
Aussie banker was caught ogling racy photo live on TV 電視現場連線活逮澳洲銀行員看豔照


After staring at a screen filled with dull data, Sydney Macquarie Bank worker Dave Kiely decided to spice up his shift a little.

在看了電腦螢幕中滿滿的沉悶資料之後,雪梨麥格里銀行 員工大衛.基里決定稍微提振一下工作精神。

So he called up near-nude pictures of the curvaceous model Miranda Kerr on his computer.

所以他在電腦上叫出曲線玲瓏有致的模特兒 米蘭達.克爾近乎全裸的照片。

He might have thought he was ogling alone. But that was not quite the case. For his leering was witnessed by hundreds of thousands of TV viewers watching the evening news.

他大概以為只有自己在享眼福。但 並不是這麼回事。因為成千上萬正在看晚間新聞的人目睹他偷看豔照。

Kiely was sitting behind a colleague doing a live television interview about the Australian economy. As his colleague pontificated, Kiely in the background was looking at the photos of Miss Kerr on GQ magazine.

基里當時坐在一名正接受現場連 線訪問談澳洲經濟的同事後面。在他的同事高談闊論之際,背景中的基里正盯著克爾在GQ雜誌上的照片。

When the live interview was about to finish, the man turns and looks directly at the television camera with what appeared to be a sheepish grin and he realizes his actions have been caught on camera.

在訪問將結束時,這名行員轉過身來, 直視著電視攝影機,臉上帶著顯然是難為情的微笑,他發現他的所作所為都被攝影機拍到了。

This video has became a hit on YouTube. Financial news-based Web site, Here is the City, had set up an e-mail campaign to help Kiely from being fired.

這段影片成了 YouTube上的熱門影片。財經新聞網站Here is the City發起一項搶救基里免於被開除的電子郵件運動。

After an internal review Macquarie said in a statement on Feb. 5. that Kiely would keep his job.



curvaceous: 形容詞,(指女性)身材有曲線美的。 例句:He is attracted by that curvaceous woman.(他被那名身材曲線玲瓏的女人吸引。)

leer:動詞,邪惡、色迷迷地看。例句:Leering at girls is rude.(色迷迷地盯著女孩看很沒禮貌。)

sheepish:形容詞,羞怯的、難為情的。例句:He always has that kind of sheepish smile.(他總是有那種靦腆的微笑。)

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