
This Day in History August 19… 歷史上的今天 8月19日

Before there was Chanel, there was just Coco. Born Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel on this date in 1883, Coco would eventually become a fashion icon. She lived in a small French town until the age of 12, when her mother died and her father left. Coco spent the next six years in an orphanage, where she learned to sew. At 18, she tried to be a professional singer but failed to get steady work. She started designing hats and soon had her own boutique in Paris. From there, Coco pioneered many fashion trends of the 20th century and founded her world-renowned fashion brand, Chanel.
在香奈兒這個名號大 紅大紫之前,可可只是一般人而已。原名嘉布麗葉兒.波納.香奈兒的可可於1883年的今日誕生,爾後更成為時尚界的指標性人物。可可到12歲之前都住在法 國一個小鎮上,直到那一年她母親去世、父親出走。接下來的6年,可可都住在孤兒院裡,並在那裡學會了縫紉。18歲那年,她嘗試當一名職業歌手,卻沒能得到 穩定的工作。後來她開始設計帽子,並且很快就在巴黎開了一間自己的精品店。從這間店,可可開始引領許多20世紀的時尚潮流,並創立世界聞名的時尚品牌─香奈兒。


●orphanage n.孤兒院
●sew vi.&vt.縫紉,縫補
例:My mom taught me how to sew buttons onto shirts.(我媽教我如何把釦子縫在襯衫上。)
●steady a.穩定的,固定的
例:Sandra and Sean have been in a steady relationship for the past 10 years and plan on getting married next month.(珊卓和尚恩穩定交往了10年之久,因此計劃在下個月結婚。)
●boutique n.精品店
●found vt.創立;開設
例:The hospital was founded by a priest 10 years ago.(這間醫院於10年前由一位牧師所創辦。)


可可.香奈兒(圖,資料照片)是引領世界潮流的法國時裝設計師 (fashion designer),她於1920年代推出的經典小黑裙舉世聞名,其設計簡單大方,其多功能的用途更使它同時適用於白天和夜晚,轉換的關鍵就是飾品 (accessories)的搭配。儘管黑裙在香奈兒之前就有,然而她設計的小黑裙兼顧了時尚和舒適。1923年,她在《哈潑》(Harper’s Bazaar)雜誌上發表評論:「簡單就是所有真正優雅的基調。香奈兒的設計永遠保持簡單和舒適的風格。」而她對高級訂製女裝(couture)的影響也讓她被《時代雜誌》(Time)評選為20世紀百大最具影響力的人物之一。

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