
This Day in History July 5… 歷史上的今天 7月5日

Have you ever dreamed about having another you? Wouldn't it be nice to have someone do your chores or go to work for you so you could relax all day? Well, on this date in 1996, someone made this dream come true. Interestingly, though, that someone was a sheep. Today is the birthday of Dolly the sheep. She was the first mammal to be successfully cloned from an adult sheep cell. Dolly was cloned at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland. Both BBC News and Scientific America called Dolly "the world's most famous sheep." This was no surprise because the success of her cloning brought issues about the whole process to light.
你曾經夢想過擁有另 一個你嗎?如果有人能幫你做家事或是代替你去上班,好讓你可以整天放鬆休息,是不是很棒的一件事?在1996 年的今天,某人讓這個夢想成真了。不過有趣的是,這個某人是一隻羊。今天是桃莉羊 的誕生日,她是第一隻由成年綿羊細胞所成功複製出來的哺乳動物。桃莉是在蘇格蘭愛丁堡的羅斯林研究所被複製出來的。英國廣播公司新聞節目和《科學人雜誌》 都稱桃莉為「世界上最知名的羊」。這並不令人驚訝,因為桃莉的複 製成功將整個與過程相關的各種議題都攤在世人面前。


桃莉(圖,資料照片)可說是有史以來最出名的一頭羊,不論生與死都受到全球注目。桃莉在1996年7月5日出生的 半年後,羅斯林研究所才正式公開這項消息,引起全球震驚。2003年2月14日,桃莉因罹患嚴重肺病與關節炎(arthritis)而被施以安樂死 (euthanasia),得年6歲又7個多月,平均壽命低於一般羊隻的一半。這段時間以來,生物科技(biotechnology)被提升至另一個境 界,且讓複製生物從此成為爭議話題,例如全球陸續複製出綿羊、老鼠、牛、山羊和豬等哺乳動物,但是當中許多案例都不成功,例如2001年9月1日,台灣的第一頭複製牛出生時就眼盲,而且只活 了6天。


例:Since Dolly the sheep, other animals have been cloned, including cows and mice.
例:Many superstitions actually have scientific explanations behind them.
◎bring...to light
例:The reporter brought the president's political scandal to light.
例:he TV program covered the process of rebuilding an old church.

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