
This Day in History April 2… 歷史上的今天 4月2日

Karol Jozef Wojtyla was loved by millions of people around the world. However, they didn’t know him by his given name. They knew him as Pope John Paul II, the head of the Catholic Church and Vatican City. Today in 2005, his 26 years of leadership ended when he died of heart failure. John Paul II had been the first non-Italian pope since the 1520s. He is given credit for many important achievements, such as having a part in stopping the spread of communism in Europe. Pope John Paul II’s caring and work brought him respect from Catholics and non-Catholics alike around the world.
卡羅爾.約澤夫.沃 伊蒂瓦受到全球數百萬人的愛戴,但他原本的名字並不為人熟知。他以身為天主教會和梵蒂岡的領袖--教宗若望.保祿二世(右圖,資料照片)--而廣為人知。 2005年的今天,他死於心臟衰竭,結束了26年的領導生涯。若望.保祿二世是自1520年代以來,首位非義大利籍的教宗。人們認為有許多重要的成就都要 歸功於他,像是發揮影響力遏止共產主義蔓延全歐洲等。教宗若望.保祿二世的愛心和事蹟,使得世界上的天主教徒及非天主教徒都非常尊敬他。


●Pope n.教宗
●head n.領袖
●Catholic a.天主教的& n.天主教徒
●die of... 死於……(疾病、飢餓、年老等)
died from... 死於……(意外事故、受傷等)
例:Many people in the area died of hunger.(那地區有許多人死於饑荒。)
●give sb credit for... 將……歸功於某人
例:Why does Betty always give you credit for the things that I do?(為什麼貝蒂總是將我做的事歸功給你呢?)
●achievement n.成就
●communism n.共產主義


當前任教宗去世,樞機團(College of Cardinals)會在西斯汀教堂(Cappella Sistina)投票選出新教宗,計票完後都會將選票燒毀。人們只要看見西斯汀教堂的煙囪冒出什麼顏色的煙,就可以知道投票有沒有結果。白煙代表已遴選出 新教宗;黑煙則表示本次尚未選出。而若望.保祿二世是羅馬天主教第264任教宗,他出生於波蘭,是第一位成為教宗的斯拉夫人。他自1978年10月16日 被選為教宗起,便前往他國進行訪問達102次,是歷史上出行最多的教宗。

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