
This Day in History April 11

Today in 1970, with an explosion of fire and smoke, Apollo 13 was launched from the Kennedy Space Center. Its mission was to land on the moon and collect samples to bring back to Earth. However, only two days later, an actual explosion took place on board. It not only caused a loss of power, but it also caused both oxygen tanks to stop working. They radioed Mission Control right away and declared, "Houston, we've had a problem here." With limited oxygen, no heat, and little water, the crew knew they had to make a new plan quickly. Luckily, on April 17, all of the crew members landed safely back on Earth.

歷史上的今天 4月11日

在1970年的今天,阿波羅13號在一團火光及煙霧的爆發下從甘迺迪太空中心發射升空。它的任務是登陸月球並 採集樣本帶回地球。然而在短短兩天之後,太空船上卻發生了真正的爆炸。這不僅造成船上失去電力,還導致兩桶氧氣罐都無法運作。他們立即透過無線電向任務中 心宣布:『休士頓,我們這裡出問題了。』由於氧氣有限、沒有暖氣,且飲用水不足,機組人員知道他們必須趕快擬出新的計畫。所幸在4月17日,所有組員都平 安返回地球。


◎explosion n.爆炸
例:The gas leak led to an explosion.
◎launch vt.發射(太空船或飛彈等)
例:The satellite was successfully launched yesterday.(那顆人造衛星在昨天順利地發射升空。)
◎mission n.任務
◎declare vt.宣布;聲稱
◎crew n.全體機組人員(集合名詞,不可數)
a crew member 一名機組人員
a crew of 12 members 12名組員
= 12 crew members

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