
This Day in History August 3歷史上的今天 8月3日…

"In fourteen hundred ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue." This nursery rhyme is about an important event in history. On this date in 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail from the port of Palos, Spain. Columbus was an Italian explorer who wanted to find a western route to China. At that time, spices from Asia were very important, and there were stories that gold could easily be found there as well. Columbus took three ships, the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria on his voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. As we all know today, what Columbus found on the other side of the ocean was not Asia. It was the Americas.

歷史上的今天 8月3日…

「在 1492年,哥倫布航遍了蔚藍大海。」這句童詩是關於歷史上的一件重要大事。在1492年的今天,克里斯多福.哥倫布從西班牙的帕拉斯港啟航遠征。哥倫布 是一位義大利探險家,他想尋找一條可以通往中國的西行航線。在當時,來自亞洲的香料可說是非常重要,而且關於亞洲遍地是黃金的故事也廣為流傳。哥倫布率領了3艘船艦來進行橫渡大西洋的遠航壯舉,它們分別是尼尼亞號、平塔號以及聖瑪利亞號。正如同我們今日所知,哥倫布在大海另一端所找到的不是亞洲,而是美洲。


哥倫布(圖,翻攝網路) 生於西班牙的一個勞工階級(labor class)家庭,從小便熱愛航海。當他企圖進行出海西行至中國和印度的計劃、而向歐洲各國尋求協助時,由於當時人們仍普遍認為地球是平的,因此屢遭拒 絕。在此同時,歐洲國家極需要東南亞的香料和黃金,但是可以通往亞洲的東向陸路卻為鄂圖曼土耳其帝國(Ottoman Empire)所阻,而海路則要經過常有暴風肆虐的好望角(Cape of Good Hope),因此歐洲的君主開始改變以往的想法。哥倫布在到處遊說了十幾年後,於1492年,終於得到西班牙女王伊莎貝拉一世(Isabella I of Castile)的資助。


vt. & vi. 航行;駕駛(船隻)& n. 船帆
例:As the ship sailed past, we waved to everyone on deck.(當那艘船航行經過時,我們向甲板上所有人揮手。)
◎nursery rhyme
n. 童詩;兒歌
n. 探險家
n. 路線
例:There are several possible routes to the office from my house.(從我家到辦公室有好幾條路線。)
◎...as well
例:We're going swimming this afternoon. Why don't you come as well?(我們下午要去游泳。你何不一起來?)
◎the Atlantic Ocean
n. 大西洋

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