
This Day in History March 1… 歷史上的今天 3月1日

On March 1, 1872, a beautiful area in the US called Yellowstone was established as a national park. It was the first national park in the world. Yellowstone is located mostly in the state of Wyoming. It was chosen because of its wildlife, such as bison and wolves. It also has beautiful forests and grasslands. However, it is most famous for Old Faithful, a geyser that always erupts at regular intervals every day. The day Yellowstone became a national park is important not only historically but also environmentally.

在 1872年的3月1日這天,美國有個名為黃石的美麗地區被設為國家公園。這是全球第一座國家公園。黃石國家公園絕大部分都座落在懷俄明州境內。這個地區之 所以雀屏中選是因為其境內的野生動物,像是北美野牛及野狼等。它還擁有秀麗的森林及草原。然而,此地最有名的還是老忠實噴泉,這是一座每天噴發的時間間隔 都很固定的間歇性噴泉。黃石國家公園境內也有許多歷史建築。黃石成為國家公園的這一天,不管對歷史或是對自然環境都是很重要的一刻。


vt. 設立╱建立(= set up...)
例:The institute was established to help earthquake victims rebuild their homes.(那個機構的設立是要幫助地震災民重建家園。)
˙institute n. 機構
◎be located in 大地方/at 小地方
例:The department store is located in the center of town.(那家百貨公司位在市中心。)
n. 美洲野牛(單複數同形)
n. 草原
◎be famous for...
例:This region in France is famous for its red wine.(法國的這個地區以其紅酒而聞名。)
˙be famous as+身分
例:Jason is famous as a sculptor.(傑生是一位出名的雕刻家。)
a. 忠實的╱忠誠的(常與 to 並用)


風 景怡人的黃石國家公園不但是欣賞大自然之美的好去處,同時也是活生生的地理教室。公園當中的許多溫泉(hot spring)及間歇泉(geyser)每年都會吸引數百萬名遊客前來。不過隱藏在這片壯麗景色的背後,卻是大自然最可怕的力量之一──火山爆發 (volcanic eruption)。在距今約兩百萬年前的一次爆發中,甚至造就了一個直徑約50公里的火山口(crater)。電影《2012》中呈現出來的畫面,或許 不及實際噴發景象的萬分之一呢!

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