
This Day in History June 28… 歷史上的今天 6月28日

On this date in 1969, the police raided the Stonewall Inn in New York City. At that time, gay people did not have equal rights. There was a lot of tension among governments, organizations, and the gay community. After the raid started, many people in the neighborhood came to see what was going on, became upset, and started rioting. This started the gay rights movement in the US. Exactly one year later, the first Gay Pride parades took place in Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York City.
1969年的今天, 警察臨檢了紐約市的石牆酒館。在當時,同性戀者並沒有跟一般人有同樣平等的權利。政府、各機構與同性戀團體之間的關係劍拔弩張。臨檢開始後,附近許多人都 前來圍觀一探究竟,進而變得憤恨不平而開始暴動。美國的同志平權運動就此展開。就在一年後,洛杉磯、芝加哥和紐約都舉行了首次的同志驕傲大遊行。


vt. & n.(警方)突然搜查;突襲
例 The pirates raided the village and robbed all the villagers of their valuables.
(海 盜突襲該村莊並搶走了村民所有的貴重物品。)
a. 男同性戀的
lesbian a.女同性戀的 & n.女同性戀者
a. 生氣的,不悅的
例 Amanda was very upset when she found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her.
vi. & n. 暴動

In Bangkok, many people rioted in In Bangkok, many people rioted in the streets and set fire to buildings.
(在曼谷,許多民眾在街頭暴 動並放火燒建築物。)
n. 遊行
例 That famous department store always sponsors a parade on Thanksgiving.


在石牆暴動事件發生前,美國警方對同性戀酒吧和夜總會的搜捕行動為家常便 飯。警方通常會將取締到的同志姓名提供給報社刊登於報紙上,對同性戀者相當地不尊重。當時的同性戀者普遍不敢面對自己的性向(sexual preference),飽受社會的歧視(discrimination)和為難,「石牆事件」就在矛盾與不斷受刺激中爆發。一年後,紀念石牆事件的大規 模遊行於各地舉行,爾後更進一步將6月定為同志驕傲月(Gay Pride Month)(圖為前天巴黎同志遊行,歐新社)。

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