
This Day in History March 10

It is hard to imagine life without a telephone. The first telephone call was made in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell. Bell had been working on his telephone for a long time. He used ideas from other inventors to make his telephone better than anyone else's. The secret was using vibrations in sound waves. The message Bell sent was to his assistant, Thomas Watson. Watson was sitting in a different room when he heard through the machine, "Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you."

歷史上的今天 3月10日…

我們很難想像沒有電話的生活。 第一通電話是在1876年由亞歷山大・格雷翰・貝爾(圖中,網路照片)所撥出去的。貝爾有很長一段時間致力於發明電話。他採用了其他發明家的點子,讓他的 電話比其他任何人所發明的電話都還要好。其中的秘密就是使用聲波的振動。當時貝爾傳送的訊息是給他的助理湯瑪斯・華生。華生那時正坐在不同的房間內,便聽 到機器傳來「華生先生請過來,我想見你。」


2002 年6月15日,美國國會決議電話的發明人為移民到美國的義大利人安東尼奧・穆齊(Antonio Meucci),而非世人所認為的貝爾。據說因為穆齊是一位窮困的發明家,他的妻子臥病在床,所以他發明了這台機器,好讓他在工作時可以和妻子保持聯絡, 但他在1871年欲申請專利(patent)時,卻因為未繳交專利費而遭到退回,而讓貝爾搶先取得了專利權。


例:Little Billy often imagines there are monsters hiding under his bed.(小比利經常幻想有怪物躲在他的床下。)
◎make a telephone/phone call
例:I have to make a phone call to tell James where we are now.(我得打個電話告訴詹姆士我們現在人在哪兒。)
◎work on...
例:Eddie is working on improving his English and hopes he can study abroad next year.(艾迪正致力加強英文,希望明年能出國念書。)
例:When the earthquake hit, I hardly felt any vibrations on the bus.(地震發生時,我在公車上幾乎感受不到震動。)
n. 助理(常與介詞 to並用)
例:Molly is the assistant to the CEO of this company.(茉莉是這家公司執行長的助理。)
˙be different from...和……不同
例:Kelly's personality is different from her sister's. She is shy, while her sister is quite outgoing.(凱莉的個性和她姊姊不同。她很害羞,而她姊姊則相當外向。)

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