
This Day in History August 27 歷史上的今天 8月27日

It all came about from the question, "What was Europe's fastest game bird?" This question was asked by Sir Hugh Beaver, the managing director of the Guinness Brewery, in 1951. Since nobody could give him a definite answer, Beaver got the idea to create a book with useful superlative facts and answers. On this date in 1955, The Guinness Book of Records was first published in the UK. By Christmas of that year, it had become the number one best-seller in Britain. Since then, the book has been renamed Guinness World Records, has been translated into 26 languages, and has sold over 115 million copies worldwide. Now that's one for the record books.
這一切都源自於一個問題:「歐洲速度最快的獵鳥是哪一種?」而這個問題是健力士啤酒釀造廠的執行長休.比弗爵士在1951年所提出的。因為沒有人能夠給他一個明確的答案,比弗爵士便有了一個想法要出一本書,關於各式世界之 最的事實和答案。1955年的今日,《金氏紀錄大全》首次在英國發行。到了同年的聖誕節,這本書已成為英國暢銷書排行榜上的冠軍。自此之後,這本書更名為 《金氏世界紀錄大全》,並翻譯成26種語言,全球銷量達1億 1500萬本。而這個銷售數字也被列入《金氏世界紀錄大全》之中。


★come about 發生
例:Does anyone have any idea how this accident came about?(有人知道這起意外是怎麼發生的嗎?)
★game bird n.獵鳥;獵禽
★brewery n.啤酒廠;釀造廠
★definite a.明確的,確切的
★superlative a.最高的;最好的
★publish vt.出版,發行
例:Our company publishes magazines and books.(本公司出版雜誌及叢書。)
★best-seller n.暢銷書,暢銷品
★rename vt.為……重新命名
例:St. Petersburg was renamed Leningrad in honor of Lenin.(為了紀念列寧,聖彼德堡被重新命名為列寧格勒。)
★translate vt.翻譯
★translate A into B 將A翻譯成


休.比弗爵士在愛爾蘭打獵時,與同行友人爭執究竟是金斑行鳥 (golden plover)還是松雞(亦稱威雀,grouse)才是全歐洲飛得最快的獵鳥,由於苦無答案,他興起編寫關於世界之最書籍的念頭。透過健力士啤酒釀造廠的 員工克里斯多福.查特威(Christopher Chataway)介紹,請來一對經營事實調查公司的孿生兄弟(twin brothers)諾里斯.麥特沃(Norris McWhirter,圖,資料照片)和羅斯·麥克沃特(Ross McWhirter),共同集結編撰《金氏世界紀錄大全》。

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