
This Day in History March 25… 歷史上的今天 3月25日

The Olympic Games are a source of pride for all countries who join them. On this date in 1896, the first modern Olympic Games started in Athens, Greece. The Games were inspired by the original Olympic Games held in ancient Greece. Fourteen countries joined these first modern Games, which were all held during the summer and included events like cycling, swimming, and gymnastics. All together, there were 43 events and 241 athletes. The Olympic Games have changed over time, but they still celebrate the pride of countries around the world.

奧林匹克運動會的所 有與會國都以參加這項賽事為榮。在1896年的今天,現代奧運在希臘的雅典首辦。這個賽事之所以開辦,是受到最初在古希臘舉行的奧運所啟發。第一屆現代奧 運有14個國家共襄盛舉,所有賽事全都在夏季舉行,包 括像是自行車、游泳及體操等項目。合計有43項比 賽及241位運動員參加。雖然奧運隨著時光而有所改變,但這項盛事仍頌揚著世界各國的驕傲。


◎pride n.自豪,驕傲
take pride in... 對……感到自豪,以……為傲
例:Mr. Lin takes pride in his children's achievements.(林先生以他孩子的成就為榮。)
◎inspire vt.啟發;鼓舞
be inspired by... 受到……啟發;受到……鼓舞
例:The painting was inspired by my visit to Hawaii.(這幅畫的靈感源自於我的夏威夷之旅。)
◎original a.最初的,原本的
例:The new model is far better than the original one.(新機型比起原本的要好很多。)
◎ancient a.古代的,古老的
例:People in ancient times couldn't have imagined the existence of the Internet.(古代人絕對想像不到之後會有網路的存在。)
◎include vt.包括


文章中所提現代奧運首辦的3月25日,是據當時希臘使用儒略曆法 (Julian calendar),換算成現今使用的西曆則為4月6日。奧運起源可從古希臘文化背景探索起。古希臘人會在祭壇前向神靈奉獻最精湛的技藝(圖,資料照 片),顯示軀體和精神健美,後來逐漸形成賽會活動。當時祭祀神明最主要的四大集會活動有 奧林匹克競技會(Olympic Games)、皮西安競技會(Pythian Games)、依斯米安競技會(Isthmian Games)及尼米安競技會(Nemean Games)。古希臘祭祀神明的四大集會活動,形成每年在不同地點舉行的傳統,剛好4年輪到一次,輪到奧林匹克競技會時,規模特別盛大,形成奧林匹克運動 會4年舉辦一次的由來。

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