help pay for university said she had accepted an offer of $NZ45,000 to sleep with a stranger.

一 名欠缺現金以致拍賣貞操來繳納大學學費的紐西蘭學生說,她已接受和陌生人上床換取4萬5000紐幣的提議。

The 19-year-old offered her virginity to the highest bidder in an online auction and said there had been more than 1,200 bids.

這名19歲女孩在線上拍賣中把自 己的貞操賣給最高價投標者,並表示投標筆數已超過1200筆。

"I have accepted an offer in excess of $45,000, which is way beyond what I dreamed," the student said on her web page when the auction ended.

「我已接受超過4萬5000元的開價,這遠超過我的想像。」這名學生 在拍賣結束時,透過自己的網頁表示。

"Thank you to the more than 30,000 people who viewed my ad and to the more than 1,200 offers made."

「感謝各位,有超過3萬人 瀏覽我的廣告以及提出超過1200筆標單。」

Calling herself "unigirl", the young woman had described herself as attractive, fit and healthy and said she had never been in a sexual relationship.

自稱是「獨一無二女孩」的這位少女,形容自己具有吸引力、身材 健美及健康,並聲稱她從未有過性關係。

The advertisement drew wide reaction in New Zealand, which has some of the world’s most liberal laws on prostitution.



auction off︰片語,拍賣掉、透過拍賣處理掉。例句︰He auctioned off a collection of paintings.(他拍賣掉一批藏畫。)

in excess of︰片語,超過。例句︰Never spend in excess of your income.(花錢切勿超過你的收入。)

be way beyond︰片語,遠遠超過。例句︰Whatever he said was way beyond my understanding.(不論他說什麼,都遠遠超過我的理解範圍。)

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