
This Day in History June 12… 歷史上的今天 6月12日

Who hasn't heard of William Shakespeare? A lot of his characters, like Romeo and Juliet, are world famous. But do you know the Globe Theatre? It was the playhouse built and used by Shakespeare's theater company. Unfortunately, the original theater burned down during a fire in 1613. However, all was not lost. On this date in 1997, Queen Elizabeth II reopened the new Globe Theatre. It was built just a short distance from where the first one stood. The new theater was built to resemble the original.

有誰沒聽過威廉.莎 士比亞的大名呢?許多他筆下的角色,像是羅密歐與茱麗葉,可是全球知名。但你可知道環球劇場(大圖,網路 照片)?這是莎士比亞所屬劇團所建造的劇院,作為他們表演之用。遺憾的是,原先的劇場在1613年被一場大火燒毀。不過劇院並沒有因此就完全消失。 1997年的今日,女王伊莉莎白二世重新啟用新建的環球劇場,位置離原址並不遠。


人稱莎翁的威廉.莎士比亞(圖,資料照片)除了是出名的劇作家 (playwright)和詩人(poet)外,他也是名演員。他曾任職於1594年成立於伊莉莎白一世女皇的宮內大臣劇團(Lord Chamberlains Men),同時也是該劇團合夥人之一。伯爵亨利.凱里(Henry Carey)為第一代的贊助人,伯爵去世後,由他的兒子亨斯頓伯爵接手,曾一度短暫改名為亨斯頓劇團,直到1603年詹姆士國王上台,並出資贊助後,更名 為國王劇團(Kings Men)。


◎hear of... 聽說/知曉……
例:I am so happy to hear of your engagement.
◎character n.(小說、戲劇等)人物,角色
例:Do you know who the main character in that movie is?
◎unfortunately adv.遺憾地;不幸地
fortunately adv.幸運地
例:Eddie enjoyed working in this company. Unfortunately, he had to quit for personal reasons.
(艾迪喜歡在這家 公司工作。遺憾的是,他因為私人因素必須辭職。)
◎original a.原先的,最初的& n.原物,原件
例:Our original plan was changed at the last minute.

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