
For $65, tourists get peek at Los Angeles gangland 65美元讓觀光客一窺洛杉磯黑社會


Only miles from the scenic vistas and celebrity mansions that draw sightseers from around the globe-but a world away from the glitz and glamour-a bus tour is rolling through the dark side of the city’s gang turf.

離吸引全球觀光客的美景和名人豪宅僅數英 里,卻是一個與這些光鮮亮麗截然不同的世界,一趟巴士之旅正走訪這個城市黑幫地盤的黑暗面。

Passengers paying $65 a head signed waivers acknowledging they could be crime victims and put their fate in the hands of tattooed ex-gang members.

乘客每人付65美元,簽了棄 權聲明表明知道他們可能成為犯罪受害人,然後將他們的命運交給身上刺青的前幫派份子手上。

The first sight was a stretch of concrete riverbed featured in the movies "Terminator" where countless splotches of gray paint conceal graffiti that is often the mark of street gangs and tagging crews.

第一站是出現在電影「魔鬼終結者」中的河道水泥牆,這裡 有許多通常是街頭幫派或被貼標籤族群標記的塗鴉。

After that, it was on to the Central Jail, home to many a thug, past Skid Row’s squalor and homeless masses and into South Los Angeles, breeding ground for some of the city’s deadliest gangs.


"There’s a fascination with gangs," said founder of the LA Gang Tours Alfred Lomas, a former member of the Florencia 13 gang. "We can either address the issue head-on and discuss the positive things that go on in these communities, or we can try to sweep it under the carpet." But the organizers don’t want it to be voyeuristic and sensational.

「黑幫有種 吸引力」,這項洛城黑幫之旅創辦人、前「佛羅倫西亞13」幫成員洛馬斯說,「我們要不正面處理這個問題,討論這些社區好的一面,要不就試圖掩蓋它。」但主 辦人不希望弄得像偷窺狂、譁眾取寵。


sweep something under the carpet:動詞片語,掩蓋或忽視某事(尤指不好的事)。例句:Don’t sweep your mistakes under the carpet.(不要掩飾你的過錯。)

Skid Row:名詞,遊民、窮人聚集區。I can’t imagine what life is like on Skid Row.(我無法想像遊民區的生活是什麼樣子。)

voyeuristic: 形容詞,偷窺狂般的。例句:His voyeuristic peek makes me uncomfortable.(他像偷窺狂般的窺探讓我不安。)

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