
This Day in History August 25… 歷史上的今天8月25日

Just call him "Bond, James Bond." The man who made this one of the most famous lines in movie history is none other than Sean Connery. Born on this date in 1930, Connery came out of a working class background to make a name for himself in the world of acting. Connery starred in a total of seven James Bond films as well as countless other blockbusters, including The Hunt for Red October and The Rock. In 1987, he won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in The Untouchables. In 2000, he was knighted by the Queen of England. Now, instead of calling him Bond, he is Sir Sean Connery.


史恩.康納萊(圖,資料照片)原名湯瑪士.史恩.康納萊(Thomas Sean Connery),出生於蘇格蘭首府愛丁堡(Edinburgh),小時候家裡十分貧窮,所以他13歲時就輟學(drop out of school)開始謀生。他16歲時進入皇家海軍(the Royal Navy)服役,但因為罹患嚴重的十二指腸潰瘍(ulcers),所以從軍不到3年就被迫退伍。因為學歷太低,所以康納萊找不到理想的工作,直到1961 年英國電影界打算開拍007情報員的系列電影,身材高大、體格健壯的康納萊獲得演出詹姆士.龐德一角的機會,結果大受歡迎,之後又接演了6部該系列的電 影,奠定其巨星地位。近年來,這位被英國女王受封為爵士的男星開始熱衷於政治,積極參與蘇格蘭公民投票脫離英國的活動,令英國當局相當不悅。


◎be none other than...
例:The general manager of that company is none other than the founders daughter.
a. 無數的,數不清的
例:Reckless driving results in countless deaths each year.
n. 賣座電影
& a. 管不得的;批評不得的
例:The head of the gang was untouchable because he had the local police in his back pocket.
vt. 封……為爵士 & n. 騎士

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