
This Day in History July 20… 歷史上的今天 7月20日

Bruce Lee made martial arts famous. He was a well-known actor that created his own style of martial arts called Jeet Kune Do. Lee thought that everyone should be able to learn martial arts, which went against the norm at the time. Lee's family was originally from Hong Kong. When he was 18, he moved to the US, where he got involved in movies and TV. Some of his most famous films were The Big Boss, Fist of Fury, and Enter the Dragon. On this date in 1973, Bruce Lee died. A lot of mystery surrounded his death because it was not easy to explain how he died. Today, Lee is still a cultural icon loved by movie and martial arts fans of all ages.
李小龍讓武術名聞遐 邇。他是一位頗負盛名的演員,而且還創立一種叫做截拳道的獨門武術。李小龍認為每個人都應該能夠學習武術,但這在當時卻有反常規。李氏家族原本來自香港。 他18歲的時候搬到美國,並在那裡參與電影及電視演出。他最著名的一些電影包 括《唐山大兄》、《精武門》以及《龍爭虎鬥》。在1973年的今天,李小龍去世了。由於他的死因很難解釋,因此他的去世也籠罩在一團迷霧之中。時至今日, 李小龍仍是廣受各個年齡層影迷及武術迷所喜愛的文化代表性人物。


●martial art n. 武術(常用複數)
●well-known a. 知名的,眾所皆知的
例:Kenting National Park is a well-known scenic spot in southern Taiwan.
●go against... 違背……;與……不符
例:Cheating on her spouse goes against Lisa’s morals.
●originally adv. 最初,原先
例: I originally planned to study abroad after graduation, but then I changed my mind.
(我原先計畫畢業後要出國深造,但後來改變了主 意。)
●fist n. 拳,拳頭
●fury n. 狂怒,盛怒


李小龍原名李振藩,1940年出生於美國舊金山(San Francisco),小時候就跟隨父母返回香港。1970年,李小龍在香港拍攝《唐山大兄》,當時粵語片正陷於低潮,而且幾乎停產;但他憑藉著一身好武 藝與個人銀幕魅力,在70年代初期掀起一股電影熱潮,將觀眾拉回了戲院。而《龍爭虎鬥》則為李小龍的巔峰之作,是打鬥場面最大、使用武器最多以及系列中最 賣座的一部。在片中比武時,李小龍也展現出少林齊眉棍、菲律賓短棍、雙節棍(圖,網路照片)(nunchucks)等各種不同的絕技。

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