
I’m locked out of my house. 我被鎖在門外

Arnold:Hello, LLM Locksmiths. What can I do for you?
阿 諾:您好,LLM 鑰匙行。我能幫上什麼忙嗎?
Heather:Hello, my name’s Heather Samuels. I’m locked out of my house. I need help getting my door opened.
海瑟:你好,我名叫 海瑟?山謬爾斯。我被鎖在門外。我需要有人幫我把門打開。
Arnold:No problem. Can you give me your address?
Heather:Yes, it’s 54 Jackson Grove. How soon can you get here?
海瑟:好的,這裡是傑克森街54 號。你多快能到?
Arnold:Seeing that it’s rush hour now, it might take us up to an hour and a half.
阿 諾:由於現在是交通尖峰時間,我們可能要花上一個半小時。
Heather:I see. Please hurry.
海瑟:我知道了。請 快一點。


◎I’m locked out of my house.我被鎖在門外。
.I seem to have left my keys in my house.(我好像把鑰匙給留在家裡了。)
.My key is stuck in the keyhole.(我的鑰匙卡在鑰匙孔裡了。)


◎locksmith n.鎖匠
◎lock vt.鎖上& n.鎖
例:Did you remember to lock the door?(你有記得鎖門嗎?)
◎Seeing that… 鑒於/由於……
◎rush hour (上下班)交通尖峰時刻
◎hurry vi.& n.趕緊,匆忙
例:There is no need to hurry. We still have plenty of time.(不必急。我們的時間還很充裕。)
.hurry up 趕快,加快行動
例:You'd better hurry up or you'll be late for school.(你最好快點,不然你上學會遲到。)

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