
New leader has Facebook problems 新領導人有臉書難題


Croatia’s newly elected president has run into a problem -- how to accept thousands of new friends on Facebook.

克羅埃西亞的新當選總統已遭遇一項難題─如何接受社交網站「臉書」上的數千名新朋友(的交友邀 請)。

The issue seems to underscore Ivo Josipovic’s image of a new statesman for a new era, who should oversee the final stage of Zagreb’s accession talks with the European Union this year, and lead the former Yugoslav republic into the bloc in 2012.

此議題似乎凸顯伊佛.喬西波維奇的新時代新政治家的形 象,他將監督今年札格拉布當局與歐盟(針對克羅埃西亞加入歐盟)入會談判的最後階段,以及帶領這個前南斯拉夫共和國在2012年加入歐盟。

"I have 5,000 friends, which is the maximum allowed on Facebook. I also have another 7,000 waiting so I don’t know how we’ll work that out," the silver-haired, bespectacled law expert and classical music composer told state radio.

「我有5000個朋友,這是臉書所允許的(朋友數量)上限。我還有另外7000個人等候(成為我的朋 友),所以我們不知道該怎麼辦,」這名銀髮、戴眼鏡的法律專家與古典音樂作曲家告訴國營電台。

Josipovic, relatively inexperienced in high politics but with a career untainted by scandal, won 60 percent of the votes, beating Zagreb mayor Milan Bandic, who was supported by the church and the conservatives.

相當缺乏重大政治歷練、但生涯也未沾染醜 聞的喬西波維奇,在選戰中贏得6成選票,擊敗獲得教會以及保守派支持的札格拉布市長米蘭.班迪奇。


underscore:動詞/名詞,在下面劃線 (underline);強調(emphasize)。例句:Recent tensions in Malaysia underscore the need not to take racial and religious harmony for granted, Singapore Deputy Prime Minister and Home Affairs Minister Wong Kan Seng said.(新加坡副總理兼內政部長黃根成表示,馬來西亞近日的緊張情勢,凸顯出有必要不把種族與宗教和諧視為理所當然。)

maximum: 名詞,最大值,最大量,最大極限。相反詞,minimum,名詞,最小值,最小量,最小限度。

work something out或work out something:慣用語,找出解決某事的辦法。例句:Don’t worry, we can work it out.(別擔心,我們可以想辦法解決這事。)

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