
This Day in History June 10

Artists are known for their masterpieces. Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa, Michelangelo sculpted the Statue of David, and Spanish architect Antonio Gaudi created La Sagrada Familia. This was not his only achievement, but it is the one most people remember him for. La Sagrada Familia is a huge Roman Catholic church in Barcelona, Spain. It is also one of the area's biggest tourist attractions. Gaudi started building it in 1883. He worked on it diligently until his death on this date in 1926. The pointed towers and detailed walls make it unforgettable. Even though construction has been ongoing, this church won't be fully finished until at least 2026.

歷史上的今天 6月10日…

藝術家們皆以他們的代表作而聞名。李奧納多.達文西畫了《蒙娜麗莎》,米開朗基羅雕刻出《大衛像》,而西班牙 建築師安東尼.高第則建造了聖家堂。聖家堂並非高第唯一的成就,但卻是大多數人因此記得他的作品。聖家堂是位於西班牙巴塞隆納的一座大型羅馬天主堂,也是當地最重要的旅遊景點之一。 高第於1883年開始建造這座教堂。他全心投注在這項工程上,直到他在1926年的今天過世為止。這座教堂的尖塔和精工細琢的牆面使它令人難忘。雖然該教 堂的建築工程仍持續進行中,但至少要到2026年才會全部完工。


高第畢生的心血都花在聖家堂(圖,資料照片)的設計上,聖家堂的全名為神 聖家族贖罪教堂,是世界上唯一一個尚未完工就被列為世界遺產(World Heritage)的建築物。聖家堂有3個門面,分別是「誕生門面」、「受難門面」和「榮耀門面」。每個門面建有4座鐘塔共計12座,分別代表耶穌的12 個門徒(the twelve apostles)。此外,建築中央另有6座高塔,其中4座代表聖經的4位福音作者(Evangelist)馬太(Matthew)、馬可(Mark)、 路加(Luke)和約翰(John),一座代表聖母瑪利亞(Virgin Mary),一座代表耶穌基督,整座教堂共有18座高塔。


◎masterpiece n. 代表作;傑作;名作
◎architect n. 建築師
◎tourist attraction n. 旅遊景點,觀光勝地
例:Taipei 101 is a major tourist attraction in Taiwan.(台北101是台灣主要的觀光景點。)
◎work on… 致力於……
例:The author has spent the last two years working on a book about healthy eating.(該作家過去兩年來都致力於撰寫一本關於健康飲食方面的書。)
◎diligently adv. 勤奮地
例:Hank studied diligently in order to earn the scholarship.(漢克為了拿到獎學金而用功念書。)

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