
German scientists develop fast-acting germ killer 德國科學家開發速效殺菌劑


A new fast-acting disinfectant that is effective against bacteria, viruses and other germs could help stop the spread of deadly infections in hospitals, German scientists said on Wednesday.

一種新的速效殺菌劑能有效對付細菌、病毒及其它病菌,可能有助於阻止致命的感染在醫院內擴散,德國科 學家週三表示。

Researchers from the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin said they had developed a fast-acting, practical formula which would kill germs on surgical instruments without damaging them through corrosion.

柏 林Robert Koch研究所的研究人員表示,他們已開發出一種速效、實用的配方,能殺死手術器具上的病菌,而不會經由腐蝕損壞它們。

Disinfectants are the first line of defense against the spread of hospital-acquired infections and effective cleaning of surgical instruments is vital to beating them.


The German formula works against a wide range of germs, including some that survive ordinary disinfectants, such as Mycobacterium avium bacteria which can cause a tuberculosis-type illness and enteroviruses that may cause polio.

這項德國配方能對付種類廣泛的病菌,包括一般殺菌劑殺不死的一些病菌,諸如能導致結核型態疾病的禽鳥型分枝桿菌, 以及可能導致小兒麻痺症的腸病毒。

Drug-resistant bacteria, the so-called "superbugs," are a growing problem in hospitals worldwide and poor hygiene among staff is often blamed for the spread of such infections. They kill about 25,000 people a year in Europe and about 19,000 in the United States.

抗藥性細菌俗稱「超級病菌」,是全世界醫院越來越嚴重的一個問題,而醫院員工衛生習慣不良,往往是造成這種感 染蔓延的原因。院內感染每年在歐洲奪走約2.5萬條人命,在美國造成1.9萬人死亡。

新 聞辭典

germ:名詞, 一般指可引起疾病的細菌。bacteria兼指有害、無害甚至有益的細菌,而英文口語中bug也可指病菌。

disinfectant:名 詞,殺毒劑、殺菌劑。例句:The doctor distilled a few drops of disinfectant onto the wound.(醫生往傷口灑了些消毒劑。)

hygiene:名詞,保健、衛生。例句:People with bad personal hygiene are prone to get parasites in their bodies.(不講究個人衛生的人很容易在體內產生寄生蟲。)

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