
Want to live like a cowboy? Try Wyoming 想活得像個牛仔嗎?試試懷俄明州

Whether you want to live like a rock star or a cowboy, or become an urban gardener or just opt for the simple life, there is a town in America to suit everyone’s taste.
無論你是想過得像個搖滾明星還是牛仔,抑或是成為都市園丁或只想選擇過簡單的生活,人人都能 在美國找到一座適合其喜好的小鎮。
Wannabe cowboys should head to Casper, Wyoming. Urbanites with a green thumb and a desire to start an organic garden should settle down in Red Hook, in the mid-Hudson Valley in New York.
想 成為牛仔的人應該前往懷俄明州的卡斯柏。擁有一身好園藝功夫而且想打造有機花園的都市人,應該在位於紐約州哈德遜河谷中段的瑞德胡克安頓下來。
Fairfax, California is the place to pursue the suburban ideal and Nashville is the city for aspiring music stars, according to the magazine Men’s Journal.
根據「男性期刊」雜誌,加州的菲爾法克斯是追求郊區理想生活的寶地,至於納許維爾則是胸懷音樂明星夢想者的(應該前往的) 城市。
But if you want to keep a boat near New York City, look no further than Red Bank, New Jersey, and head to Reno for outdoor pursuits far from the madding crowd.
倘若你想在紐約市附近擁有一艘船,就不要住在超過新澤西州瑞德班克的地方,以及 在從事休閒活動時前往雷諾,以遠離令人抓狂的人群。
"We ran with the notion that when somebody makes a big move it is for a specific reason, so we threw out about 28 specific reasons why one might pick up and head elsewhere," said Will Cockrell, the editor of the magazine.
「我們刊登(此文)的想法是,某人為了 一種特定的理由而搬家,所以我們丟出大約28個也許應該打包搬到某處的特定理由,」該雜誌編輯威爾.卡克瑞爾說。
opt for something,俚語,挑選某一特定選項。例句:I opt for not saying anything at all.(我選擇什麼話也不說。)
green thumb/green fingers:名詞,綠手指,指擅長園藝、具有讓植物長得好之能力的人。
settle down:俚語,安頓下來;結婚進而過著穩定生活。例句:They decide to settle down and start a family.(他們倆決定共結連理組織一個家庭。)

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