
This Day in History April 26 歷史上的今天 4月26日…

Nuclear power was created as a new source of energy. It didn't create the same kind of pollution that other energy sources did. However, it was more dangerous in some ways. On this date in 1986, there was an accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant near the town of Pripyat in Ukraine. Part of the plant was totally destroyed and nuclear radiation was released into the atmosphere. People had to leave the areas closest to the plant. Also, large parts of Europe were affected. This is still the worst nuclear power plant disaster that has ever happened.
核能的製造是作為新能源之用,它並不會產生跟其它能源一樣的污 染。然而它在某些方面卻較為危險。在1986年的今天,鄰近烏克蘭普里皮亞特鎮的車諾比核電廠發生了一起意外。該發電廠的部分區域被完全摧毀,核子輻射也 外漏到大氣中。民眾必須離開最靠近發電廠的周遭地區。此外,歐洲有廣大地區也受到影響。這起事故仍是史上最嚴重的一場核電廠災難。


1986年4月26日凌晨1點23分,車諾比核電廠因設計不良加上人員不當操作等因素,引發蒸氣 爆炸,使得第4號反應爐(reactor)完全炸毀,造成多名人員及消防人員死亡。此外,這起事故也因大量的放射性(radioactive)物質逸散而 使烏克蘭、白俄羅斯及俄羅斯境內均受到嚴重核污染,成千上萬居民被迫撤離,而受輻射塵污染的雲層還隨風飄往其它地區,像是瑞典北部和芬蘭部分地區。事故發 生後,引起眾人對前蘇聯(Soviet Union)核能發電工業在安全上的顧慮,而暫緩一系列核能工程發展。


◎nuclear a.核能的,核子的
.nuclear power 核能,核電
◎pollution n.污染
例 Evidence suggests a link between asthma and air pollution.
(證 據顯示氣喘與空氣污染有關。)
◎totally adv.完全地,徹底地
例 The curtain totally blocked out the sunshine.
.block out.../block...out 擋住……
◎radiation n.輻射;輻射能
◎release vt.釋放
例The factory released poisonous gases into the air.
◎atmosphere n.大氣;大氣層
◎affect vt.影響
例 What my father told me affected me deeply.
(我爸爸對我說過的話深深影響了 我。)

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