
This Day in History July 30… 歷史上的今天 7月30日

The first FIFA World Cup was held in Montevideo, Uruguay. It started on July 13 and ended on this date in 1930. The tournament was created because soccer would not be included in the 1932 Summer Olympics. Thirteen teams from North America, South America, and Europe played in the first World Cup. Argentina, Yugoslavia, Uruguay, and the US were the best in their respective groups and advanced to the semifinals. In the final game, Uruguay beat Argentina four goals to two. Around 93,000 people watched from the stands as Uruguay became the first-ever World Cup Champion.
第一屆世界盃足球賽 在烏拉圭的蒙特維多舉行,賽事從1930年的7月13日開始,於當年的今天結束。這項錦標賽之所以創立是因為足球並沒有被納入1932年的夏季奧運會。來 自北美洲、南美洲及歐洲的13支球隊參與了首屆的世足賽。阿根廷、南斯拉夫、烏拉圭和美國分別是他們各個組別中戰績最好的隊伍,因此都晉級進入準決賽。在 決賽當中,烏拉圭以4比2打敗了阿根廷,當時觀眾台上有9萬3000人見證烏拉圭成為第一屆世界盃足球賽的冠軍。


●tournament n.錦標賽;比賽;聯賽
●include vt.包括,包含
例:Typical symptoms of the flu include a fever and cough.(流感的典型症狀包括發燒及咳嗽。)
●respective a.個別的,各自的
respectively a.個別地,各自地
例:We waved goodbye and went our respective ways after the party.(派對結束後,我們就揮手道別,然後各自回家。)
●advance vi.晉升;進步
例:Computer technology has advanced greatly in recent years.(電腦科技近幾年來發展神速。)
●semifinal n.準決賽
●beat vt.擊敗,勝過;打,擊


國際足球總會(FIFA,為法文Federation Internationale de Football Association的縮寫,英文為The International Federation of Association Football)選擇由烏拉圭擔任主辦國的原因是為了慶祝該國獨立100周年,以及烏拉圭國家足球隊奪得1928年的夏季奧運會金牌(gold medal)。第一屆世界盃足球賽是唯一沒有資格賽(qualification)的賽事,而且缺乏歐洲球隊,原因是旅程的成本過高和賽期過長。後來因為 當時國際足總主席的介入,才成功邀請到4隊歐洲球隊參賽。(圖為本屆世界盃總冠軍賽,西班牙國家隊奪冠情形。)

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