
This Day in History June 13

Change happens whether people like it or not. In 1517, Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses stated his opinion about what was wrong with the Catholic church. Then, Luther challenged the Catholic church even further. Luther was a priest, so he was not allowed to get married. However, on this date in 1525, Luther married Katherina von Bora, a former nun. Later, Luther translated the Bible into the language of the ordinary people. He wrote hymns to inspire people and started the tradition of singing during church services. Today, the people who follow the teachings of Martin Luther are called Lutherans.

歷史上的今天 6月13日…

不管人們喜歡與否,改變仍會發生。1517年,馬丁.路德(圖)發表了《九十五條論綱》,陳述他對當時存在於天主教教派中一些問題的意見。之後,他更進 一步挑戰天主教教會。馬丁.路德是一名神父,因此他並不可以結婚。然而在1525年的今日,路德娶了曾經是修女的凱慈琳.馮波拉。後來路德還將聖經翻譯成 一般人使用的語言。他還寫聖歌激勵大眾,因而開始了做禮拜時唱聖歌的傳統。如今,遵循馬丁.路德教義的人被統稱 為路德教徒。


◎whether...or not 是否……
例:Whether Judy goes to the movies or not depends on her schedule.(茱蒂會不會去看電影得視她的行程而定。)
◎be allowed to V 被允許(做)……
例:The students at this school are not allowed to wear street clothes to class.(該校的學生不准穿便服去上課。)
◎translate A into B 將A翻譯成B
例:David is translating the English book into a Chinese version.(大衛正在把這本英文書翻成中譯文。)
◎teachings n. 教義(恆用複數)
例:That religious leader's teachings have influenced many people.(那名宗教領袖的教義影響了許多人。)

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