
This Day in History August 24 歷史上的今天 8月24日

The whole world got its first taste of the power of atomic bombs at the end of World War II. After that, the race to be armed with nuclear weapons was on, and France was not going to be left behind. By the early 1960s, France had already tested nuclear weapons underground, but things didn't stop there. On this date in 1968, France detonated a powerful 2.6-megaton hydrogen bomb over a tiny island in the South Pacific. Known as Operation Canopus, this was the largest nuclear weapon that France would ever set off. The success of this test made it the fifth nation in the world to become a nuclear power.
第二次世界大戰接近尾聲時,全世界頭一次體驗到 原子彈的威力。之後,一場核武的軍備競賽就此展開,而法國也不落人後。1960年代初期,法國已在地底測試過核子武器,但事情並沒有到此結束。1968年 的今日,法國在南太平洋的某個小島上引爆了一顆260萬噸、威力強大的氫彈。這次事件稱為「Canopus行動」,是法國所引爆過威力最強大的核子武器。 此次試爆成功也使得法國成為世上第五個擁有核子武器的強權。


★atomic bomb n. 原子彈
★be armed with... 用……武器裝備;備有……
例:The police officer was armed with two pistols.(那名警察身上佩有兩把手槍。)
★detonate vt. 引爆,使爆炸
例:The soldier tripped on the wire and detonated a landmine.(那名士兵踩到纜線而引爆了一顆地雷。)
★megaton n. 百萬噸級(氫彈或原子彈爆炸力的計算單位)
★hydrogen n. 氫
★operation n.(計劃好的整個)行動
例:Many volunteers went to earthquake-stricken areas to help with rescue operations.(許多志工紛紛前往地震災區協助救難行動。)


自從有了核子武器(nuclear weapons),世界的敵對強權就進入了「相互保證毀滅」(mutual assured destruction,縮寫為 MAD,mad 亦表「瘋狂的」)的時代,這是一種軍事戰略思想,指對立的兩方中,如果有一方全面使用核子武器,則兩方都會被毀滅,因受到攻擊的一方無論如何都會以同樣或 更強的武力還擊;不過採用此策略的好處就是雙方都會因害怕被毀滅,而維持一種緊張但穩定的和平關係。目前世界上共有8個國家公開承認擁有核子武器,分別是 美國、俄羅斯、法國(圖為法國核試爆產生的蕈狀雲,資料照片)、英國、中國、印度、巴基斯坦及北韓。

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