
My credit card is due to expire in two months. 我的信用卡再2個月就到期了

Hank:Hello, NBV Bank, Hank speaking. How may I help you?
漢 克:NBV銀行好,我是漢克。請問您需要什麼服務?
Barbara:Hello, my names Barbara Saunders. My credit card is due to expire in two months, and I'd like to request a new one.
芭芭拉:你好,我是芭芭拉?山德斯。我的信用卡再2個月就 到期了,我想要申請新的卡。
Hank:Oh, we automatically send one to you a month before your credit card expires.
Barbara:I see. But I will be going abroad for three months in two weeks, so I won't receive it in time.
Hank:In that case, we can make arrangements to send it to you before you leave.
漢 克:這樣的話,我們可以安排在您出發前寄給您。
Barbara:Thank you very much.


◎My credit card is due to expire in two months.我的信用卡再2個月就到期了
使用信用卡時,要注意有效日期、帳單結算日(statement closing date)及年費(annual fee)等相關細節。以下為有關信用卡的實用短句:
.The annual fee is waived if you make a purchase within the first three months after receiving your card.(若你在收到卡的前3個月內消費,就可以免繳年費。)


◎due a.預定的;到期的
例:Bennys flight is due to arrive at 8:00 p.m.(班尼的班機預定晚上8點抵達。)
◎expire vi.過期;到期
◎request vt.要求,請求
例:David requested a loan from the bank.(大衛向銀行申請貸款。)
◎arrangement n. 安排
例:The couple decided to make the arrangements for their wedding banquet by themselves.(那對情侶決定自己安排婚宴。)

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