
This Day in History April 5 歷史上的今天 4月5日…

There have been many basketball greats over the years that have set records and amazed fans with their skills. On this date in 1984, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar scored his 31,420th point during a game against the Utah Jazz, breaking the NBA's all-time scoring record. Over 18,000 fans were present to witness this special moment in basketball history. The man who had set the record before him was Wilt Chamberlain, also one of the NBA's all-time greats. Abdul-Jabbar still holds the NBA record for scoring with 38,387 points.

籃球界歷年來有著許多偉大球員,他們憑藉自身的籃球技巧,屢屢創下各種紀錄,風靡了所有球迷。在1984年的 這一天,卡林.阿布杜.賈霸在一場與猶他爵士隊交手的比賽中,投進了他的第3萬1420分,打破NBA史上所有總得分紀錄。現場湧進1萬8000多名球迷 見證這個籃球史上特別的一刻。在他之前創下紀錄的人是威爾特.張伯倫,他同樣也是NBA最偉大的球員之ㄧ。賈霸仍然以3萬8387分的成績保有NBA的總 得分紀錄。


賈霸是NBA史上最偉大的中鋒(center)之ㄧ,身高218公分的他以其獨門絕活-天鉤(sky hook)稱霸籃壇。他於1969年在選秀會(draft)中以第一輪第一順位之姿被密爾瓦基公鹿隊(Milwaukee Bucks)選走。為公鹿隊效力了6個球季(season)後於1975加入洛杉磯湖人隊(Los Angeles Lakers),就一直在紫金部隊打球到1989年退休為止。
他在職業生涯的20個球季中創下了NBA的多項第一,包括生涯總得分(3萬8387分)、總上場時間(5萬7446分鐘)、年度最有價值球員獲獎 次數(6次)、最多次入選明星隊(19次)等。


◎great n.(某一領域中的)偉大人物
◎set a/the record 創紀錄
例:In 2009, Joey Chestnut set the world record for eating 68 hot dogs in 12 minutes.
◎amaze vt.使驚奇,使驚訝
例:Hank amazed all of his friends by getting married to a girl he only knew for two weeks.
.amaze sb with/by...
以…… 使某人驚訝
◎score vt.(在運動、遊戲、比賽中)得(分)

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