
Man who hiccuped for three years is cured 打嗝3年的男子痊癒了


A singer who suffered a three-year bout of hiccups has finally been cured after undergoing a brian operation.


Chris Sands had tried everything to get rid of his hiccups-which happened once every two seconds-from acupuncture to drinking vinegar.


They were so severe he was unable to sleep for more than a few minutes at a time, had trouble eating and could not go to work.


But the hiccups left NHS doctors baffled and it was only when filming a Japanese documentary that a tumour was found on his brain stem.


In September Chris was cured after undergoing a three-hour op to remove the tumour.


The longest ever bout of hiccups was by an American called Charles Osborne from Iowa, he hiccuped for 68 years from 1922 until 1990.


新聞辭典 Dictionary

get rid of:除去。例句︰The citizens tried to get rid of their corrupt mayor in the recent election. (市民在最近的選舉中,試圖讓貪污的市長下台。)

bout:(工作、活動等的)一陣(或一回、一次等)。例句:He beat his opponent at one bout. (他一下子就打敗了對手)。

baffle:使困惑、難住、阻撓。例句︰We have imaged that he will try all he can to baffle us.(我們早就料到他會使盡全力阻撓我們。)

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