
This Day in History March 2… 歷史上的今天 3月2日

Wilt Chamberlain played basketball for the NBA for 14 years. Today, he is still thought of as one of the best basketball players to ever play the game. In fact, on March 2, 1962, he really showed how good his skills were. At that time, Chamberlain played for the Philadelphia Warriors. During a game against the New York Knicks, Chamberlain scored 100 points. This is still the NBA record for the most points scored in one game. Chamberlain went on to set many more NBA records, and a lot of them have yet to be broken.

威 爾特.張伯倫在NBA打球打了14年。時至今日,他仍被公認是史上打球最棒的籃球員之一。事實上,在1962年的3月2日這一天,他真正展現了他的球技有 多厲害。當時張伯倫為費城勇士隊效力。在一場與紐約尼克隊的比賽中,張伯倫拿下了整整100分。這仍是NBA史上單場比賽得分最高的紀錄。張伯倫接著還創 下了多項NBA紀錄,其中許多紀錄至今仍沒人能打破。


●be thought of as...
= be looked upon as...
= be regarded as...
例:Houdini was thought of as a great magician.(胡迪尼被視為一位偉大的魔術師。)
vt.(在運動、遊戲、比賽中)得(分)& n. 分數
score a point/goal/run 得一分
例:How many points has the player scored so far this season?(到目前為止,那名球員在這個賽季中已經得了幾分?)
●record n.紀錄
例:The Jamaican runner set a new world record in the 100- meter dash.(這名牙買加籍選手在百米短跑賽中創下一項新的世界紀錄。)
例:So far, no one has broken Terry record.(截至目前為止,還沒有人能破泰瑞的紀錄。)
●have yet to V 尚未……
例:Bill has yet to tell me the reason why he was late.
= Bill hasn told me the reason why he was late yet.(比爾尚未告訴我他遲到的理由。)


威爾特.張伯倫 出生於1936年8月21日,身高216公分,位置是中鋒(center),1959年從堪薩斯大學畢業後,便先後為費城勇士(現金州 勇士)、費城76人及洛杉磯湖人隊效力。菜鳥球季(rookie season)便以37.6分的平均得分拿下得分王榮銜的他,在其籃球生涯裡屢屢創下NBA(National Basketball Association,美國職業籃球聯盟)的歷史紀錄,堪稱NBA的傳奇球星。在 1978年,他也入選了美國籃球名人堂。此外,由於他在場上的攻守能力實在是太出色,聯盟還不得不為他設下限制,包括擴大球場的禁區範圍、改變罰球的規則等等呢。

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