
This Day in History June 15… 歷史上的今天 6月15日…

On this date in 1994, the hearts of people around the world were captured by images of Africa. This was not due to a documentary about the lives of real animals. Actually, the world fell in love with Disney's animated movie . The movie is about a young lion that runs away from home but later returns to rescue his family. Created by Elton John, Tim Rice, and Hans Zimmer, the soundtrack won an Academy Award. earned more money than any other traditionally animated film. On top of that, it became a Broadway musical.

在1994年的今 天,世人的心都被非洲的景象給擄獲了。這並不是因為關於真實動物生活的紀錄片。事實上,全世界都愛上了迪士尼製作的動畫電影《獅子王》。這部電影描述一隻年輕的獅子離家後又返鄉拯救家人的故事。本 片的配樂由艾爾頓.強、提姆.萊斯與漢斯.季默共同製作,並贏得了奧斯卡獎。《獅子王》的獲利比其它傳統動畫電影都來得多。除此之外,它還成為一部百老匯 音樂劇。


《獅子王》(圖,資料照片)為華特迪士尼影業(Walt Disney Pictures)的第32部動畫長片,該片從莎士比亞的《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)取得靈感,運用當時先進的動畫技術,再搭配宏偉的交響樂 (symphony),並且融合非洲當地原始音樂。片中歌曲榮獲了奧斯卡最佳原著音樂(Best Music, Original Score)和最佳電影主題曲(Best Music, Original Song)。而根據電影改編的《獅子王》音樂劇於1997年7月首演,自10月起開始常駐於美國百老匯公演後便大獲好評,並於當年獲得11項東尼獎 (Tony Award)提名,其中得到包括最佳音樂和最佳導演在內的6大獎項。


◎capture vt. 吸引(注意等);捕獲
例:Gary tried hard to capture the hearts of his girlfriend's parents.
◎be due to + N/V-ing 由於……,起因於……
例:Henry's health problems are due to a lack of sleep.(亨利的健康問題起因於睡眠不足。)
◎actually adv. 事實上;其實
例:That mean-looking dog is actually harmless.(那隻看起來很兇的狗其實是不會傷人的。)
◎animated a. 動畫的
◎on top of... 除……之外
例:On top of the history report, I have to finish my math homework.(除了歷史報告外,我還必須完成數學作業。)

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