
This Day in History April 23… 歷史上的今天 4月23日

There are many things in life worth celebrating and giving our attention to. On this date in 1920, International Children's Day began to take shape in Turkey. The event was again promoted at the World Conference for the Well-Being of Children in Geneva, Switzerland. Now, International Children's Day is held annually on June 1. Another holiday, Universal Children's Day, was inspired by International Children's Day. Universal Children's Day was promoted by the United Nations, and events take place on November 20. Both holidays focus on actions that benefit and improve the welfare of children around the world.
生活中有許多事情值得我們慶祝和關注。 1920年的今天,國際兒童節在土耳其開始成形。於瑞士日內瓦所召開的「兒童福利國際大會」中,這項活動再次被倡導。現在,國際兒童節在每年的 6月1日舉行。這個節日也啟發另個世界兒童節,該節日由聯合國推動,並於11月20日舉行。這兩個節日都專注於讓全球兒童受惠及增進兒童福祉的活動上。


●attention n. 注意
pay attention to…… 注意……
例:Please pay attention to the speed limit. You don't want to get a ticket.(請注意時速限制。你不會想吃罰單的。)
●take shape 逐漸成形
例:Our plans will take shape once we have decided on our target audience.(只要決定鎖定的觀眾群,我們這個計劃就能成形了。)
●promote vt. 促進,提倡
例:They launched a campaign to promote the prevention of child abuse.(他們發起一場活動旨在促進防止兒童受虐。)
●well-being n. 幸福;福祉
例:The good mayor made the well-being of his citizens his first concern.(這位善良的市長把市民的福祉當作第一要務。)
●inspire vt. 鼓舞,啟發


國際兒童節和世界兒童節制定的目的皆以兒童的福祉為出發點,而世界各國也有屬於自己的兒童節,像台灣是4月 4日,而日本與兒童相關的節日又分為3月3日的「女童節」(Girl’s Day)和5月5號的「男童節」(Boy’s Day)。而在冷戰(Cold War)期間,東、西德尚未統一時,兩邊兒童節的日期也不相同,分別為6月1日和9月20日。

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