
This Day in History March 11…歷史上的今天 3月11日…

According to Shakespeare, today is an important date in history. In his famous play Romeo and Juliet, the two lovers run away to get married on March 11. This was kept secret because their families were enemies and would never allow them to be together. Unfortunately, this wedding was not the start of a beautiful love story. It was near the end of one. Not long after they were married, Romeo and Juliet died tragically. Even so, they are still talked about today as an example of true love.

根 據莎士比亞,今天是歷史上很重要的一天。在他著名的戲劇《羅密歐與茱麗葉》中,這對愛侶在3月11日這天私奔結為連理。這件事是個秘密,因為他們雙方的家 族是世仇,所以絕對不會允許兩人在一起。但不幸的是,這場婚禮並不是一段美麗愛情故事的開始。反而是接近故事的尾聲。羅密歐與茱麗葉在婚後不久就悲劇性地 離開人世。即便如此,他們倆的故事仍被當作是真愛的典範,至今依然為人傳頌。


但 羅密歐為報好友被殺之仇,竟將茱麗葉的堂哥殺死,結果被判驅逐出境。羅倫斯神父便要茱麗葉服下假死的毒藥(poison),等到羅密歐回來,就可以帶她遠 走高飛。不過事與願違,羅密歐沒有得知這個消息,以為茱麗葉已死而服毒自盡,結果茱麗葉醒來後看到心愛的羅密歐死去,也跟著自殺(commit suicide),兩家的仇恨卻也因兩人之死而化解。


◎according to…
例:According to Mark, the general manager is going to retire next month.(根據馬克所說,總經理將於下個月退休。)
◎get/be married
˙get/be married to sb = marry sb  與某人結婚
例:Steve got married to his first girlfriend when he was only 18.(史提夫年僅18歲時就和初戀女友結了婚。)
◎be kept secret
˙keep ...secret 將……保密
例:The army planned to keep this new weapon secret.(軍方打算把這種新武器列為機密。)
n. 仇敵,敵人
◎Even so, S + V

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