
NY driver used mannequin in car pool lane 紐約駕駛人用假人上共乘車道


The tip-off was the sunglasses.


A New Yorker faces a $135 traffic fine for using a mannequin as her "plus one" in the high-occupancy vehicle lane of the Long Island Expressway.


Alert sheriff’s deputy Deputy Robert Howard grew suspicious of a car in the high-occupancy vehicle lane when he was driving on the Long Island Expressway Tuesday Feb.2. He saw the "passenger" in that car was wearing sunglasses and using the visor.The problem:The sky was overcast.


When he pulled over the 61-year-old driver Kathleen Frascinella of N.Y. and discovered her only passenger was a mannequin, fully dressed with a long dark wig, blazer, shirt and scarf.


Frascinella was issued a $135 citation for operating a vehicle in the HOV lane without a passenger.



car pool lane/high-occupancy vehicle lane:名詞,共乘車道/高乘載車道。例句:A car pool lane is designated for people driving with at least one passenger.(共乘車道是給開車載著至少一名乘客的人使用。)

tip-off:名詞,密告、爆料、線索;動詞,密告。例句:The police act on a tip-off and busted the big cybercrime ring.(警方根據線報採取行動,破獲這個大型網路犯罪集團。)

overcast:形容詞,陰天的,陰暗的。例句:The weather forecast said it would be overcast and rainy today.(氣象預報說今天會是多雲有雨。)

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